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Station metadata
Code sisa
Country Mexico
Location Sisal
Status Operational
Status description Lacks autonomous transmission. Data retrieved through remote interrogation, from Monday to Friday by an operator during the morning. Hopefully this year (2021) it will be possible to modernize the transmission system (Octavio Gómez Ramos, 2021-04-14)
Added to the system 2016-12-07 21:02:25
Local Contact Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México ( Mexico )
Long-term MSL data
Latitude 21.1616667
Longitude -90.0483333
Connection FTP box
Transmit interval (min) 1440
Sensor 1
Type of sensorrad (radar)
Sampling rate (min)1
Units of measurem
    Performance statistics
Last data measured at2024-04-26 15:27:00
Last data received at2024-04-26 16:27:50
Measurements received in 24h
Measurements expected
Performance ratio
Period SignalsData

7 days
30 days
Remove outliers
Remove spikes
Relative levels = signal - median over selected period
Absolute levels = as received
Offset signals = relative levels + offset
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