SSC ID | Station Name | Country | Latitude | Longitude | IOC code | PTWC code | GLOSS ID | UHSLC ID | PSMSL ID | SONEL GPS | SONEL TG | Details | Edit |
SSC-aarh | Aarhus | Denmark | 56.15 | 10.22 | 76 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-aasi | Aasiaat | Greenland | 68.72 | -52.88 | 1900 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-abas | Abashiri | Japan | 44.02 | 144.28 | abas | abas | 327 | 347 | 1104 | 797 | 2107 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-abbo | Abbot Point | Australia | -19.85 | 148.12 | 1652, 1656 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-abed | Aberdeen | United Kingdom | 57.14 | -2.08 | abed | 21, 361 | 617 | 2185, 2735 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-aber | Aberdeen Point | Sierra Leone | 8.5 | -13.23 | 298 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-abid | Abidjan | Ivory Coast | 5.25 | -4 | 257 | 230 | 1313, 1558 | 2882 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-abua | Abu Ali Pier | Saudi Arabia | 27.3 | 49.65 | 1510 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-abur | Aburatsu | Japan | 31.58 | 131.41 | abur | abur | 82 | 354 | 814 | 806 | 2209 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-aburr | Aburatsubo | Japan | 35.16 | 139.62 | 130 | 779 | 2210 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-abus | Abu Safah | Saudi Arabia | 26.95 | 50.5 | 1688 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-acaj | Acajutla | El Salvador | 13.57 | -89.84 | acaj | acaj | 182 | 82 | 1011, 1302 | 2859 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-acap | Acapulco | Mexico | 16.83 | -99.92 | acap, acap2, acya | acap, acya | 267 | 316 | 686 | 2279 | 2280 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-accr | Accra | Ghana | 5.53 | -0.2 | 242 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-acnj | Atlantic City | United States | 39.36 | -74.42 | acnj, acnj2 | acnj | 220 | 264 | 180 | 2923 | 2876 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-adak | Adak | United States | 51.86 | -176.63 | adak, adak2 | adak | 302 | 40 | 487 | 2667 | 2666 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-aden | Aden | Yemen | 12.79 | 44.97 | aden | aden | 3 | 172 | 44 | 2790 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-agal | Agalega | Mauritius | -10.35 | 56.59 | agal | agal | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-agua | Aguadilla | United States | 18.45 | -67.17 | agua, agua2 | agua | 263 | 2121 | 3039, 3040, 3041, 3042 | 3038 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-aigi | Aigio | Greece | 38.26 | 22.08 | aigi | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-aigu | l'Aiguillon sur Mer | France | 46.34 | -1.32 | 3476 | 3475 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-aina | Ainazi (Hainasch) | Latvia | 57.88 | 24.33 | 342 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-aion | Aion | Russia | 69.93 | 167.98 | 730 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-aira | Aira | Japan | 31.82 | 130.6 | 3351 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ajac | Ajaccio | France | 41.92 | 8.76 | ajac, ajac2 | ajac | 1929 | 3197, 619 | 1719 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-akko | Akko | Israel | 32.92 | 35.07 | 2218 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-aksa | Aksaz | Turkey | 36.84 | 28.4 | 2013 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-akun | Akune | Japan | 32.02 | 130.19 | 1265 | 794 | 2119 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-alak | Alitak | United States | 56.9 | -154.25 | alak, alak2 | alak | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-alam | Alameda | United States | 37.77 | -122.3 | alam, alam2 | alam | 437 | 3319 | 3318 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-alamn | Alamitos Bay Entrance | United States | 33.75 | -118.12 | 717 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-alaw | Alawai | United States | 21.29 | -157.84 | alawa | alaw | 421 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-alba | Albany | Australia | -35.03 | 117.89 | 957, 965 | 3236 | 3235 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-albak | Albany | United States | 42.65 | -73.75 | 1536 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-albo | Alboran Island | Spain | 35.94 | -3.03 | albo | 4151 | 4150 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-albu | Albufeira | Portugal | 37.08 | -8.26 | albu | albu | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-alcu | Alcudia | Spain | 39.87 | 3.12 | alcu | 2063 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-alda | Aldabra | Seychelles | -9.4 | 46.22 | 1415 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-aler | Alert | Canada | 82.49 | -62.32 | aler | 333 | 836 | 1110 | 625 | 2108 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-alerc | Alert Bay | Canada | 50.58 | -126.95 | 554 | 3200 | 3199 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-ales | Alesund | Norway | 62.47 | 6.15 | ales | 509 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-alex | Alexandria | Egypt | 31.21 | 29.92 | alex, alex1, alex2, alex3 | alex | 349 | 807 | 2088, 503 | 2006, 933 | 2206, 3010 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-alexd | Alexandrovsk | Russia | 50.92 | 142.2 | 349 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-alexf | Alexandroupolis | Greece | 40.84 | 25.88 | 1238 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-alge | Algeciras | Spain | 36.18 | -5.4 | alge | alge | 3373 | 3464 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-algo | Algo Cacs-acp | Canada | 45.96 | -78.07 | 622 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-alic | Alicante | Spain | 38.33 | -0.48 | alac1, alac2 | 208, 960 | 620 | 2212, 2744 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-alicg | Alice Springs Au012 | Australia | -23.67 | 133.88 | 623 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-alme | Almeria | Spain | 36.83 | -2.48 | alme, alme2 | 1455, 2056 | 3461, 624 | 2193, 2395 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-almi | Almirante Brown | Antarctica | -64.9 | -62.87 | 858 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-alof | Alofi | Niue | -19.05 | -169.92 | alofi | alof | 598 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-alot | Alotau | Papua New Guinea | -10.32 | 150.45 | 63 | 69 | 1607, 1616 | 2819 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-alva | Alvarado | Mexico | 18.77 | -95.77 | alva, alva2 | 768 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-amal | Charlotte-Amalie | United States | 18.33 | -64.92 | amal, amal2 | amal | 255 | 1393 | 1899, 2664 | 2663 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-amas | Amasra | Turkey | 41.74 | 32.39 | amas | 1919 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-amba | Ambarchik | Russia | 69.62 | 162.3 | 604 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ambo | Ambon | Indonesia | -3.68 | 128.18 | ambon | ambo | 68 | 133 | 1815, 347 | 3216 | 2821 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-amcl | Alternate Master Clock (utc Calibrated) | United States | 38.8 | -104.53 | 626 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-amde | Amderma | Russia | 69.75 | 61.7 | 599 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-amer | American River | Australia | -35.8 | 137.77 | 631 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-amhe | Amherst | Myanmar | 16.08 | 97.57 | 746 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-amma | Ammassalik | Denmark | 65.61 | -37.63 | 228 | 297 | 1765 | 2207 | 2483 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-amru | Amrum (Wittduen) | Germany | 54.62 | 8.38 | 1036 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-amua | Amuay | Venezuela | 11.75 | -70.22 | 706 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-anab | Anabar | Russia | 73.22 | 113.5 | 1780 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-anca | Ancona | Italy | 43.62 | 13.51 | AN15 | 101, 2098 | 3153 | 3151, 3152 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-anch | Anchorage | United States | 61.24 | -149.89 | anch, anch2 | anch | 1067 | 1897 | 2104 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-ancu | Ancud | Chile | -41.87 | -73.83 | ancu, ancu2 | ancu | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-ande | Andenes | Norway | 69.32 | 16.15 | ande | 322 | 800 | 425 | 3573 | 2263 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-andr | Andreia (Andreia Ostrov) | Russia | 76.8 | 110.75 | 646 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-anew | Anewa Bay | Papua New Guinea | -6.18 | 155.88 | 48 | 1227 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-angl | Angler Bank | Singapore | 1.35 | 104.03 | 1376 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-angr | Angra Heroismo | Portugal | 38.65 | -27.23 | 215 | 380 | 2504 | 2505 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-angu | Road Bay | Anguilla | 18.2 | -63.09 | angu | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-anhe | Anheung | South Korea | 36.67 | 126.13 | 1699 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-anka | Luka Koper | Slovenia | 45.57 | 13.75 | 1009, 1817 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-anna | Annapolis | United States | 38.98 | -76.48 | anmd | 311 | 1874, 1875, 3522, 896 | 2372, 2767 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-ansa | Ansan | South Korea | 37.19 | 126.65 | 1922 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-anta | Antalya | Turkey | 36.88 | 30.7 | anta | anta | 1681, 400 | 2019 | 2158 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-antc | Antuco | Chile | -37.34 | -71.53 | 2406 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-antf | DART4G Antofagasta | Chile | -23.2 | -72 | dch2, dch4 | dch2 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-anti | Antipaiuta | Russia | 69.08 | 76.85 | 1128 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-antil | Antifer | France | 49.65 | 0.15 | 1383 | 3548 | 3547 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-anto | Antofagasta | Chile | -23.65 | -70.4 | anto, anto2 | anto | 174 | 80 | 510, 511 | 2608 | 2607, 2753 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-antoe | Antonio Enes | Mozambique | -16.23 | 39.9 | 191 | 1986 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-antw | Antwerpen (Anvers) | Belgium | 51.23 | 4.42 | 293 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-anzio | Anzio | Italy | 41.45 | 12.63 | AZ42 | 2136 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-aomo | Aomori | Japan | 40.84 | 140.76 | 1092 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-apfl | Apalachicola | United States | 29.73 | -84.98 | apfl, apfl2 | apfl | 760 | 1193 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-apla | Amerada Pass, LA | United States | 29.45 | -91.34 | apla, apla2 | apla | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-aqab | Aqaba | Jordan | 29.53 | 35 | aqab | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-arab | Arabiyah Island | Saudi Arabia | 27.78 | 50.18 | 1649 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-arac | Arecibo | Puerto Rico | 18.48 | -66.7 | arac, aracS | arec | 735 | 2213 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-aracy | Araceli, Dumarin Island | Philippines | 10.58 | 119.98 | 191 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-arca | Arcachon Eyrac | France | 44.67 | -1.16 | arca, arca2 | 1918 | 3191 | 1724 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-ardr | Ardrossan | Australia | -34.43 | 137.92 | 632 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-aren | Arena Cove | United States | 38.91 | -123.71 | aren, aren2 | aren | 573 | 2125 | 3026 | 3025 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-arenu | Arendal | Norway | 58.45 | 8.78 | 67 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-areq | Arequipa Laser Station | Peru | -16.47 | -71.49 | 628 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-arge | Argentia | Canada | 47.3 | -53.98 | 1321 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-aric | Arica | Chile | -18.48 | -70.32 | aric, aric2, enap | aric | 83 | 1554, 618 | 2610, 3159 | 2609 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-arin | Arinaga | Spain | 27.85 | -15.4 | 2049 | 3137 | 3136 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-arkn | Arkona | Germany | 54.68 | 13.43 | 56 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-arko | Arko | Sweden | 58.48 | 16.96 | arko | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-army | Army Depot, Cooper R. | United States | 32.91 | -79.95 | 1728 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-arna | Arnavutkoy | Turkey | 41.07 | 29.05 | 1958 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-aron | Arona, Tenerife | Spain | 28.05 | -16.72 | tn031 | ten2 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-aror | Arorae | Kiribati | -2.62 | 176.83 | 906 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-arrc | Arraial do Cabo | Brazil | -22.97 | -42.01 | arrc, arrc2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-arre | Arrecife | Spain | 28.97 | -13.53 | arre | 205 | 1362, 1710, 2066, 593, 943 | 3133 | 3132 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-arri | Arrifana | Portugal | 37.3 | -8.87 | arri | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-arsu | Arsuz | Turkey | 36.42 | 35.89 | arsu | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-arti | Artigas | Antarctica | -62.18 | -58.87 | 1729 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-artu | Arti | Russia | 56.43 | 58.56 | 629 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-asam | Asamushi | Japan | 40.9 | 140.86 | 721 | 774 | 2305 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-ascen | Ascension | United Kingdom | -7.92 | -14.42 | ascen | ascn | 263 | 291 | 1831 | 630 | 1971 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-ashd | Ashdod Port | Israel | 31.83 | 34.64 | ashd, ashd1 | 2219, 855 | 2021 | 2180, 3502 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-ashk | Ashkhara | Oman | 21.85 | 59.57 | ashk | ashk | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-askl | Ashkelon | Israel | 31.63 | 34.49 | askl | 2220 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-asro | Aserradores | Nicaragua | 12.63 | -87.34 | asro | asro | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-asto | Astoria | United States | 46.21 | -123.77 | asto, asto2 | asto | 572 | 265 | 2093, 2690, 2691, 675 | 2176 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-atic | Atico | Peru | -16.23 | -73.69 | atic | atic | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-atka | Atka | United States | 52.23 | -174.17 | atka | atka | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-auas | Auasi | American Samoa | -14.28 | -170.56 | auasi | auas | 404 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-auct | Auckland-Waitemata Hbr. | New Zealand | -36.83 | 174.79 | auct | auct | 127 | 70 | 150, 217 | 2545, 632, 932 | 2336, 2745 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-audi | Audierne | France | 48.02 | -4.54 | audi, audi2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-aunu | Aunuu | American Samoa | -14.27 | -170.57 | aunuu | aunu | 407 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-avei | Aveiro | Portugal | 40.65 | -8.75 | 1402 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-avon | Avonmouth Portbury | United Kingdom | 51.5 | -2.73 | avon | 2011, 257 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-awas | Awa Sima | Japan | 38.47 | 139.26 | 1093 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ayuk | Ayukawa | Japan | 38.3 | 141.51 | 131 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bahi | Bahia Los Angeles | Mexico | 28.97 | -113.55 | 310 | 1357 | 3595 | 3594 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-baie | Baie Comeau | Canada | 49.23 | -68.13 | 1218 | 3054 | 3053 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-bajo | Bajor | Indonesia | -0.68 | 117.42 | 414 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-baka | Bakar | Croatia | 45.31 | 14.54 | baka | 353 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-bake | Baker Lake | Canada | 64.32 | -96 | 2407 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bala | Balabac | Philippines | 7.98 | 117.07 | 1976 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-balaq | Balanacan, Marinduque | Philippines | 13.53 | 121.87 | 2157 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-balb | Balboa | Panama | 8.97 | -79.57 | 168 | 302 | 163 | 2855 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-balc | Ballenas | Colombia | 11.7 | -72.72 | balc | balc | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-bali | Balikpapan | Indonesia | -1.27 | 116.8 | 411 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-baliu | Balintang, Quezon, Palawan | Philippines | 9.35 | 118.13 | 2155 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ball | Ballyglass pier | Ireland | 54.25 | -9.89 | ball | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-balls | Ballina | Australia | -28.87 | 153.58 | 319 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-balt | Baltra | Ecuador | -0.43 | -90.28 | balt | balt | 169 | 3 | 1226, 1645 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-bama | Bamaga | Australia | -10.85 | 142.37 | 1189 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bamd | Baltimore | United States | 39.27 | -76.58 | bamd, bamd2 | bamd | 148 | 2704, 3059 | 2703 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-bame | Bar Harbor | United States | 44.39 | -68.21 | bame, bame2 | bame | 525 | 635 | 2353 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-bamf | Bamfield | Canada | 48.84 | -125.14 | bamf | 541 | 1242 | 3023 | 3022 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-bang | Bangor | United Kingdom | 54.66 | -5.67 | bang | 1856 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-bangw | Bangkok Bar | Thailand | 13.45 | 100.6 | 287 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-banj | Banjarmasin | Indonesia | -3.3 | 114.6 | 307 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-banl | Bangalore | India | 13.03 | 77.51 | 2409 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bany | Banyuls | France | 42.48 | 3.12 | 1202 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bapj | Battery Point | Australia | -42.89 | 147.34 | bapj | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bara | Barahona | Dominican Republic | 18.21 | -71.09 | bara | bara | 745 | 3554 | 3553 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-barag | Baracoa | Cuba | 20.35 | -74.5 | 592 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-barb | Barbuda | Antigua and Barbuda | 17.59 | -61.82 | barb, barb2 | barb | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-barc | Barcelona | Spain | 41.34 | 2.16 | barc, barc2 | 1811 | 3533 | 3532 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-bare | Barentsburg | Russia | 78.07 | 14.25 | 231 | 541, 547 | 2878 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-barii | Bari | Italy | 41.14 | 16.87 | BA05 | 2075 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-barm | Barmouth | United Kingdom | 52.72 | -4.05 | barm | 1771 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-barn | Burnie | Australia | -41.05 | 145.92 | barn | barn | 344 | 683, 691 | 2056, 2057 | 2178 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-baro | Bar | Montenegro | 42.08 | 19.08 | 1075 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-barr | Barrow | United Kingdom | 54.08 | -3.2 | 1904, 1905, 1998 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bars | Barseback | Sweden | 55.76 | 12.9 | bars | 2109 | 2077 | 2327 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-basr | Basrah | Iraq | 30.52 | 47.85 | 220 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bass | Basseterre (Coast Guard Base) | Saint Kitts and Nevis | 17.29 | -62.71 | bass | bass | 2004 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-basst | Bass Harbour | Malaysia | 6.3 | 99.78 | 1967 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bati | Batiscan | Canada | 46.5 | -72.25 | 144 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-batr | Batroun | Lebanon | 34.25 | 35.66 | batr | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-batu | Batumi | Georgia | 41.63 | 41.7 | 51 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-batuu | Batuan Bay, Tikao | Philippines | 12.42 | 123.78 | 296 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bayg | Bay Gardene | United States | 29.6 | -89.62 | 1727 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bayo | Bayovar,Piura | Peru | -5.79 | 81.05 | bayo | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bbbc | Bella Bella | Canada | 52.16 | -128.14 | bbbc | bbbc | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-bcar | BahÃa de Caráquez | Ecuador | -0.61 | -80.42 | bcar | bcar | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-bcon | Consett Bay Jetty | Barbados | 13.1 | -59.27 | bcon | bcon | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-bdto | Bocas Del Toro | Panama | 9.35 | -82.26 | bdto | bdto | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-beac | Beachport | Australia | -37.5 | 140 | 304 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-beau | Beaufort | United States | 32.43 | -80.67 | 1537 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-beca | Becancour | Canada | 46.4 | -72.38 | 1798 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-beih | Beihai | China | 21.48 | 109.08 | 636 | 1408 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-beir | Beira | Mozambique | -19.82 | 34.83 | 1888 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bela | Belawan | Indonesia | 3.92 | 98.72 | 276 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bele | Belem | Brazil | -1.45 | -48.5 | bele, bele2 | 229 | 580 | 2999 | 2998 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-belf | Belfast | United Kingdom | 54.6 | -5.92 | 219, 861 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-belg | Belgrano, Bahia Blanca | Argentina | -38.88 | -62.1 | 198 | 926 | 2340 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-beli | Belize | Belize | 17.5 | -88.18 | pobe | 781 | 1085 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-bell | Bella Bella | Canada | 52.17 | -128.13 | 984 | 3209 | 3208 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-belle | Belledune | Canada | 47.9 | -65.85 | 2069 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bellm | Bella Coola | Canada | 52.37 | -126.78 | 1084 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bely | Belyi Nos | Russia | 69.6 | 60.22 | 859 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-benc | Beaufort | United States | 34.72 | -76.67 | benc, benc2 | benc | 719 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-beng | Bengkulu | Indonesia | -3.78 | 102.25 | 273 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bengh | Bengkalis | Indonesia | 1.47 | 102.13 | 346 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-beno | Benoa | Indonesia | -8.77 | 115.22 | beno | beno | 49 | 163 | 1738, 2200 | 2945, 3404 | 2812, 3585 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-berg | Bergen | Norway | 60.4 | 5.32 | berg | 58 | 4432 | 3763 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-berl | Berlevag | Norway | 70.85 | 29.1 | 442 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-berm | Bermagui | Australia | -36.42 | 150.07 | 1977 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bgct | Bridgeport | United States | 41.17 | -73.18 | bgct, bgct2 | bgct | 1068 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-bhau | Bhaunagari | India | 21.8 | 72.3 | 420, 804 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bhmd | Bishops Head | United States | 38.22 | -76.04 | bhmd | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bilb | Bilbao | Spain | 43.36 | -3.05 | bil3 | 1806 | 3467 | 3466 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-bili | Bilibino | Russia | 68.08 | 166.44 | 636 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bill | Billinga | Russia | 69.88 | 175.77 | 708 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bint | Bintulu | Malaysia | 3.22 | 113.07 | 387 | 1833 | 3374, 919 | 2325 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-biri | Biri Island, Samar | Philippines | 12.65 | 124.37 | 297 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bitu | Bitung | Indonesia | 1.44 | 125.19 | bitu | bitg | 69 | 33 | 1709, 308 | 3215, 3405 | 2822 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-bjfs | Beijing Fangshan | China | 39.61 | 115.89 | 637 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bjorl | Bjorn | Sweden | 60.64 | 17.99 | 90 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-blac | Blacktoft | United Kingdom | 53.68 | -0.7 | 1436 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-blkw | Blankenberge | Belgium | 51.31 | 3.12 | blkw | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-blnj | Burlington | United States | 40.08 | -74.87 | blnj | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-blow | Blowing point | Anguilla | 18.17 | -63.09 | blow | blow | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-blri | Prudence Island | United States | 41.6 | -71.3 | blri | blri | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-blueb | Blue Bay | Mauritius | -20.44 | 57.71 | blueb | blue | 930 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-bluf | Bluff | New Zealand | -46.6 | 168.35 | 129 | 72 | 213 | 2907 | 2844 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-blyt | Blyth | United Kingdom | 55.12 | -1.48 | 769 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bmda | Bermuda | United Kingdom | 32.37 | -64.7 | bbst, bbst2, bmda, bmda2, bmsg | bmda, bmsg | 221 | 259 | 368, 4, 886 | 641 | 2215 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-bmsa | Bahia Mansa | Chile | -40.58 | -73.74 | bmsa, bmsa2 | bmsa | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-bmso | Bermuda Somerset (UKHO) | Bermuda | 32.28 | -64.88 | bmso | bmso | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-bnjl | Banjul | Gambia | 13.44 | -16.57 | bnjl | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-boav | Boa Vista | Brazil | 2.85 | -60.7 | 3073 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bodo | Bodo | Norway | 67.29 | 14.4 | bodo | 562 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-bodr | Bodrum | Turkey | 37.03 | 27.42 | bodr, bodri | bodr | 1204, 1680 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-bogt | Bogota | Colombia | 4.64 | -74.08 | 2410 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bois | Oistins Jetty | Barbados | 13.07 | -59.55 | bois | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bolv | Bolvanskii Nos (Fedorova) | Russia | 70.45 | 59.08 | 651 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-boma | Boston | United States | 42.36 | -71.05 | boma, boma2 | boma | 741 | 235 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-bomj | Bom Jesus Da Lapa | Brazil | -13.26 | -68.01 | 3074 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bona | Bonan | Sweden | 60.74 | 17.32 | bona | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bonn | Bonny | Nigeria | 4.45 | 7.18 | 1039 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bonv | Bonavista | Canada | 49.08 | -53.2 | 2135 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bonz | Bonanza | Spain | 36.8 | -6.34 | bon2 | 1809 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-boob | Booby Island | Australia | -10.6 | 141.92 | 61 | 336 | 1268, 1333 | 2817 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-borg | Borgund | Norway | 62.45 | 6.3 | 1969 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bork | Borkum Fischerbalje | Germany | 53.56 | 6.75 | bork | 1037, 573 | 1938, 2511, 639 | 2512 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-borw | Borowiec | Poland | 52.1 | 17.07 | 638 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bory | Boryeong | South Korea | 36.41 | 126.49 | 1675 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bota | Botany Bay | Australia | -33.98 | 151.22 | 1525, 1533 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bouc | Boucau-Bayonne | France | 43.53 | -1.51 | bouc, bouc2 | bouc | 1801 | 3192 | 1734, 3482 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-boul | Boulogne-Sur-Mer | France | 50.73 | 1.58 | boul, boul2 | boul | 471 | 3187 | 1735 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-bour | Bournemouth | United Kingdom | 50.71 | -1.87 | bour | 1878 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-bourc | Bourcefranc le Chapus | France | 45.85 | -1.18 | 3495 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bourk | Bourgas | Bulgaria | 42.48 | 27.48 | 317 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bout | Boutilier Point | Canada | 44.67 | -63.97 | 1259 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bowe | Bowen | Australia | -20.02 | 148.25 | 2074, 676 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-boye | Boyeruca_CL | Chile | -34.69 | -72.06 | boye, boye2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bozc | Bozcaada | Turkey | 39.84 | 26.08 | bozc | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bozy | Bozyazi | Turkey | 36.1 | 32.94 | bozy | bozy | 2014 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-bpny | Bergen Point, Staten Island | United States | 40.64 | -74.15 | bpny | 1637 | 3312 | 3311 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-braz | Brasilia | Brazil | -15.95 | -47.88 | 640 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-brem | Bremerhaven | Germany | 53.55 | 8.57 | 124, 625 | 2518 | 2517 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-bres | Brest | France | 48.38 | -4.5 | bres, bres2 | 242 | 822 | 1 | 3180, 642 | 1736 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-brew | Brewster | United States | 48.13 | -119.68 | 2411 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-brid | Bridgetown Port | Barbados | 13.11 | -59.62 | brid, brid2 | bri2, brid | 249 | 1231, 1766 | 2092, 634 | 2217 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-brig | Brighton | Australia | -35.03 | 138.52 | 677 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-brin | Brindisi | Italy | 40.63 | 17.93 | 1478 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bris | Brisbane | Australia | -27.37 | 153.17 | 58 | 331 | 822, 851 | 3217, 3218 | 2815 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-broc | Broce | Croatia | 42.82 | 17.72 | 893 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-brof | Brofjorden | Sweden | 58.34 | 11.4 | brof | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-brom | Broome | Australia | -18 | 122.22 | brom | brom | 40 | 166 | 1159, 1171 | 3221 | 2806 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-bron | Bronnoysund | Norway | 65.48 | 12.22 | 803 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-brou | Brouwershaven | Netherlands | 51.73 | 3.9 | 1507, 36 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-brpt | Barbers Point | United States | 21.32 | -158.12 | brpt | brpt | 547 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-brsk | Breskens Handelshaven | Netherlands | 51.4 | 3.55 | brsk | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-brur | Bruravik | Norway | 60.49 | 6.89 | brur | 2400 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-brus | Brussels | Belgium | 50.8 | 4.36 | 3011, 643 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bspe | Speightstown Jetty | Barbados | 13.25 | -59.64 | bspe | bspe | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-btla | Bulk Terminal | United States | 30.19 | -93.3 | btla | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-btny | The Battery (New York) | United States | 40.7 | -74.02 | btny, btny2 | btny | 745 | 12, 232, 92 | 2722 | 2389 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-buca | Bucalemu | Chile | -34.64 | -72.05 | buca, buca2, buca3 | buca | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-buck | Buckie | United Kingdom | 57.67 | -2.97 | 1281 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bucke | Bucksport, Waccamaw R. | United States | 33.65 | -79.1 | 1720 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bueno | Buenos Aires | Argentina | -34.67 | -58.5 | 285 | 157, 832 | 2045, 2486, 3240 | 2391, 2392 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-bues | Buesum | Germany | 54.13 | 8.85 | 504 | 2520 | 2519 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-bugr | Bugrino | Russia | 68.8 | 49.33 | 2025 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-buko | Bukom | Singapore | 1.23 | 103.78 | 1895, 2032 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bull | Bullen Bay | Curacao | 12.19 | -69.02 | bull, will | bull | 878 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-bunb | Bunbury | Australia | -33.32 | 115.66 | 1042, 834 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-buor | Buorhaia (Buorhaia Mys) | Russia | 71.95 | 132.77 | 735 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bupo | Bungus Port | Indonesia | -1.03 | 100.4 | bupo | bupo | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-burn | Burnett Heads | Australia | -24.77 | 152.38 | 59 | 332 | 1154, 1166 | 2927 | 2816 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-busa | Busan | South Korea | 35.09 | 129.04 | busa | busa | 84 | 955 | 2909 | 2830 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-bush | Bushehr | Iran | 28.9 | 50.75 | 1939 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-buve | Buenaventura | Colombia | 3.89 | -77.08 | buve, buve2 | buve | 170 | 85 | 456 | 2046 | 2393 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-buzz | Buzzards Bay | United States | 41.74 | -70.62 | 776 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bwde | Brandywine | United States | 38.99 | -75.11 | bwde | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-bwla | Berwick | United States | 29.67 | -91.24 | bwla | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-byko | Bykov Mys (Bykov Mys) | Russia | 72 | 129.12 | 1399 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-cabc | Carrie Bow Cay | Belize | 16.8 | -88.08 | cabc | cabc | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-cabez | Puerto Cabezas | Nicaragua | 14.04 | -83.38 | 724 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-cabo | Cabo San Lucas | Mexico | 22.88 | -109.91 | cabo | cabo | 161 | 34 | 1355 | 2851 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-cabod | Cabo Cruz | Cuba | 19.83 | -77.73 | 1910 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-cabos | Cabo San Antonio | Cuba | 21.9 | -84.9 | 214 | 1297 | 2874 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-cacb | Caymans - Cayman Brac (UKHO) | Cayman Islands | 19.74 | -79.77 | cacb | cacb | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-cadi | Cadiz | Spain | 36.5 | -6.2 | cadi | cadi | 209, 514, 985 | 3055, 3460, 839 | 2182, 2397 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-cagb | Caymans - Grand Cayman, Gun Bay (UKHO) | Cayman Islands | 19.31 | -81.09 | cagb | cagb | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-cagl | Cagliari | Italy | 39.21 | 9.11 | CA02 | cagl | 104, 2089 | 2412, 3575, 645 | 2252 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-cair | Cairns | Australia | -16.92 | 145.78 | 953, 961 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-cala | Calais | France | 50.97 | 1.87 | cala, cala2 | cals | 455 | 3539 | 1739 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-calao | Calabar | Nigeria | 4.97 | 8.32 | 419 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-calc | Little Cayman | Cayman Islands | 19.67 | -80.1 | calc | calc | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-cald | Caldera | Chile | -27.06 | -70.82 | cald, cald2 | cald | 88 | 1512, 619 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-cale | Caleta Percy | Chile | -52.9 | -70.27 | 994 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-call | Callao, La Punta | Peru | -12.07 | -77.17 | call | call | 173 | 93 | 1274, 480, 629, 739 | 2049 | 2120 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-calq | Calliaqua | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | 13.13 | -61.2 | calq | calq | 2006 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-camb | Cambridge Bay | Canada | 69.12 | -105.07 | 1132 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-camp | Campbell River | Canada | 50.02 | -125.23 | crbc | crbc | 1323 | 3202 | 3201 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-camt | Lerma Campeche | Mexico | 19.81 | -90.59 | camt | 2992, 2993 | 2991 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-camu | Caja de Muertos | Puerto Rico | 17.89 | -66.53 | camu | camu | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-cana | Cananeia | Brazil | -25.02 | -47.93 | 194 | 281 | 726 | 752 | 2230 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-canav | Canavieiras | Brazil | -15.66 | -38.96 | 707 | 699 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-cano | Canoe Pass | Canada | 50.25 | -125.42 | 1955 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-canog | Puerto Carreno | Colombia | 6.19 | -67.48 | 3069 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-capa | Cap Aux Meules | Canada | 47.38 | -61.86 | 1143, 2031 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-cape | Cape Town, Granger Bay | South Africa | -33.9 | 18.43 | 704 | 1195, 866 | 3127 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-capei | Cape Chelyuskin | Russia | 77.72 | 104.28 | 891 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-capen | Cape Roberts Antarctica | Antarctica | -77.03 | 163.19 | 1763 | 2706 | 2705 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-capet | Cape Sorrell | Australia | -42.22 | 145.22 | 899 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-capew | Cape D'Or | Canada | 45.3 | -64.78 | 1288 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-capex | Cape Parry | Canada | 70.15 | -124.67 | 1282 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-capey | Cape Schmidt | Russia | 68.92 | 179.47 | 890 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-capez | Cape Zhelanija | Russia | 76.95 | 68.58 | 901 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-caph | Cap Haitien | Haiti | 19.76 | -72.19 | caph | caph | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-capo | Capo Passero | Italy | 36.67 | 15.3 | 873 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-cara | Carabane | Senegal | 12.56 | -16.7 | cara | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-carb | Carboneras | Spain | 36.97 | -1.9 | carb | carb | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-care | Carenero | Venezuela | 10.53 | -66.12 | 588 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-carl | Carrolton | United States | 29.93 | -90.14 | cala | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-carn | Carnarvon | Australia | -24.9 | 113.65 | 52 | 167 | 1115, 1126 | 2814 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-cart | Cartagena | Colombia | 10.4 | -75.55 | cart | 207 | 265 | 1848, 572 | 925 | 2282 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-cartm | Cartagena | Spain | 37.6 | -0.97 | carg | 1460 | 3451 | 3450 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-caru | Carupano | Venezuela | 10.67 | -63.25 | 1165 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-casa | Casablanca | Morocco | 33.6 | -7.6 | 902 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-casc | Cascais | Portugal | 38.69 | -9.42 | casc | 246 | 209 | 2201, 52 | 648 | 2274 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-case | Casey | Australia | -66.28 | 110.53 | 278 | 130 | 1886 | 647 | 2199 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-casi | Casilda | Cuba | 21.75 | -79.98 | 2021, 587 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-cast | Castletownbere | Ireland | 51.65 | -9.9 | cast | 330 | 835 | 1467 | 2901 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-casta | Castellammare Di Stabia | Italy | 40.68 | 14.47 | 1691 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-castr | Castries | Saint Lucia | 14.02 | -61 | 2005 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-cata | Catalina | United States | 33.45 | -118.48 | 313 | 1487, 1518 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-catag | San Fernando Del Valle De Catamarca | Argentina | -28.47 | -65.77 | 3090 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-catc | Cat Cay | United States | 25.55 | -79.28 | 1560 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-cati | Caticlan Malay Aklan | Philippines | 11.95 | 121.93 | 2172 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-catn | Catania | Italy | 37.5 | 15.09 | CT03 | cata | 102, 2094 | 2253 | 2251 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-caul | Caulfields, B.C. | Canada | 49.32 | -123.25 | 306 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-caye | Cayenne | France | 4.85 | -52.28 | 202 | 227 | 1768 | 3379 | 2869 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-cazu | Cerro Azul | Peru | -13.03 | -76.49 | cazul | cazu | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-cbmd | Cambridge | United States | 38.57 | -76.07 | cbmd, cbmd2 | cbmd | 1295, 481 | 694 | 2122, 2751 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-cbva | Chesapeake_Bay | United States | 36.97 | -76.11 | cbva | cbva, ccmd | 749 | 1635 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-ccar | Ciudad del Carmen | Mexico | 18.62 | -91.82 | ccar, ccar2 | ccar | 779 | 796 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-cctx | Corpus Christi | United States | 27.58 | -97.22 | cctx, cctx2 | cctx | 770 | 1903 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-cdtt | Cedros Bay | Trinidad and Tobago | 10.09 | -61.87 | cdtt | cdtt | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-cdwa | Cape DIsappointment | United States | 46.3 | -124 | cdwa | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-cebu | Cebu | Philippines | 10.3 | 123.92 | 379 | 394 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-cedr | Cedros Island | Mexico | 28.1 | -115.18 | cedr | cedr | 305 | 1430 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-cefe | Vitoria | Brazil | -20.31 | -40.32 | 3075 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ceib | La Ceiba Cabotaje Harbor | Honduras | 15.79 | -86.76 | ceib | ceib | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-cent | Centuri | France | 42.97 | 9.35 | cent, cent2 | cent | 2207 | 3196 | 3176 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-cente | Centre Island | Australia | -15.7 | 136.9 | 1175, 1176 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-cetr | Cetraro | Italy | 39.53 | 15.92 | CETR | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ceut | Ceuta | Spain | 35.9 | -5.32 | ceut, ceut1 | 249 | 207 | 1316, 1416, 1485, 1517, 498 | 1922, 650 | 2213 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-cfag | Coronel Fontana | Argentina | -31.6 | -68.23 | 2487 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-cfrt | Carloforte | Italy | 39.14 | 8.31 | CF06 | cafo | 2076 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-cgal | Mobile Bay | United States | 30.65 | -88.06 | cgal | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-chab | Chabahar Port | Iran | 25.3 | 60.6 | chab | chab | 337 | 915 | 1881, 2228 | 2902 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-chac | Resistencia | Argentina | -27.42 | -58.96 | 3091 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-chal | Chala | Peru | -15.87 | -74.25 | chala | chal | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-cham | Champerico | Guatemala | 14.3 | -91.92 | prch | 670 | 1201 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-chamy | Champlain | Canada | 46.43 | -72.4 | 1005 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-char | Charleston | United States | 43.35 | -124.32 | char, char2 | char | 575 | 1269 | 3030 | 3029 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-charf | Charlottetown | Canada | 46.23 | -63.12 | 427 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-charl | Charleston | United States | 32.78 | -79.93 | chsc | 261 | 234 | 1894, 2008, 651 | 2384 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-chat | Chatham | United Kingdom | 51.4 | 0.55 | 1484 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-chbe | Chateaubelair | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | 13.29 | -61.24 | chat | chvg | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-chch | Charchanga | Bangladesh | 22.22 | 91.05 | 138 | 1496 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-cheh | Chehov | Russia | 47.47 | 142 | 748 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-chen | Chendering/Kuala Terengganu | Malaysia | 5.27 | 103.18 | 293 | 320 | 1592 | 2640 | 2639 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-chenn | Chennai | India | 13.1 | 80.3 | chenn | chen | 34 | 205 | 2069 | 2440 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-cher | Cherbourg | France | 49.65 | -1.63 | cher, cher2 | cher | 467 | 3182, 3183, 3535 | 1748 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-chet | Chetyrehstolbovoi | Russia | 70.63 | 162.48 | 650 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-chia | Puerto Chiapas | Mexico | 14.7 | -92.41 | chia, made | chia, made | 318 | 1655 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-chij | Chichijima | Japan | 27.08 | 142.18 | chij | chij | 103 | 47 | 1391 | 2413, 808 | 2137 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-chim | Chimbote | Peru | -9.08 | -78.63 | 771 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-chimb | Chimbote | Peru | -9.08 | -78.61 | chimb | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-chimh | Chi Ma Wan, Lantau Island | Hong Kong | 22.23 | 114 | 987 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-chin | Chinhae | South Korea | 35.15 | 128.65 | 970 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-chit | Chatham Island | New Zealand | -44.02 | -176.37 | chit | chit | 3560 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-chiz | Chize | France | 46.13 | -0.41 | 929 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-chlt | Chetumal | Mexico | 18.48 | -88.3 | 3001 | 3000 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-chnr | Chañaral | Chile | -26.35 | -70.63 | chnr, chnr2 | chnr | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-chos | Choshi | Japan | 35.73 | 140.87 | 1188, 1363, 1544, 879 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-chpi | Cachoeira Paulista | Brazil | -22.69 | -44.99 | 653 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-chri | Christianso | Denmark | 55.32 | 15.18 | 1409 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-chrl | Charlotteville | Trinidad and Tobago | 11.32 | -60.55 | chrl | chrl | 2007 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-chrp | Cherry Point | United States | 48.86 | -122.76 | chrp, chrp2 | chrp | 1633 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-chrs | Christmas Island | Australia | -10.43 | 105.67 | chrs, ffcj | chrs | 47 | 170 | 1010 | 2929 | 2811 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-chrt | Christiansted | United States | 17.75 | -64.71 | 258 | 1447, 2118 | 1898, 659 | 2143, 3108 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-chst | Charleston | New Zealand | -41.9 | 171.43 | chst | chst | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-chtt | Chittagong | Bangladesh | 22.33 | 91.83 | chtt | chtt | 36 | 124 | 1573, 2196, 416, 750, 975, 991 | 3599 | 2804 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-chuj | Chujado | South Korea | 33.96 | 126.3 | 1588 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-chum | Chumysh | Kazakhstan | 43 | 74.75 | 2414 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-chur | Churchill | Canada | 58.78 | -94.2 | 274 | 447 | 654 | 2244 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-chuu | Chuuk Atoll | Micronesia | 7.45 | 151.85 | chuu | chuk | 116 | 54 | 528 | 2626 | 2625 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-cibo | Ciboure | France | 43.39 | -1.66 | 3497 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-cila | Cilacap | Indonesia | -7.75 | 109 | cila, cili | cila, cili | 291 | 162 | 1602, 2199, 272 | 3413 | 2892, 3586 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-cire | Cirebon | Indonesia | -6.72 | 108.57 | 282 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ciud | Ciudad Trujillo | Dominican Republic | 18.45 | -69.88 | 591 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ciuda | Ciudad Madero | Mexico | 22.25 | -97.8 | 277 | 1020, 698 | 2052 | 2281, 2762 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-ciut | Ciutadella | Spain | 39.99 | 3.83 | ciut | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-civi | Civitavecchia | Italy | 42.09 | 11.79 | CI20 | ci20 | 106, 2091 | 2256 | 2255 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-ckfl | Cedar Key | United States | 29.14 | -83.03 | ckfl | 199, 428 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-clip | Clipperton Island | France | 10.28 | -109.22 | 165 | 391 | 1697, 1992 | 2853 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-clri | Conimicut light | United States | 41.72 | -71.34 | clri | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-clst | Celestun | Mexico | 20.86 | -90.41 | clst | clst | 861 | 2180 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-cltc | Clute Coop | United States | 29.01 | -95.4 | 3519 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-cmet | Caleta Meteoro | Chile | -52.97 | -74.07 | cmet, cmet3 | cmet | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-cmnj | Cape May | United States | 38.97 | -74.96 | cmnj, cmnj2 | cmnj | 746 | 1153 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-coat | Coatzacoalcos | Mexico | 18.15 | -94.42 | 692 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-cocb | Cocos Island | Australia | -12.12 | 96.89 | cocb | cocb | 46 | 171 | 1052, 1666, 983 | 656 | 2218 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-coch | Cochin | India | 9.97 | 76.27 | coch | coch | 32 | 174 | 438 | 2067 | 2438 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-cochi | Cochino Pequeno | Honduras | 15.95 | -86.5 | 269 | 1874 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-coco | Coco Solo | Panama | 9.37 | -79.88 | 208 | 266 | 1530, 169, 2202 | 3511 | 2871 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-cocoa | Cocoa Beach | United States | 28.37 | -80.6 | 754 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-cocos | Cocos Island | Costa Rica | 5.56 | -87.05 | cocos | coco | 392 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-coff | Coff's Harbour | Australia | -30.35 | 153.03 | 799, 865, 878 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-cois | Corn Island | Nicaragua | 12.33 | -83.07 | cois, pcoi | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-coli | Coliumo | Chile | -36.54 | -72.96 | coli, coli2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-colo | Colombo | Sri Lanka | 6.95 | 79.85 | colb, colo | colb, colo | 33 | 115 | 1755, 2194, 388, 718 | 3582 | 1994 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-color | Colonia | Uruguay | -34.48 | -57.85 | 433 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-comm | Commonwealth Bay | Antarctica | -67 | 142.65 | 2070 | 3432 | 3430, 3431 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-como | Comores | Comoros | -11.7 | 43.25 | como | como | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-comoq | Comodoro Rivadavia | Argentina | -45.87 | -67.48 | 181 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-comor | Comox | Canada | 49.67 | -124.92 | 630 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-cona | Conakry | Guinea | 9.52 | -13.72 | 255 | 1477 | 2881 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-conc | Concarneau | France | 47.87 | -3.91 | conc, conc2 | conc | 1301 | 3189 | 1751 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-const | Constitucion | Chile | -35.36 | -72.46 | cons2, const | cons | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-cook | Cooktown | Australia | -15.47 | 145.25 | 1130, 1131 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-copp | Coppermine | Canada | 67.88 | -115.25 | 1340 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-coqu | Coquimbo | Chile | -29.95 | -71.34 | coqu, coqu2 | coqu | 977 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-cora | Coral Harbour | Canada | 64.13 | -83.17 | 1312 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-cord | Cordova | United States | 60.56 | -145.75 | cord, cord2 | cord | 583 | 566 | 2672 | 2671 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-cordg | Cordoba | Argentina | -31.53 | -64.47 | 658 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-corf | Corfu (Kerkyra) | Greece | 39.63 | 19.91 | corf | 1933 | 2582 | 2581 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-cori | Corinto | Nicaragua | 12.48 | -87.17 | cori, pcrt | cori | 679 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-corie | Corinth | Greece | 37.95 | 22.94 | corn | corn | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-corr | Corral | Chile | -39.89 | -73.43 | corr, corr2 | corr | 1057 | 2654 | 2653 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-coru | La Coruña | Spain | 43.37 | -8.4 | acor1, cor2, coru | 243 | 830 | 1808, 484, 763 | 618 | 2195, 2399, 2400 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-coti | La Cotinière | France | 45.91 | -1.33 | 3496 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-cove | Coveñas | Colombia | 9.41 | -76.21 | cove | cove | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-coxs | Cox's Bazaar | Bangladesh | 21.45 | 91.83 | 136 | 1476 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-coyq | Coyhaique | Chile | -45.51 | -71.89 | 2488 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-cpit | Castlepoint | New Zealand | -40.9 | 176.23 | cpit | cpit | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-cpjf | Cape Jaffa | Australia | -36.95 | 139.67 | 1520, 1521 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-cpla | Calcasieu Pass | United States | 29.77 | -93.34 | cpla, cpla2 | cpla | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-cplb | Cape Lambert | Australia | -20.59 | 117.19 | 1328, 1334 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-crao | Simeiz | Ukraine | 44.41 | 33.99 | 2416 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-cres | Crescent City | United States | 41.75 | -124.18 | cres, cres2 | cres | 556 | 378 | 2711, 3036 | 2693 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-crnl | Coronel | Chile | -37.03 | -73.15 | crnl, crnl2 | crnl | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-crom | Cromer | United Kingdom | 52.93 | 1.3 | crom | 1632 | 3245 | 3244 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-croz | Crozet Island | France | -46.43 | 51.87 | 21 | 178 | 1873 | 3452 | 1752 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-crtn | Crotone | Italy | 39.08 | 17.14 | CR08 | 2077 | 3057 | 3056 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-csno | Csu Northridge | United States | 34.25 | -118.52 | 3350 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-csta | Constanta | Romania | 44.16 | 28.6 | csta, csta2, csta3 | 379 | 3378 | 3377 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-cstr | Castro | Chile | -42.48 | -73.76 | cstr, cstr2 | cstr | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-cucu | Cucuta | Colombia | 7.9 | -72.49 | 3070 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-cuib | Cuiaba | Brazil | -15.56 | -56.07 | 3076 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-cule | Culebra Island | United States | 18.3 | -65.3 | cule, cule2 | cule | 219 | 2120 | 3015 | 3014 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-cuma | Cumana | Venezuela | 10.47 | -64.2 | 570 | 2044 | 2728 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-curri | Currimao | Philippines | 18.02 | 120.48 | curri | curi | 654 | 2173 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-curt | Curitiba | Brazil | -25.45 | -49.23 | 3079, 3080 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-cuvie | Cape Cuvier Wharf | Australia | -24.22 | 113.4 | cuvie | capc | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-cuxh | Cuxhaven | Germany | 53.87 | 8.72 | cuxh | 284 | 825 | 222, 7 | 2509 | 2510 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-cwfl | Clearwater Beach | United States | 27.98 | -82.83 | cwfl, cwfl2 | cwfl | 773 | 1638 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-cwme | Cutler Farris Wharf | United States | 44.66 | -67.21 | cnme, cwme, cwme2 | cwme | 1081, 1524 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-dacp | DART Acapulco | United States | 10.84 | -100.09 | dacp, dacp2 | dacp | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dada | DART SE of Adak | United States | 46.64 | -170.79 | dada | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dadk | DART Adak | United States | 48.86 | -175.6 | dadk, dadk2 | dadk | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-daec | Daecheongdo | South Korea | 37.83 | 124.72 | 2045 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-daeh | Daeheug San Do | South Korea | 34.68 | 125.44 | 1489 | 3120 | 3119 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-daej | Daejeon | North Korea | 36.4 | 127.37 | 660 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-daes | Daesan | South Korea | 37.01 | 126.35 | 2039 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dage | Dagebull | Germany | 54.73 | 8.73 | 1046 | 2524 | 2525 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-dakar | Dakar | Senegal | 14.68 | -17.42 | dakar | daka | 253 | 223 | 1726, 1816, 1994, 1995, 1996, 476, 932 | 2734, 661 | 2202, 2782 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-dalh | Dalhousie | Canada | 48.07 | -66.38 | 1358 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dall | Dallmann | Argentina | -62.23 | -58.68 | 682 | 1984 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dalr | Dalrymple Bay | Australia | -21.85 | 149.3 | 1787 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-damp | Dampier | Australia | -20.63 | 116.7 | 1180, 1181 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dana | Danang | Vietnam | 16.1 | 108.22 | 1475 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-danc | DART Anchorage | United States | 57.63 | -143.8 | danc, danc2 | danc | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dand | DART Bengal | India | 14.43 | 89.33 | dni7 | dand | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dapi | DART Apia | United States | -9.5 | -176.25 | dapi, dapi2 | dapi | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dar2 | DART Arabian Sea | India | 20.2 | 67.33 | dar1, dar2 | dar2 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dara | DART Arabian Sea | India | 20.76 | 65.28 | dara, dara2 | dara | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dare | Dar Es Salaam | Tanzania | -6.82 | 39.28 | 102 | 1694 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dart | DART Thailand | Thailand | 9.54 | 96.67 | dtai | dtai | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-daru | Daru | Papua New Guinea | -9.05 | 143.2 | 272 | 2887 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-darw | Darwin | Australia | -12.47 | 130.85 | darw | darw | 62 | 168 | 935 | 2930 | 2818 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-darwg | Darwin Au014 | Australia | -12.84 | 131.13 | 662 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dasa | DART Arabian Sea | India | 18.63 | 67.18 | dasa | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dat2 | DART Sable Island | United States | 41.92 | -61.59 | dat2, dat4 | dat2 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-datl | DART Charleston | United States | 32.93 | -72.47 | datl | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-datu | DART Attu | United States | 50.17 | 171.84 | datu, datu2 | datu | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-daug | Daugavgriva | Latvia | 57.05 | 24.03 | 37 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-davi | Davis | Australia | -68.45 | 77.97 | 277 | 173 | 1847 | 663 | 2299 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-davo | Davao | Philippines | 7.08 | 125.63 | davo | davo | 71 | 372 | 537 | 3504 | 2824 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-dawr | Awra | Ethiopia | 12.07 | 40.07 | 3333 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dayt | Daytona Beach | United States | 29.23 | -81 | 1433, 270 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dayth | Daytona Beach Shores | United States | 29.15 | -80.96 | 1182 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dbal | DART Bali | Indonesia | -11.45 | 113.61 | dbal | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dbba | DART Bay of Bengal IN3 | India | 3.8 | 91.7 | dbba | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dbbb | DART Bay of Bengal IN4 | India | 10 | 88.5 | dni6 | dni6 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dber | DART SSW of Hamilton | India | 28.67 | -65.62 | dber, dber2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dcal | DART San Francisco | United States | 39.34 | -127.01 | dcal, dcal2 | dcal | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dcar | DART Caribbean | United States | 15.26 | -68.24 | dcar, dcar2 | dcar | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dchi | DART Arica | United States | -19.29 | -74.73 | dchi, dchi2 | dchi | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dchu | DART Chuginadak | United States | 49.63 | -169.87 | dchu, dchu2 | dchu | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dcii | DART SE of Chirikof Island | United States | 53.73 | -152.48 | dchr, dchr2 | dchr | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dcld | DART Caldera Chile | Chile | -26.74 | -73.98 | dcld, dcld2 | dcld | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dcnc | DART4G Concepcion | Chile | -35.77 | -75.25 | dch3, dch5 | dch3 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dcol | DART Colombia | Colombia | 2.99 | -79.07 | dcol, dcol2 | dcol | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dcor | DART Coral Sea | United States | -15.8 | 158.5 | dcor, dcor2 | dcor | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dcrs | DART Coral Sea 2 | United States | -14.8 | 153.59 | dcr2, dcr3 | dcr2 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dcss | DART Castle Rock Seamount | United States | 37.59 | -50.03 | dcss | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dede | Delaware City | United States | 39.58 | -75.59 | dede | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-deka | Dekastri | Russia | 51.47 | 140.77 | 1378 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-deke | Dekehtik | Micronesia | 6.98 | 158.2 | deke | deke | 115 | 1 | 1261, 1370, 1925 | 817 | 2132, 2787 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-delf | Delfzijl | Netherlands | 53.33 | 6.93 | delf | 24 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-denh | Den Helder | Netherlands | 52.96 | 4.75 | denh | 23 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-denhk | Denham | Australia | -25.93 | 113.53 | 1500 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-denis | Denis Island | Seychelles | -3.8 | 55.67 | denis | deni | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-denn | Dennery | Saint Lucia | 13.91 | -60.89 | stlu2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-depo | Depoe Bay | United States | 44.81 | -124.06 | 1541 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-derb | Derby | Australia | -17.28 | 123.6 | 1562, 1564 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-desc | Deschaillons | Canada | 46.57 | -72.1 | 201 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dese | Puerto Deseado | Argentina | -47.75 | -65.91 | dese | dese | 190 | 286 | 185 | 2050, 3567, 946 | 2562 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-desea | Puerto Princesa | Philippines | 9.75 | 118.73 | 380 | 207 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-desh | Deshaies | France | 16.31 | -61.8 | desh | desh | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-desi | La Desirade Island | France | 16.3 | -61.07 | desi | desi | 3098 | 3097 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-deve | Deversoir | Egypt | 30.42 | 32.35 | 423 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-devo | Devonport | Australia | -41.18 | 146.36 | 1118, 1123 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dfij | DART Fiji Basin | United States | -26.07 | 176 | dfij | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dgal | DART Galapagos | United States | -7.4 | -93.5 | dgal, dgal2 | dgal | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dgme | DART WNW of Loggerhead Key | United States | 25.2 | -87 | dgme | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dgmx | DART Gulf Mexico | Mexico | 27.4 | -85.67 | dgmx | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dgul | DART New Orleans | United States | 26.66 | -85.79 | dgul, dgul2 | dgul | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dgum | DART Guam | United States | 12.88 | 132.33 | dgum, dgum2 | dgum | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dhai | DART Hadi Gwai | Canada | 49.9 | -134.4 | dhai, dhai2 | dhai | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dhaw | DART Hawaii | United States | 19.65 | -156.52 | dhaw, dhaw2 | dhaw | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dhon | DART Honiara | United States | -5.33 | 165.08 | dhon, dhon2 | dhon | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dhta | DART Southeast of Hobart | Australia | -46.92 | 160.56 | dhta | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dial | Dauphin Island | United States | 30.2 | -88.1 | dial, dial2 | dial | 763 | 1156 | 2971, 2972, 745 | 2113 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-diam | Diamond Harbour | India | 22.2 | 88.17 | 543 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-diba | Diba | Oman | 25.65 | 56.27 | diba | diba | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dieg | Diego Ramirez | Chile | -56.51 | -68.72 | 180 | 599 | 1785 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-diel | Dielette | France | 49.55 | -1.86 | diel, diel2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-diep | Dieppe | France | 49.93 | 1.09 | diep, diep2 | diep | 474 | 3184, 3188, 3534 | 1904 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-digb | Digby | Canada | 44.63 | -65.75 | 1230 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-diks | Dikson | Russia | 73.37 | 80.65 | 312 | 611 | 2898 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-dind | DART Indonesia | United States | 0.05 | 91.9 | dind | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-disc | Discovery Bay | Jamaica | 18.43 | -77.42 | 2002 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-diw2 | DART East of Iwate | Japan | 39.6 | 145.8 | diw2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-diwa | DART Iwate | Japan | 40.4 | 146.2 | diwa | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-djib | Djibouti | Djibouti | 11.6 | 43.17 | djib | bout | 2 | 119 | 1291, 2225 | 1995 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-djou | Djougou | Benin | 9.69 | 1.66 | 2568 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-djun | DART SW of Juneau | United States | 52.98 | -139.95 | djun, djun2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-djve | DART JAVA E | United States | -15.02 | 117.99 | djve, djve2 | djve | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-djvw | DART JAVA W | United States | -13.96 | 110 | djvw, djvw2 | djvw | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dkam | DART Kamchatka | United States | 48.04 | 163.49 | dkam, dkam2 | dkam | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dkod | DART Kodiak | United States | 55.3 | -148.5 | dkod, dkod2 | dkod | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dksg | Doecker Smith Gletscher | Greenland | 76.35 | -61.68 | 2465 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dkui | DART SE of the Kuril Islands | Japan | 43.19 | 157.14 | dkui | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dkur | DART Kuril Is | United States | 44.47 | 155.74 | dkur, dkur2 | dkur | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dkwa | DART Kwajalein | United States | 11.74 | 154.22 | dkwa, dkwa2 | dkwa | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dlim | DART SW of Lima | Chile | -17.98 | -86.33 | dlim | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dlos | DART San Diego | United States | 32.25 | -120.7 | dlos | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dlpr | Deal Pier | United Kingdom | 51.22 | 1.41 | dlpr | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dmaa | DART West of Manta | Ecuador | -0.89 | -81.66 | dmaa | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dmab | DART West of Manta | Ecuador | -1.14 | -81.77 | dmab | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dmar | DART Marquesas | United States | -8.49 | -125.01 | dmar | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dmiy | DART Miyagi Japan | Japan | 38.82 | 145.6 | dmiy | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dmnz | DART Manzanillo | United States | 16.03 | -107 | dmnz, dmnz2 | dmnz | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dmon | DART Montauk | United States | 39.49 | -70.59 | dmon, dmon2 | dmon | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dnew | DART Auckland | United States | -33.01 | -172.99 | dnew | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dni2 | DART Bay of Bengal | Afghanistan | 6.25 | 88.79 | dni1, dni2 | dni2 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dni3 | DART Bay of Bengal | Afghanistan | 13.47 | 89 | dni3 | dni3 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dni4 | DART Bay of Bengal | Afghanistan | 17.33 | 89.48 | dni4, dni5 | dni4 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dnic | DART Nicobar | United States | 8.91 | 88.54 | dnic, dnic2 | dnic | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dnor | DART West-Southwest of Newport | Afghanistan | 42.9 | -130.91 | dnor | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dnrc | Dover | United States | 39.16 | -75.52 | 916 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dnwp | DART NW PAC | United States | 48.94 | 178.27 | dnwp, dnwp2 | dnwp | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dnza | DART New Zealand E Coast | New Zealand | -42.37 | 176.91 | dnza, dnza2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dnzb | DART New Zealand E Coast | New Zealand | -40.6 | 179.1 | dnzb, dnzb2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dnzc | DART New Zealand E Coast | New Zealand | -38.2 | -179.8 | dnzc, dnzc2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dnzd | DART New Zealand | New Zealand | -36.1 | 178.6 | dnzd, dnzd2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dnze | DART New Zealand E Coast | New Zealand | -36.05 | -177.71 | dnze, dnze2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dnzf | DART Tonga | Tonga | -29.68 | -175.01 | dnzf, dnzf2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dnzg | DART Tonga | Tonga | -23.35 | -173.4 | dnzg, dnzg2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dnzh | DART Tonga | Tonga | -20.09 | -171.86 | dnzh, dnzh2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dnzi | DART Tonga | Tonga | -16.89 | -171.19 | dnzi, dnzi2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dnzj | DART New Zealand | -26.67 | 163.95 | dnzj, dnzj2 | [details] | [edit] | |||||||
SSC-dnzk | DART New Zealand | -24.31 | 169.5 | dnzk, dnzk2 | [details] | [edit] | |||||||
SSC-dnzl | DART New Zealand | -19.31 | 166.78 | dnzl, dnzl2 | [details] | [edit] | |||||||
SSC-doha | Doha | Qatar | 25.3 | 51.52 | 1286 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dong | Dongfang | China | 19.1 | 108.62 | 637 | 1407 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dorg | DART Coos Bay | United States | 42.6 | -128.9 | dorg, dorg2 | dorg | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-doug | Douglas | Isle of Man | 54.15 | -4.47 | 435 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dove | Dover | United Kingdom | 51.11 | 1.32 | dove | 255 | 2013 | 2385 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-dpan | DART Panama | United States | 4.92 | -90.69 | dpan, dpan2 | dpan | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dpea | DART West of Pedernales | Ecuador | 0.64 | -81.26 | dpea | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dpeb | DART West of Pedernales | Ecuador | 0.26 | -81.21 | dpeb | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dper | DART Lima | United States | -17.98 | -86.39 | dper | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dphi | DART Manila | Philippines | 20.94 | 132.31 | dphi, dphi2 | dphi | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dpnc | Duck Pier | United States | 36.18 | -75.75 | dpnc, dpnc2 | dpnc | 219 | 260 | 1636 | 1884, 1885, 668 | 2154 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-dpor | DART Astoria | United States | 45.86 | -128.78 | dpor, dpor2 | dpor | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-drag | Draghallan | Sweden | 62.34 | 17.44 | drag | 1211, 122 | 3427 | 3425, 3426 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-dragg | Metzoki Dragot | Iceland | 31.59 | 35.39 | 2417 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dram | Diego | Chile | -56.5 | -68.72 | dram | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-drao | Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory | Canada | 49.32 | -119.63 | 665 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dreg | Dreger Harbour | Papua New Guinea | -6.65 | 147.88 | 517 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-drus | DART Hokkaido Is | United States | 42.62 | 152.56 | drus | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dryu | DART Ryukyu | Japan | 28.89 | 135.02 | dryu, dryu2 | dryu | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dsac | DART Southeast of Hawaii | United States | -8.49 | -125.02 | dsac | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dsai | DART Saipan | United States | 19.29 | 155.77 | dsai, dsai2 | dsai | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dsdi | DART NOOSS Optimization Buoy | United States | 32.46 | -120.56 | dsdi | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dsea | DART Seattle | United States | 48.76 | -129.62 | dsea, dsea2 | dsea | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dsen | DART Sendai | United States | 38.71 | 148.67 | dsen, dsen2 | dsen | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dshu | DART Shumagin | United States | 52.65 | -156.94 | dshu, dshu2 | dshu | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dsim | DART Simushir Is | India | 46.49 | 158.39 | dsim | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dsnj | DART San Juan | United States | 23.4 | -63.9 | dat3, dat5 | dat3 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dstl | DART Miami | United States | 23.46 | -67.29 | dstl, dstl2 | dstl | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dta2 | DART ESE of Hobart | Afghanistan | -46.67 | 161 | dta2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dta3 | DART Tasman Sea | United States | -44.9 | 161.84 | dta3, dta4 | dta3 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dtas | DART Tasman Sea | United States | -46.92 | 160.56 | dtas, dtas2 | dtas | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dtok | DART Tokyo | United States | 30.55 | 152.12 | dtok, dtok2 | dtok | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dton | DART Tonga | Tonga | -22.99 | -168.1 | dton | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dtru | DART Truk | United States | 4.03 | 145.6 | dtru, dtru2 | dtru | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dubl | Dublat, Saugor Island | India | 21.63 | 88.13 | 417, 49 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dubla | Dublin | Ireland | 53.35 | -6.22 | 432 | 2577 | 2578 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-dublm | Dublakhal | Bangladesh | 21.85 | 89.53 | 1966 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dubo | Lac Du Bonnet | Canada | 50.26 | -95.87 | 666 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dubr | Dubrovnik | Croatia | 42.66 | 18.06 | 760 | 2994, 667 | 2298 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-dukt | Dukegat | Germany | 53.43 | 6.93 | 2521, 2523 | 2522 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dumo | Dumont d'Urville | Antarctica | -66.65 | 140 | dumo | 131 | 189 | 2231 | 895 | 1756 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-duna | Dunai (Dunai Ostrov) | Russia | 73.93 | 124.5 | 640 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dunb | Dunbar | United Kingdom | 56 | -2.52 | 190 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dund | Dundee | United Kingdom | 56.45 | -2.97 | 117 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-duni | DART Dutch Hbr | United States | 51.07 | -164.01 | duni, duni2 | duni | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dunk | Dunkerque | France | 51.05 | 2.37 | dunk, dunk2 | dunk | 468 | 3185, 3186, 3415 | 1758 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-duqm | Duqm | Oman | 19.66 | 57.72 | duqm | duqm | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-durb | Durban | South Africa | -29.88 | 31.03 | durb | durb | 13 | 181 | 284 | 3506, 3527 | 2798 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-dutc | Unalaska | United States | 53.88 | -166.54 | dutc, dutc2 | dutc | 102 | 41 | 390, 757 | 1879 | 2375, 2750 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-dval | DART NW of Valparaiso | Afghanistan | -32.08 | -73.43 | dval, dval2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-dwat | Frontlight Dwarsgat | Germany | 53.72 | 8.31 | 2514 | 2513 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-dzao | Dzaoudzi | France | -12.78 | 45.26 | dzao, dzao2 | dzao | 96 | 155 | 1642 | 3428 | 1903 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-dzir | Dzirnupe (Milgravis, Muhlgraben) | Latvia | 57.02 | 24.12 | 354 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ealo | East London | South Africa | -33.02 | 27.92 | 187 | 1192 | 3126, 3507 | 3125 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-east | Easter Island | Chile | -27.15 | -109.45 | east, east2 | east | 137 | 22 | 1272, 1462, 884 | 669, 703 | 1975, 2769 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-ebla | East Bank | United States | 30.05 | -90.37 | ebla, ebla2 | ebla | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-eden | Eden | Australia | -37.07 | 149.91 | 833, 853 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-edit | Edithburg | Australia | -35.08 | 137.75 | 516 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-efjm | Errol Flynn Marina Portland | Jamaica | 18.18 | -76.45 | efjm | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-eila | Eugene Island | United States | 29.37 | -91.39 | eila | eila | 440 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-elak | Elfin Cove | United States | 58.19 | -136.34 | elak, elak2 | elak | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-elat | Elat | Israel | 29.5 | 34.92 | elat | 1022, 2148, 2149 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-elja | El jadida | Morocco | 33.26 | -8.5 | elja1 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ellb | Elliot | United States | 47.6 | -122.34 | ellb | ellb | 127 | 3525, 3526, 837 | 2363 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-elli | Elliston | Australia | -33.63 | 134.87 | 1339 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-elpo | El Porvenir | Panama | 9.56 | -78.95 | elpo | elpo | 739 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-emam | Emam Hassan | Iran | 29.83 | 50.25 | 1868 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-emde | Emden | Germany | 53.38 | 7.22 | 624 | 2527 | 2526 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-enew | Enewetok | Marshall Islands | 11.43 | 162.38 | 6 | 1384, 665 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-engg | Enggano | Indonesia | -5.35 | 102.28 | engg | engg | 2939 | 2938 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-ense | Ensenada | Mexico | 31.85 | -116.63 | ense | ense | 317 | 795 | 2292, 2294 | 2293 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-epme | East Port | United States | 44.9 | -66.99 | epme, epme2 | epme | 740 | 332 | 670 | 2354 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-eptx | Eagle Point | United States | 29.48 | -94.92 | eptx | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-erdek | Erdek | Turkey | 40.38 | 27.85 | erdek | 1598 | 2023 | 2151 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-erdem | Erdemli | Turkey | 36.57 | 34.25 | erdem | 2009 | 2652 | 2651 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-ereg | Ereglisi | Turkey | 41.28 | 31.42 | 582 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-esas | Esashi | Japan | 41.87 | 140.13 | 1605 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-esbj | Esbjerg | Denmark | 55.46 | 8.44 | 80 | 2062, 3003 | 2241 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-esme | Esmeraldas | Ecuador | 0.99 | -79.65 | esme | esme | 98 | 1498 | 2048 | 2147 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-espe | Esperance | Australia | -33.87 | 121.9 | espe | espe | 54 | 176 | 1114, 1127 | 2059 | 2109 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-espr | Bahia Esperanza | Argentina | -63.33 | -56.92 | espr | espr | 185 | 601 | 1889, 988 | 3589 | 2860 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-estr | Puerto Estrella | Colombia | 12.36 | -71.31 | estr | estr | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-eucl | Eucla | Australia | -31.72 | 128.87 | 1133, 1134 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-euro | Europlatform | Netherlands | 52 | 3.27 | euro | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-evan | Evans Head | Australia | -29.12 | 153.43 | 1229 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-even | Evenskjaer | Norway | 68.58 | 16.55 | 531 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-exmo | Exmouth | Australia | -21.95 | 114.14 | 1762 | 3234 | 3233 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-exmt | Exmouth Marina | United Kingdom | 50.62 | -3.42 | exmt | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-exum | Exuma | Bahamas | 23.78 | -76.1 | 12 | 256 | 1824 | 2797 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-fair | Gilmore Creek Observatory | United States | 64.98 | -147.5 | 671 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-faja | Fajardo | Puerto Rico | 18.33 | -65.63 | faja | faja | 783 | 2211 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-falk | Falkenberg | Sweden | 56.89 | 12.49 | falk | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-fama | Famagusta | Cyprus | 35.12 | 33.95 | 2023, 2145, 436 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-fann | Fanning Island | Kiribati | 3.9 | -159.38 | 12 | 1361, 1741, 1990 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-faoi | Fao | Iraq | 29.97 | 48.5 | 1989 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-faro | Farobara | Portugal | 36.98 | -7.87 | 1483 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-fbfl | Fernandina Beach | United States | 30.67 | -81.47 | fbfl, fbfl2 | fbfl | 240 | 112 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-feca | Fecamp | France | 49.77 | 0.35 | 482 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-fedo | Fedorova (Cheluskin Mys) | Russia | 77.72 | 104.3 | 601 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ferg | Cape Ferguson | Australia | -19.28 | 147.06 | ferg | ferg | 60 | 334, 343 | 1492, 584, 637, 963 | 858 | 2321, 2585 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-ferl | Ferrol | Spain | 43.46 | -8.33 | fer1 | fer1 | 2052, 2053 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-fern | Fernando de Noronha | Brazil | -3.83 | -32.4 | 198 | 203 | 1566, 1625, 1829, 1973 | 2865 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-ferr | Ferrol 2 | Spain | 43.48 | -8.25 | fer2 | 2053 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-feth | Fethiye | Turkey | 36.62 | 29.09 | feth | feth | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-figu | La Figueirette | France | 43.48 | 6.93 | figu, figu2 | figu | 2232 | 3194, 3541 | 3165 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-fish | Fishguard | United Kingdom | 52.01 | -4.98 | fish | 1731, 939 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-flee | Fleetwood | United Kingdom | 53.93 | -3 | 1486 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-flin | Flin Flon | Canada | 54.73 | -101.98 | 672 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-flma | Borden Flats Light (Fall River) | United States | 41.7 | -71.2 | flma | fama, flma | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-flnt | Flinten | Sweden | 55.59 | 12.84 | fli16, fli7 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-fmfl | Fort Myers | United States | 26.65 | -81.87 | fmfl, fmfl2 | fmfl | 1106 | 3521 | 3520 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-fogl | Foglo / Degerby | Aland Islands | 60.03 | 20.38 | 249 | 2589 | 2588 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-fong | Fongafale | Tuvalu | -8.5 | 179.19 | fong | fong | 121 | 25 | 1452, 1839 | 865 | 2167 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-forc | Forcados | Nigeria | 5.35 | 5.35 | 389 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-form | Formentera | Spain | 38.73 | 1.42 | form | form | 2060 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-fors | Forsmark | Sweden | 60.41 | 18.21 | fors | 2103 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-fort | Fortaleza | Brazil | -3.72 | -38.47 | fort, fort2 | fort | 336 | 283 | 559 | 1921, 3455, 673 | 2300 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-fortd | Fort Dauphin | Madagascar | -25.02 | 47 | 271 | 2886 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-fortz | Fort Phrachula Chomklao (Pom Phrachun) | Thailand | 13.55 | 100.58 | 444 | 2632 | 2631 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-fosm | Fos-sur-Mer | France | 43.4 | 4.89 | fosm, fosm2 | 2234, 969 | 3540 | 3163 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-fowl | Fowlers Bay | Australia | -32 | 132.43 | 1502 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-fpga | Fort Pulaski | United States | 32.03 | -80.9 | fpga, fpga2 | fpga | 289 | 752 | 395 | 2721 | 2720 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-fpnt | San Francisco | United States | 37.81 | -122.47 | fpnt, fpnt2 | fpnt | 158 | 551 | 10 | 1886, 3024, 3028, 3094, 3095 | 2378 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-fptx | Free Port | United States | 28.95 | -95.31 | fptx | fptx | 725 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-fran | Franklin Harbor | Australia | -33.68 | 136.93 | 402 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-fray | Fray Bentos | Uruguay | -33.12 | -58.32 | 794 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-fred | Fredericia | Denmark | 55.56 | 9.75 | 81 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-fredg | Frederikshavn | Denmark | 57.44 | 10.55 | 91 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-frem | Fremantle | Australia | -32.05 | 115.73 | 53 | 175 | 111, 114 | 812 | 2315 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-fren | Tern, French Frigate Shoals | United States | 23.87 | -166.28 | fren | fren | 107 | 14 | 1372, 2192 | 2840 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-frih | Friday Harbor | United States | 48.55 | -123.01 | frih | frih | 384 | 2689 | 2688 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-frob | Frobisher Bay | Canada | 63.75 | -68.53 | 1139 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-frot | Mausund | Norway | 63.87 | 8.67 | frot | 2271 | 2949 | 2948 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-frtr | Frontera | Mexico | 18.15 | -94.27 | frtr | frtr | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-ftfr | Fort-de-France | France | 14.6 | -61.06 | ftfr, ftfr2 | ftfr | 338 | 1582, 1942 | 2503, 3220 | 1764 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-fuev | Fuerteventura | Spain | 28.49 | -13.86 | fue2, fuer2 | 2048 | 3135 | 3134 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-fuka | Fukaura | Japan | 40.65 | 139.93 | fuka | fuka | 121, 1317 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-fuku | Fukue | Japan | 32.7 | 128.85 | 1101 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-fulf | Fulford Harbour | Canada | 48.77 | -123.45 | 688 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-funa | Funafuti | Tuvalu | -8.53 | 179.19 | funa | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-func | Funchal | Portugal | 32.64 | -16.91 | 250 | 218 | 1030, 2024 | 1901 | 2102, 2788 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-furu | Furuogrund | Sweden | 64.92 | 21.23 | furu | 203 | 844 | 2320 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-futu | Leava, Futuna Island | France | -14.3 | -178.16 | futu | futu | 353 | 453 | 2244 | 3113, 3385 | 3112 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-fyns | Fynshav | Denmark | 55 | 9.99 | 1197 | 3577 | 3576 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-gade | Gadeokdo | South Korea | 35.02 | 128.81 | 1445 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-galw | Galway | Ireland | 53.27 | -9.03 | 1083 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-gand | Gandia | Spain | 39 | -0.15 | gand | 2058 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-gang | Gangra | India | 21.95 | 88.02 | 1369 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ganm | Gan | Maldives | -0.69 | 73.15 | ganm | ganm | 27 | 109 | 1025, 1707 | 3412 | 2801 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-gaom | Gao | Mali | 16.25 | 359.99 | 2569 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-gaor | Garibaldi | United States | 45.56 | -123.91 | gaor | gaor | 1285, 2214 | 3530 | 3528, 3529 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-gara | Garachico | Spain | 28.37 | -16.75 | gara | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-garc | Diego Garcia | United Kingdom | -7.23 | 72.43 | garc | garc | 26 | 104 | 1740, 1982, 2190, 947 | 2553, 664 | 2181, 3587 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-gaso | Gasoren | Sweden | 64.68 | 21.29 | gaso | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-gata | Gaeta | Italy | 41.21 | 13.59 | GA37 | 2137 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-gazi | Gazimagusa | Cyprus | 35.12 | 33.95 | gazi | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-gbit | Great Barrier Island | New Zealand | -36.19 | 175.49 | gbit | gbit | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-gdan | Gdansk/nowy Port | Poland | 54.4 | 18.68 | 64 | 3372 | 3371 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-gdyn | Gdynia | Poland | 54.53 | 18.55 | 364 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-geds | Gedser | Denmark | 54.57 | 11.93 | 837 | 120 | 2063 | 2229 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-geel | Geelong | Australia | -38.09 | 144.39 | 1117, 1125 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-geib | Geiberga (Geiberga Ostrov) | Russia | 77.6 | 101.52 | 648 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-gene | Geneffe | Egypt | 30.17 | 32.57 | 422 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-genel | General Dynamics Pier | United States | 33.02 | -79.92 | 1721 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-genv | Genova | Italy | 44.41 | 8.93 | GE25 | genv | 2090, 59 | 678 | 2250 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-geoj | Geojedo | South Korea | 34.8 | 128.7 | 2040 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-geom | Geomundo | South Korea | 34.03 | 127.31 | 1546 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-geor | George Town | Cayman Islands | 19.3 | -81.38 | cagt, geor | cagt, geor | 1422, 1426 | 1880, 3523 | 2140, 2731 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-geort | Georgetown | Australia | -41.13 | 146.85 | 1120, 1124 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-geory | Georgetown | Guyana | 6.8 | -58.17 | 305 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-gera | Geraldton | Australia | -28.78 | 114.6 | gpab | 1031, 1043 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-geti | Geting | Malaysia | 6.23 | 102.1 | 326 | 1703 | 918 | 2324 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-giba | Gibara | Cuba | 21.12 | -76.13 | 276 | 244 | 563 | 2889 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-gibr | Gibraltar | United Kingdom | 36.13 | -5.35 | gibr, gibr2, gibr3 | gibr | 248 | 289 | 2055, 2117, 490, 981 | 2232, 3373 | 2231, 3462, 3463 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-gijo | Gijon | Spain | 43.56 | -5.7 | gij2 | 1871, 507 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-gila | Grand Isle | United States | 29.26 | -89.96 | gila, gila2 | gila | 765 | 526 | 1881 | 2376 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-ging | Gingerville Creek | United States | 38.96 | -76.56 | 1203 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-gino | Ginostra | Italy | 38.78 | 15.19 | GI20 | 2138 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-girn | Girne | Cyprus | 35.35 | 33.33 | girn | 1911, 2022 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-gist | Gisborne | New Zealand | -38.68 | 178.02 | gist | gist | 78 | 1613 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-glad | Gladstone | Australia | -23.85 | 151.31 | 1480, 825 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-glsv | Kiev/golosiiv | Ukraine | 50.36 | 30.5 | 681 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-gmas | Guts Maspalomas | Spain | 27.76 | -15.63 | 2418, 736 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-goag | Goteborg Agnesberg | Sweden | 57.79 | 12.01 | goag | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-gode | Ggao (greenbelt) | United States | 39.02 | -76.83 | 682 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-godt | Nuuk, Godthaab | Denmark | 64.17 | -51.73 | nuk1, nuuk | 225 | 820 | 915 | 3584 | 2877 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-goer | Goteborg Eriksberg | Sweden | 57.7 | 11.91 | goer | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-gohe | Goheung | South Korea | 34.48 | 127.34 | 2041 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-gohi | Goteborg Hisingsbron | Sweden | 57.72 | 11.97 | gohi | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-gokc | Gokceada | Turkey | 40.23 | 25.89 | gokc | 2015 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-gokr | Goteborg Krossholmen | Sweden | 57.69 | 11.77 | gokr | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-gold | Gold Coast Seaway | Australia | -27.95 | 153.42 | gcsb | 1465, 1704, 1722 | 3230 | 3229 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-goldf | Gold River | Canada | 49.68 | -126.12 | 1827 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-goldg | Goldstone Deep Space Tracking Station | United States | 35.43 | -116.89 | 683 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-golo | Golomianyi (Golomianyi Ostrov) | Russia | 79.55 | 90.62 | 729 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-good | Goods Island | Australia | -10.56 | 142.15 | 1368 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-gote | Goteborg Ringon | Sweden | 57.72 | 11.97 | goti | 2133 | 2079 | 3106 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-goto | Goteborg Torshamnen | Sweden | 57.68 | 11.79 | goto | 233 | 819 | 1236, 74 | 2079 | 2328, 2738 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-goug | Gough Island | South Africa | -40.32 | -9.95 | goug | goug | 684 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-gptx | Galveston Pier | United States | 29.31 | -94.79 | gptx, gptx2 | gptx, pptx | 217 | 767, 775 | 161, 828 | 1934, 2973, 676 | 2355, 2356 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-gran | Granville Harbour | Australia | -41.78 | 145 | 1375 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-grand | Grand Pass, Chandeleur | United States | 30.13 | -89.22 | 1662 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-granr | Granadilla | Spain | 28.09 | -16.49 | 2050 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-gras | Observatoire De Calern - Oca | France | 43.75 | 6.92 | 685 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-grau | Puerto Grau | Peru | -17.99 | -70.88 | pgrau | grau | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-greg | Gregorio | Chile | -52.65 | -70.21 | greg, greg2 | greg | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-grey | Greymouth | New Zealand | -42.45 | 171.2 | 993 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-grin | Grindavik | Iceland | 63.83 | -22.43 | 877 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-gron | Gronskar | Sweden | 59.28 | 19.03 | 77 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-gronx | Grondines | Canada | 46.58 | -72.03 | 387 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-groo | Groote Eylandt | Australia | -13.86 | 136.42 | groo | groo | 145 | 1160, 1177 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-gros | Gros Cacouna | Canada | 47.93 | -69.52 | 1572 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-gtdpr | Guayanilla | Puerto Rico | 18.01 | -66.77 | gtdpr | gypr | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-guam | Guam | United States | 13.44 | 144.65 | guam, guam2 | guam | 149 | 53 | 540 | 687 | 2371, 3107 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-guan | Guantanamo Bay | Cuba | 19.9 | -75.15 | 251 | 1890, 418 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-guao | Urumqi | China | 43.59 | 87.63 | 688 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-guat | Guat | Guatemala | 14.59 | -90.52 | 2419 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-guay | Guaymas | Mexico | 27.93 | -110.9 | 397 | 693 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-guir | Guiria | Venezuela | 10.57 | -62.28 | 1053 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-guns | Gunsan (Outer Port) | South Korea | 35.98 | 126.56 | 1527 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-gure | Gureopdo | South Korea | 37.19 | 126 | 2146 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-gvds | Gavdos | Greece | 34.85 | 24.12 | gvd9 | gvd9 | 2024, 2277, 2278 | 2276 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-gwda | Gwadar | Pakistan | 25.11 | 62.34 | gwda | gwda | 295 | 1999 | 2894 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-gyer | Guayaquil - RÃo Guayas | Ecuador | -2.2 | -79.88 | gyer | gyer | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-hach | Hachinohe | Japan | 40.53 | 141.53 | 375 | 1266, 460 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-hade | Hadera | Israel | 32.47 | 34.86 | hade, hade2 | 80 | 1797 | 2022 | 2163 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-hafu | Hafun | Somalia | 10.45 | 51.25 | 6 | 2792 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-hagi | Hagi | Japan | 34.43 | 131.42 | 1306 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-haif | Haifa | Israel | 32.82 | 35 | haif | haif | 2221, 798 | 2619 | 2618 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-haik | Haikou | China | 20.02 | 110.28 | 638 | 1428 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-hain | Haing Gyi Kyun | Myanmar | 16 | 94.32 | hain | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-haka | Hakata | Japan | 33.62 | 130.41 | 1094 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-hako | Hakodate | Japan | 41.78 | 140.72 | hako | hako | 88 | 364 | 671, 813 | 799 | 2312, 2755 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-hald | Haldia | India | 22.03 | 88.1 | 1270 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-hale | Haleiwa | United States | 21.59 | -158.11 | halei | hale | 422 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-hali | Halifax | Canada | 44.67 | -63.58 | hali | 222 | 275 | 96 | 692 | 2245 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-halm | Halmstad | Sweden | 56.65 | 12.84 | halm | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-hamb | Hambantota | Sri Lanka | 6.12 | 81.13 | hamb | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-hami | Hamina | Finland | 60.56 | 27.18 | 315 | 2587 | 2586 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-hamm | Hammerfest | Norway | 70.66 | 23.68 | hamm | 758 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-hammq | Hammerhavn | Denmark | 55.28 | 14.77 | 1417 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-hana | Hanasaki | Japan | 43.28 | 145.57 | hana | hana | 139, 1442 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-hanc | Hatteras | United States | 35.21 | -75.7 | hanc | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-hani | Hanimadhoo | Maldives | 6.77 | 73.17 | hani | hani | 117 | 1779, 2184 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-hank | Hanko / Hango | Finland | 59.82 | 22.98 | 71 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-hanl | Hanalei, HI | United States | 22.21 | -159.5 | hanl | hanl | 432 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-hans | Hanstholm | Denmark | 57.12 | 8.6 | 703 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-haor | Hammond | United States | 46.2 | -123.95 | haor | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-harb | Hartebeesthoek | South Africa | -25.89 | 27.69 | 689, 699 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-hari | Haringvliet | Netherlands | 51.86 | 3.86 | 1837 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-harl | Harlingen | Netherlands | 53.18 | 5.41 | harl | 25 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-harr | Harrington Harbour | Canada | 50.5 | -59.48 | 176 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-hars | Harstad | Norway | 68.8 | 16.55 | hars | 681 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-harv | Harvest Oil P. | United States | 34.47 | -120.67 | harv | 594 | 2124 | 690 | 2358 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-harw | Harwich | United Kingdom | 51.95 | 1.29 | harw | 214, 742 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-hasp | Hastings Pier | United Kingdom | 50.85 | 0.57 | hasp | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-hats | Hatsushima | Japan | 35.04 | 139.17 | 2205 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-haug | Haugesund | Norway | 59.42 | 5.18 | 1970 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-hayp | Hay Point | Australia | -21.28 | 149.3 | 1246, 1256 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-hbay | Herne Bay | United Kingdom | 51.38 | 1.12 | hbay | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-hear | Heard Island | Heard Island and McDonald Islands | -53.02 | 73.38 | 550 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-hebo | Helsingborg | Sweden | 56.04 | 12.69 | hels | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-heei | Heeia | United States | 21.44 | -157.81 | heeia | heei | 423 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-heim | Heimsjo | Norway | 63.43 | 9.1 | heim | 313 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-helg | Helgoland Binnenhafen | Germany | 54.18 | 7.89 | helg | 660, 713 | 3545, 691 | 2260 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-helgz | Helgeroa | Norway | 59 | 9.86 | helgz | 1113 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-heli | Heligman | Aland Islands | 60.2 | 19.3 | 231 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-hell | Hellevoetsluis | Netherlands | 51.82 | 4.13 | 19 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-help | Hel | Poland | 54.6 | 18.8 | 146 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-hels | Helsinki | Finland | 60.15 | 24.96 | 14 | 2709, 2710, 743 | 2304 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-hens | Henslung Cove | Canada | 54.18 | -133.1 | hens, lpbc | lpbc | 2229 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-herb | L'Herbaudière | France | 47.03 | -2.3 | herb, herb2 | herb | 3478 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-herc | Hercegnovi | Montenegro | 42.45 | 18.53 | 806 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-herm | Hermanus | South Africa | -34.43 | 19.23 | 928 | 2621 | 2620 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-heys | Heysham | United Kingdom | 54.03 | -2.92 | heys | 936 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-hien | Hienghene | France | -20.69 | 164.94 | hien, hien2 | hien | 2237 | 3562 | 3170 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-hieo | ElHierro | Spain | 27.78 | -17.9 | hie2 | 2051 | 3143 | 3142 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-hilb | Hilbre Island | United Kingdom | 53.38 | -3.22 | 940 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-hill | Hillarys_Harbor | Australia | -31.83 | 115.74 | hill | hill | 132 | 1761 | 1918 | 2159 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-hilo | Hilo | United States | 19.73 | -155.06 | hilo, hilo2 | hilo | 287 | 60 | 300 | 2088, 2982 | 2177 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-hink | Hinkley Point | United Kingdom | 51.21 | -3.13 | hink | 1758 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-hiro | Hiron Point | Bangladesh | 21.78 | 89.47 | 134 | 1451 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-hirom | Hirosima | Japan | 34.35 | 132.46 | 1028 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-hirt | Hirtshals | Denmark | 57.6 | 9.97 | hirt | 89 | 2064 | 2233 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-hiva | Hiva Oa | France | -9.8 | -139.03 | hiva | hiva | 17 | 1466, 2240 | 3409 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-hjor | Hjornefjeldet | Greenland | 63.42 | -41.15 | 2477 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-hmda | Hamada | Japan | 34.9 | 132.07 | hmda | hmda | 326 | 348 | 143, 1585, 94 | 804 | 2150, 2740 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-hoba | Hobart | Australia | -42.88 | 147.33 | 339 | 838, 964 | 695 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-hoek | Hoek Van Holland | Netherlands | 51.98 | 4.12 | hoek | 22 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-hofn | Hoefn / Iceland | Iceland | 64.27 | -15.19 | 696 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-hofu | Hofu | Japan | 34.05 | 131.58 | 1086 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-hogb | Hog Bay | Australia | -35.67 | 137.93 | 535 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-hoko | Honokohau | United States | 19.67 | -156.02 | hoko | hoko | 430 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-holm | Holmsund | Sweden | 63.7 | 20.35 | holm | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-holy | Holyhead | United Kingdom | 53.31 | -4.63 | holy, holy2, holyt | 5 | 3241 | 3242 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-homm | Hommoku | Japan | 35.43 | 139.67 | 1418 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-hond | Hon Dau | Vietnam | 20.67 | 106.82 | 650 | 841 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-honn | Honningsvåg | Norway | 70.98 | 25.98 | honn | 801 | 1267 | 2091 | 2453 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-honnq | Honngu | Vietnam | 18.8 | 105.77 | 1003 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-hono | Honolulu | United States | 21.31 | -157.87 | hono, hono2, htst | hono | 108 | 26, 27, 57 | 1481, 155, 1661, 2030 | 3043, 693 | 2270 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-hont | Honto | Russia | 46.68 | 141.85 | 241 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-horn | Hörnum | Germany | 54.76 | 8.3 | horn | 2001, 2002, 3552 | 2261 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-hornm | Hornbaek | Denmark | 56.09 | 12.46 | 838 | 119 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-hort | Horta | Portugal | 38.53 | -28.62 | 212 | 156 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-hortx | Horten | Norway | 59.42 | 10.48 | 1972 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-hoso | Hosojima | Japan | 32.42 | 131.68 | 358 | 133 | 793 | 2310 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-hout | Hout Bay | South Africa | -34.05 | 18.35 | 774 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-hove | Hovell Pile | Australia | -38.33 | 144.86 | 1777 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-hrms | Hermosillo | Mexico | 29.09 | -110.97 | 3067 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-huac | Huacho | Peru | -11.12 | -77.62 | huach | huac | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-huahi | Huahine island | France | -16.72 | -151.03 | huahi | huah | 3172 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-huas | Huasco | Chile | -28.46 | -71.22 | huas, huas2, huas3 | huas | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-huat | Huatulco | Mexico | 15.75 | -96.12 | huat, huat2 | huat | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-huel | Huelva5 | Spain | 37.13 | -6.83 | huel | 1883 | 1923, 3458 | 2173 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-hull | Hull | United Kingdom | 53.73 | -0.35 | 1435 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-hullq | Hull | Kiribati | -4.48 | -172.17 | 1965 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-huma | Huarmey | Peru | -10.1 | -78.18 | huarm | huma | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-humb | Humble Oil Platform | United States | 29.17 | -89.92 | 576 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-hupo | Hupo | South Korea | 36.68 | 129.45 | 1923 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-husu | Husum | Germany | 54.48 | 9.07 | 659 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-hyde | National Geophysical Research Institute | India | 17.42 | 78.55 | 700 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-iaix | Ile d'Aix | France | 46.01 | -1.17 | iaix | 2236 | 3005 | 3004 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-ibiz | Ibiza2 | Spain | 38.92 | 1.45 | ibiz | 1932 | 942 | 2191 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-iclr | Isla Clarion | Mexico | 18.53 | -114.72 | iclr | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-iera | Ierapetra | Greece | 35 | 25.74 | iera | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-iglo | Igloolik | Canada | 69.38 | -81.8 | 1419 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-igne | Igneada | Turkey | 41.88 | 28.02 | igne | 1926 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-iisc | Indian Institute Of Science | Iceland | 13.02 | 77.57 | 701 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ijmu | Ijmuiden | Netherlands | 52.46 | 4.55 | 32 | 2238 | 2237 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-iler | Ile Royale | France | 5.28 | -52.59 | iler, iler2 | iler | 850, 851 | 2012 | 3414, 714 | 1867, 3173 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-ilet | Ilet La Mere | French Guiana | 4.89 | -52.19 | 2243 | 3174 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-ilfa | Ilfracombe | United Kingdom | 51.21 | -4.11 | ilfa | 1214 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-ilha | Ilha Guaiba | Brazil | -23 | -44.03 | 1974 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-iloi | Iloilo, Panay | Philippines | 10.7 | 122.57 | 151 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ilom | Ilo | Peru | -17.64 | -71.35 | ilom | ilom | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-ilul | Ilulissat | Denmark | 69.22 | -51.1 | 298 | 1820 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-imbi | Imbituba | Brazil | -28.23 | -48.65 | imbi, imbt, imbt2 | imbi, imbt | 351 | 718 | 1916, 542 | 2043 | 2349 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-immi | Immingham | United Kingdom | 53.63 | -0.19 | immi | 286 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-impr | Imperia | Italy | 43.88 | 8.02 | IM01, im02, im02a | im02 | 108, 2078 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-impz | Imperatriz | Brazil | -5.49 | -47.5 | 3077 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-imuj | Isla Mujeres | Mexico | 21.22 | -86.72 | imuj, imuj2 | imuj | 2179 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-inav | Isla Naval | Colombia | 10.18 | -75.75 | inav, inav2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ince | Ince Point | Australia | -10.51 | 142.31 | 1300 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-inch | Incheon | South Korea | 37.45 | 126.59 | 956 | 2498, 2910 | 2497 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-indi | Indian River Inlet | United States | 38.61 | -75.07 | 1337 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-inha | Inhambane | Mozambique | -23.92 | 35.5 | inha | inha | 10 | 900 | 1997, 2226 | 2958 | 2795 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-inno | Innokentievka | Russia | 48.62 | 140.15 | 530 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-inou | Inoucdjouac | Canada | 58.45 | -78.1 | 1283 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-inve | Invergordon | United Kingdom | 57.68 | -4.17 | 944 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-invk | Inuvik | Canada | 68.31 | -133.53 | 2420 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-iqui | Iquique | Chile | -20.2 | -70.15 | iqui, iqui2 | iqui | 1963 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-iquig | Iquitos | Peru | -3.77 | -73.27 | 3088 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-irak | Iraklion | Greece | 35.35 | 25.15 | hrak | 2165, 634 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-irkj | Irkutsk | Russia | 52.22 | 104.32 | 2421, 702 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-isab | Isabel Segunda | Puerto Rico | 18.15 | -65.44 | isab | 732, 733 | 2209, 2210 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-isabz | Isabela De Sagua | Cuba | 22.93 | -80.02 | 1909 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-isac | Isachenko (Isachenko Ostrov) | Russia | 77.15 | 89.2 | 734 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-isfu | Isla Fuerte | Colombia | 9.39 | -76.18 | isfu | isfu | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-ishig | Ishigakijima | Japan | 24.33 | 124.15 | ishig | ishi | 365 | 1411, 1671 | 3063 | 3061, 3062 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-iske | Iskenderun | Turkey | 36.62 | 36.12 | iske | 2020, 697 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-isla | Isla Guadalupe | Mexico | 28.88 | -118.3 | 160 | 36 | 1413, 1991 | 2295 | 2296 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-islae | Isla Martin Garcia | Argentina | -34.18 | -58.25 | 864 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-islaj | Islay (Port Ellen) | United Kingdom | 55.63 | -6.19 | 1772 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ista | Istanbul | Turkey | 41.16 | 29.07 | ista | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-itap | Itaparica | Brazil | -12.87 | -38.68 | 196 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-itea | Itea | Greece | 38.43 | 22.42 | itea | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-itit | Isole Tremiti | Italy | 42.12 | 15.5 | IT45 | 2248 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-itoi | Itoi | Japan | 34.97 | 139.12 | 1343, 876 | 784 | 2126, 2760 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-izuh | Izuhara | Japan | 34.2 | 129.3 | 1586, 661 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-izve | Izvestia Tsik (Izvestia Tsik Ostrova) | Russia | 75.95 | 82.95 | 728 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-jaba | Jabiru Au043 | Australia | -12.66 | 132.89 | 704 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-jaca | Jacamel | Haiti | 18.23 | -72.54 | jaca | jaca | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-jack | Jackson Bay | New Zealand | -43.97 | 168.62 | jack | jack, jbay | 403 | 1882 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-jacks | Jacksonville | United States | 30.35 | -81.62 | 716 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-jaff | Jaffa | Israel | 32.05 | 34.75 | 778 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-jamu | Jamuan | Indonesia | -6.97 | 112.75 | 278 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-jang | Janghang | South Korea | 36.01 | 126.69 | 2042 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-janm | Jan Mayen Island | Norway | 70.92 | -8.72 | 1382 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-jarv | Jarvis | United States | -0.38 | -160.03 | 45 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-jask | Jask | Iran | 25.63 | 57.77 | jask, jask2 | jask | 126 | 1899 | 2565 | 2564 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-jast | Jastarnia | Poland | 54.7 | 18.68 | 382 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-jebe | Jebel Dhanna | United Arab Emirates | 24.18 | 52.63 | 1056 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-jeju | Jeju | South Korea | 33.53 | 126.54 | 1066 | 2912 | 2911 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-jers | Jersey | United Kingdom | 49.18 | -2.12 | jers | 1795, 494, 694 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-jerv | Jervis Bay | Australia | -35.12 | 150.73 | 1307 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-jind | Jindo | South Korea | 34.38 | 126.31 | 2043 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-john | Johnston Island | United States | 16.74 | -169.52 | john | john | 109 | 52 | 598 | 2908 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-joho | Johor Baharu | Malaysia | 1.47 | 103.8 | 321 | 2645 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-jolo | Jolo, Sulu | Philippines | 6.07 | 121 | 70 | 373 | 260 | 2823 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-joss | Jossingford | Norway | 58.33 | 6.37 | 1971 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-joze | Jozefoslaw | Poland | 52.09 | 21.03 | 705 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-jplm | Pasadena | United States | 34.2 | -118.17 | 2422 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-jrmi | Jeremie | Haiti | 18.64 | -74.11 | jrmi | jrmi | 405 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-jsnj | Ship John Shoal | United States | 39.31 | -75.38 | jsnj | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-juac | Juanchaco | Colombia | 3.92 | -77.36 | juac | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-juan | Juan Fernandez | Chile | -33.62 | -78.83 | juan, juan2 | juan | 176 | 21 | 1461, 1644, 1664, 904 | 2856 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-juay | Juaymah Pier | Saudi Arabia | 26.87 | 49.9 | 1509 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-june | Juneau | United States | 58.3 | -134.41 | june | june | 405 | 2681 | 2680 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-jung | Jungfrusund | Finland | 59.95 | 22.37 | 18 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-juro | Jurong | Singapore | 1.3 | 103.72 | 1275 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-jute | Juten | Sweden | 58.63 | 16.33 | jute | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kabe | Kabelvag | Norway | 68.21 | 14.48 | kabe | 45 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-kabr | Kabret | Egypt | 30.27 | 32.5 | 254 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kaci | Kaciveli | Ukraine | 44.42 | 34.05 | kaci | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kaga | Kangia North | Greenland | 69.22 | -49.81 | 2455 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kago | Kagoshimai | Japan | 31.6 | 130.57 | 1319, 868 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kahu | Kahului | United States | 20.9 | -156.47 | kahu, kahu2 | kahu | 59 | 521 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-kain | Kainan | Japan | 34.14 | 135.19 | 701 | 788 | 2309, 2757 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-kait | Kaikoura | New Zealand | -42.41 | 173.7 | kait | kait | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-kaka | Kalix Karlsborg | Sweden | 65.79 | 23.3 | kaka | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kala | Kalamata | Greece | 37.02 | 22.11 | kala | 411 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-kali | Kaliningrad | Russia | 54.95 | 20.22 | 97 | 289 | 2833 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-kalit | Kalix Storon | Sweden | 65.7 | 23.1 | kalit | 2101 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-kalm | Kalmar | Sweden | 56.66 | 16.38 | kalm | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kalt | Kalathos | Greece | 36.11 | 28.07 | kalt | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kama | Kamaisi | Japan | 39.27 | 141.9 | 1346, 715 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kami | Kaminato | Japan | 33.13 | 139.82 | 1440, 773 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kand | Kandla | India | 23.02 | 70.22 | 596 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kang | Kangan | Iran | 27.83 | 52.05 | 1869 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kanm | Kanmen | China | 28.08 | 121.28 | 94 | 632 | 934 | 2832 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-kant | Kanton | Kiribati | -2.8 | -171.72 | kant | kant | 145 | 13 | 1329, 575 | 2847 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-kaoh | Kaohsiung | Taiwan (Province of China) | 22.62 | 120.28 | tkao | 340 | 1356, 152 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-kapi | Kapingamarangi | Micronesia | 1.08 | 154.81 | kapi | kapi | 117 | 29 | 1473 | 2841 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-kaps | Kapsali | Greece | 36.14 | 23 | kaps | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kara | Karachi | Pakistan | 24.81 | 66.98 | kara | kara | 30 | 147 | 204 | 2802 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-kari | Kariya | Japan | 33.47 | 129.85 | 1318 | 792 | 2123 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-karl | Karlshamn | Sweden | 56.15 | 14.82 | karl | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-karr | Karratha Au013 | Australia | -20.98 | 117.1 | 706 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kars | Karsiyakaizmir | Turkey | 38.4 | 27.17 | 1021, 406 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-karsj | Karsibori | Poland | 53.85 | 14.28 | 1206 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-karu | Karumba | Australia | -17.5 | 140.83 | 1657, 835 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-karw | Karwar | India | 14.8 | 74.12 | 1273 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kash | Kashiwazaki | Japan | 37.36 | 138.51 | 753 | 781 | 2307 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-kask | Kaskinen / Kasko | Finland | 62.34 | 21.21 | 285 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kaso | Kasos Island, South Aegean | Greece | 35.42 | 26.92 | kaso | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kast | Kasteli | Greece | 35.51 | 23.64 | kast | kast | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-kata | Katakolo | Greece | 37.64 | 21.32 | kata | 1240 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-kats | Katsuura | Japan | 35.13 | 140.25 | 1191 | 778 | 2115 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-kaum | Kaumalapau | United States | 20.78 | -156.9 | kaum | kaum | 548 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-kaun | Kaunakakai, Hawaii | United States | 21.08 | -157.03 | kaun | 428 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-kava | Kavalla | Greece | 40.93 | 24.41 | 375 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kavi | Kavieng | Papua New Guinea | -2.58 | 150.8 | 68 | 1608, 1615 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-kawa | Kawaihae | United States | 20.04 | -155.83 | kawa, kawa2 | kawa | 552 | 2128 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-kawaq | Kawasaki | Japan | 35.5 | 139.77 | 1516 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kbhv | Kobenhavn | Denmark | 55.71 | 12.6 | 82 | 644 | 2242 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-kbug | Koge Bugt | Greenland | 65.14 | -41.16 | 2473 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-keeh | Keehi | United States | 21.32 | -157.89 | keehi | keeh | 424 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-keel | Keelung | Taiwan (Province of China) | 25.15 | 121.75 | tkee | 341 | 153, 545 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-kela | Kelang | Malaysia | 3.05 | 101.37 | 140 | 1591 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-keli | Tanjung Keling | Malaysia | 2.22 | 102.15 | 141 | 1593 | 3375 | 3376 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-kels | Kelsey Bay | Canada | 50.4 | -125.97 | 1826 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kelt | Kelso, Longview | United States | 46.11 | -122.95 | 707 | 2360 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-kely | Kellyville (kangerlussuaq) | Greenland | 66.99 | -50.94 | 708 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kemi | Kemi | Finland | 65.67 | 24.52 | 229 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kepo | King Edward Point | United Kingdom | -54.28 | -36.5 | kepo, kepo1 | kepo | 187 | 896 | 3411 | 2861 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-kerg | Kerguelen Island | France | -49.35 | 70.22 | kerg, kerg2 | kerg | 23 | 180 | 1849 | 3211, 3386, 710 | 1780 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-ketc | Ketchikan | United States | 55.33 | -131.63 | ketc | ketc | 571 | 225 | 2686, 2687 | 2685 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-keti | Keti Bandar | Pakistan | 24.13 | 67.43 | keba | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kgak | King Cove | United States | 55.06 | -162.32 | kgak | kgak | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-kgni | Koganei | Japan | 35.71 | 139.49 | 2423 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kgny | Kings_Point | United States | 40.81 | -73.77 | kgny | 362 | 3314 | 3313 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-khaj | Khabarovsk | Russia | 48.52 | 135.05 | 2424 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-khal | Khal #10 | Bangladesh | 22.27 | 91.82 | 135 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-khalo | Khalkis South | Greece | 38.46 | 23.59 | 1237, 1441 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-khep | Khepupara | Bangladesh | 21.83 | 89.83 | 139 | 1454 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-khio | Khios | Greece | 38.37 | 26.14 | 408 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-khol | Kholmsk | Russia | 47.05 | 142.04 | khol | khol | 529 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-kidd | Kidderpore | India | 22.53 | 88.33 | 369, 48 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kiel | LT Kiel | Germany | 54.5 | 10.27 | kiel | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kielp | Kiel-holtenau | Germany | 54.37 | 10.16 | 789 | 2025, 2956 | 2563 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-kigi | Kigiliah | Russia | 73.33 | 139.87 | 642 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-king | Kingscote | Australia | -35.67 | 137.63 | 244 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kingr | Kingston | Australia | -36.83 | 139.85 | 515 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kinl | Kinlochbervie | United Kingdom | 58.46 | -5.05 | kinl | 1775 | 3250 | 3249 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-kirn | Kiruna | Sweden | 67.88 | 21.06 | 920 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kisr | Salmiya | Kuwait | 29.35 | 48.09 | kisr | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kitu | Kitab, Uzbekistan | Uzbekistan | 39.14 | 66.88 | 712 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kjol | Kjolsdal | Norway | 61.92 | 5.63 | 398 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-klag | Klagshamn | Sweden | 55.52 | 12.89 | klag | 330 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-klai | Klaipeda | Lithuania | 55.7 | 21.13 | 118 | 943 | 2370 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-kmor | Kap Morton | Greenland | 81.25 | -63.53 | 2467 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kngb | King Bay | Australia | -20.62 | 116.75 | 1549, 1557 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-knot | Knock | Germany | 53.33 | 7.03 | 2529 | 2530 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-knys | Knysna | South Africa | -34.05 | 23.05 | 186 | 950 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-kobb | Kobbaklintar | Aland Islands | 60.03 | 19.88 | 63 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kobe | Kobe | Japan | 34.68 | 135.18 | 1790, 846 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-koch | Kochi | Japan | 33.5 | 133.57 | 1184, 1540, 1567, 628 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kodi | Kodiak Island | United States | 57.73 | -152.51 | kodi, kodi2 | kodb, kodi | 39 | 1179, 567 | 1882, 2670, 2975, 2976 | 2377, 2766 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-kokb | Kokee Park Geophysical Observatory | United States | 22.13 | -159.66 | 713 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kola | Ko Lak | Thailand | 11.78 | 99.82 | 39 | 328 | 174 | 2086 | 2448 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-kolaf | Ko Lau Wan | Hong Kong | 22.47 | 114.37 | 1689 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-koli | Kolinamil, Jakarta | Indonesia | -6.11 | 106.89 | koli, koli2 | koli | 161 | 1601, 283, 309 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-kolk | Kolkasrags | Latvia | 57.8 | 22.63 | 60 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kolo | Kolobrzeg | Poland | 54.18 | 15.55 | 643 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kolu | Koluchin | Russia | 67.48 | -174.65 | 621 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-koma | Komatsushima | Japan | 34.01 | 134.59 | 809 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-komak | Ko Mattaphon | Thailand | 10.45 | 99.25 | 1792 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-komi | Ko Miang | Thailand | 8.55 | 97.63 | komi | komi | 118 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-kool | Koolan Island | Australia | -16.13 | 123.73 | 1581 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-koro | Koroni | Greece | 36.8 | 21.96 | koro | koro | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-kors | Korsakov | Russia | 46.63 | 142.77 | kors | kors | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-korsd | Korsor | Denmark | 55.33 | 11.14 | 113 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kos1 | Kos | Greece | 36.9 | 27.29 | kos1, kos2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kose | Koserow | Germany | 54.06 | 14 | 1448 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kosg | Kootwijk | Netherlands | 52.18 | 5.81 | 2425 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kosi | Ko Sichang | Thailand | 13.15 | 100.82 | 449 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kosy | Kosystyi (Kosystyi Mys) | Russia | 73.65 | 109.73 | 736 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kota | Ko Taphao Noi | Thailand | 7.82 | 98.42 | kota | kota | 42 | 148 | 2230, 446 | 2807 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-kotak | Kota Kinabalu | Malaysia | 5.98 | 116.07 | 386 | 1733 | 2634, 3205 | 2633 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-kote | Kotelnyi (Kotelnyi Ostrov) | Russia | 76 | 137.87 | 641 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kotk | Kotka | Finland | 60.45 | 26.95 | 164 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kouc | Koumac | New Caledonia | -20.56 | 164.29 | 2426 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kozu | Kozu Sima | Japan | 34.21 | 139.13 | 1061 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kpva | Kiptopeke Beach | United States | 37.17 | -75.99 | kpva | kpva | 636 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-kras | Krasnoflotskie (Krasnoflotskie Ostrova) | Russia | 78.6 | 98.83 | 738 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kren | Krenkelia (Heisa Ostrov) | Russia | 80.62 | 58.05 | 1012 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kril | Cape Kril'on | Russia | 45.9 | 142.08 | kril | kril | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-kris | Kristiansund | Norway | 63.11 | 7.73 | kris | 682 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-krna | Kirinda | Sri Lanka | 6.2 | 81.32 | krna | krna | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-kron | Kronstadt-Shepelevo | Russia | 60 | 29.67 | 310 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-krui | Krui | Indonesia | -5.18 | 103.92 | 345 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kshb | Kish Bank Lighthouse | Ireland | 53.31 | -5.92 | kis1 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ksnb | Steenstrup Nordre Brae | Greenland | 66.86 | -35.58 | 2470 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kuan | Kuantan | Malaysia | 3.98 | 103.43 | 322 | 1589 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-kuch | Kuchinotsu | Japan | 32.61 | 130.2 | 1386 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kudat | Kudat | Malaysia | 6.9 | 116.85 | ms005 | kuda | 1876 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-kuku | Kukup | Malaysia | 1.33 | 103.45 | 325 | 1677 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-kull | Kullorsuaq | Greenland | 75.73 | -58.26 | 2463 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kung | Kungsholmsfort | Sweden | 56.11 | 15.59 | kung | 70 | 2075 | 2330 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-kungr | Kungsvik | Sweden | 59 | 11.13 | kungr | 2113 | 2953 | 2952 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-kunm | Kunming | China | 25.03 | 102.8 | 716 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kuns | Kunsan | South Korea | 35.98 | 126.72 | 959 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kupa | Kupang | Indonesia | -10.17 | 123.58 | 50 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kure | Kure Iv | Japan | 33.33 | 133.24 | 1023, 1209, 1320, 749 | 791 | 2124 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-kuri | Kuril'sk | Russia | 45.23 | 147.88 | kuri | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-kush | Kushiro | Japan | 42.97 | 144.38 | kush | kush | 89 | 350 | 518 | 798 | 2311 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-kusm | Kushimoto | Japan | 33.48 | 135.77 | kusm | kusm | 85 | 353 | 134 | 803 | 2314 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-kwaj | Kwajalein | Marshall Islands | 8.74 | 167.74 | kwaj, kwaj2 | kwaj | 111 | 55 | 513 | 717 | 2301 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-kwfl | Key West | United States | 24.55 | -81.81 | kwfl, kwfl2 | kwfl | 216 | 242 | 188 | 1935, 2969, 2970, 718 | 2383 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-kypa | Kyparissia | Greece | 37.26 | 21.66 | kypa | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-labu | Labuan | Malaysia | 5.25 | 115.25 | 1622, 1879 | 2644 | 2643 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-lace | La Ceiba | Honduras | 15.77 | -86.83 | 974 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-laco | La Coloma | Cuba | 22.23 | -83.57 | 594 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-lacr | La Cruz | Peru | -3.63 | -80.59 | lacr | lacr | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-laep | Lae | Papua New Guinea | -6.73 | 146.98 | 67 | 1303, 1617 | 719 | 2153 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-lago | La Gomera | Spain | 28.09 | -17.11 | lago | lago | 2065 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-lagos | Lagos | Nigeria | 6.42 | 3.41 | lagos | lagx | 259 | 233 | 1767, 451 | 3550 | 2906 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-lagu | La Guaira | Venezuela | 10.62 | -66.93 | 328 | 247 | 705 | 2900 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-laha | Lahat Datu | Malaysia | 5.02 | 118.35 | 1877 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-lajo | La Jolla | United States | 32.87 | -117.26 | lajo, lajo2 | lajo | 159 | 554 | 256 | 3465, 843 | 2364 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-lake | Lakes Entrance | Australia | -37.88 | 147.97 | 1379, 1380 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-lakez | Lake Worth Pier | United States | 26.61 | -80.03 | 1696 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-lalb | La Libertad | El Salvador | 13.49 | -89.32 | lalb | lalb | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-lali | La Libertad | Ecuador | -2.21 | -80.9 | lali | lali | 172 | 91 | 544, 555 | 2082, 3510 | 2444, 2445 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-lama | La Maddalena | Italy | 41.23 | 9.37 | 109 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-lamag | Lamkowko | Poland | 53.89 | 20.67 | 721 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-lame | Lameshur Bay | United States | 18.32 | -64.72 | lame, lame2 | lame | 214 | 2119 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-lamu | Lamu | Kenya | -2.27 | 40.9 | lamu | lamu | 149 | 1872, 1985, 2198 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-land | Landsort Norra | Sweden | 58.77 | 17.86 | land | 2132, 68 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-lang | Langosteira | Spain | 43.35 | -8.53 | lang | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-lango | Langara Point | Canada | 54.25 | -133.03 | 840 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-lank | Pulau Langkawi | Malaysia | 6.42 | 99.77 | lank, ms001 | lang, pmal | 142 | 1676 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-laoh | Laohutan | China | 38.87 | 121.68 | 79 | 630, 631 | 1513, 723 | 2829 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-lapa | La Palma, Santa Cruz | Spain | 28.68 | -17.77 | lapa | lapa | 206 | 1757, 2064, 568, 585, 586, 941 | 3140, 3141 | 3139 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-lapaq | La Paloma | Uruguay | -34.65 | -54.15 | 764 | 3158 | 3157 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-lapl | La Plata | Argentina | -34.92 | -57.93 | 211 | 726 | 2220, 2761 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-lapu | La_Push | United States | 47.91 | -124.64 | lapu | laph | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-lark | Lark Harbour | Canada | 49.1 | -58.37 | 1044 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-larn | Larnaca | Cyprus | 34.92 | 33.64 | larn, larn2 | 2160 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-larnt | Larne | United Kingdom | 54.85 | -5.78 | 942 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-larp | La Rochelle-Pallice | France | 46.16 | -1.22 | larp, larp2 | larp | 466 | 934 | 1787 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-laru | Pointe La Rue | Seychelles | -4.68 | 55.52 | laru2 | laru | 339 | 111, 121 | 1846 | 3407, 838 | 1977 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-lasp | La Spezia | Italy | 44.1 | 9.86 | LA38 | 2139 | 3436 | 3435 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-lata | Lata_Wharf | Solomon Islands | -10.72 | 165.8 | lata | lata | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-laun | La Union | El Salvador | 13.33 | -87.82 | laun | laun | 86 | 2223, 558, 740 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-lawh | Lawhah 3/8 | Saudi Arabia | 28.25 | 49.62 | 1650 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-lawt | Lighthouse Alte Weser | Germany | 53.86 | 8.13 | 2515 | 2516 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-laza | Lazaro Cardenas | Mexico | 17.94 | -102.18 | laza, laza2 | laza | 2285 | 2286 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-lcla | Lake_Charles | United States | 30.22 | -93.22 | lcla | lcla | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-lcst | Le Castella | Italy | 38.91 | 17.03 | lcst | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-leba | Leba | Poland | 54.77 | 17.55 | 1163 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-lebu | Lebu | Chile | -37.59 | -73.66 | lebu, lebu2 | lebu | 1956 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-leco | Le Conquet | France | 48.36 | -4.78 | leco, leco2 | leco | 1294 | 3179 | 1792 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-lecy | Le Crouesty | France | 47.54 | -2.9 | lecy | 1921 | 3190 | 1793 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-lede | Lewes | United States | 38.72 | -75.12 | lede | lede | 747 | 224 | 3050 | 3048 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-leet | Leerort | Germany | 53.22 | 7.45 | 2531 | 2532 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-lega | Legaspi, Albay | Philippines | 13.15 | 123.76 | lega | lega | 72 | 371 | 522 | 3503 | 2825 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-leha | Le Havre | France | 49.48 | 0.11 | leha, leha2 | leha | 453 | 3429, 3538 | 1794 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-leir | Leirvik | Norway | 59.77 | 5.5 | leir | 2402 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-leit | Leith | United Kingdom | 55.99 | -3.18 | leit | 1526, 802 | 3248 | 3246, 3247 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-leix | Leixoes | Portugal | 41.18 | -8.7 | 2163, 791 | 3145 | 3144 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-lemba | Lembar | Indonesia | -8.73 | 116.07 | lemba | lemb, lobk | 419 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-leme | Limassol | Cyprus | 34.67 | 33.04 | leme | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-lems | Lemstrom | Aland Islands | 60.1 | 20.02 | 84 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-lena | Lenakel, Tanna | Vanuatu | -19.53 | 169.27 | lena | lena | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-lero | Le Robert | France | 14.68 | -60.94 | lero | lero | 270, 271 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-leror | Leros | Greece | 37.13 | 26.85 | 1233 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-lerw | Lerwick | United Kingdom | 60.16 | -1.15 | lerw, lerw2 | 236 | 293 | 830 | 1907 | 2188 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-lesk | Leskina (Leskina Mys) | Russia | 72.32 | 79.57 | 654 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-leso | Les Sables d'Olonne | France | 46.5 | -1.79 | leso, leso2 | leso | 1747 | 2012 | 1791 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-lest | L'Estartit | Spain | 42.05 | 3.2 | 1764 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-leva | Lewisetta | United States | 38 | -76.47 | leva | leva | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-levk | Levkas | Greece | 38.83 | 20.71 | 1239 | 2584 | 2583 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-levu | Lautoka | Fiji | -17.6 | 177.44 | levu | laut, levu | 402 | 1805 | 723 | 2165 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-leza | Lezardrieux | France | 48.78 | -3.1 | 1950 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-lgos | Lagos | Portugal | 37.1 | -8.67 | lgos | 723 | 162 | 720 | 2275 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-lhas | Lhasa / Tibet / China | China | 29.66 | 91.1 | 724, 725 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-lhcl | Lihuel Calel | Argentina | -38 | -65.6 | 3092 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-lian | Lianyungang | China | 34.75 | 119.42 | 639 | 1405 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-liep | Liepaja | Latvia | 56.53 | 20.98 | 26 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-lifo | Lifou | France | -20.92 | 167.28 | lifo, lifo2 | lifo | 3203 | 3167 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-lime | Limetree | United States | 17.7 | -64.75 | lime, lime2 | lime | 254 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-limh | Limhamn | Sweden | 55.58 | 12.93 | 323 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-limn | Limon | Costa Rica | 9.99 | -83.02 | limon | limn | 268 | 2191, 552 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-lina | Linakhamari | Russia | 69.65 | 31.37 | 365 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-lirf | Lihou Reef | Australia | -17.13 | 152.15 | lirf | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-lirn | Livorno | Italy | 43.55 | 10.3 | LI11 | 110, 2080 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-lisb | Lisbon | Portugal | 38.7 | -9.13 | 1336 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-list | List | Germany | 55.02 | 8.43 | 1047 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-litt | Little Cornwallis Island | Canada | 75.38 | -96.95 | 153 | 705 | 1822 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-litti | Little River | Canada | 49.73 | -124.9 | 1823 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-litz | Litzlitz, Malekula | Vanuatu | -16.11 | 167.44 | litz | litz | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-livp | Liverpool | United Kingdom | 53.45 | -3.02 | live, live2 | livp, tpol | 15, 1774, 765 | 2026 | 2160, 2736, 2756 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-ljus | Ljusne Lotsstation | Sweden | 61.21 | 17.15 | ljus | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-llan | Llandudno | United Kingdom | 53.33 | -3.83 | llan | 1504, 1854 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-lmpd | Lampedusa | Italy | 35.5 | 12.6 | LA23 | lamp | 2079 | 722 | 2226 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-lobi | Lobito | Angola | -12.33 | 13.57 | 262 | 237 | 1314 | 2884 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-lobo | Lobos de Afuera | Peru | -6.93 | -80.72 | lobos | lobo | 84 | 1552 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-lohm | Lohm | Finland | 60.1 | 21.67 | 233 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-loko | Lok On Pai | Hong Kong | 22.37 | 114 | 1685 | 3572 | 3571 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-lomb | Lombrum, Manus Island | Papua New Guinea | -2.04 | 147.37 | lomb | lomb | 331 | 400, 65 | 1860 | 816 | 2152 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-lond | Londonderry | United Kingdom | 55 | -7.32 | 403 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-londi | London Bridge | United Kingdom | 51.5 | 0.08 | 1947, 336 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-long | Long Branch Pier | United States | 40.3 | -73.98 | 1981 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-lord | Lord Howe Is. | Australia | -31.52 | 159.07 | 148 | 399 | 1788, 818, 924 | 2926, 3237 | 2849 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-lore | Loreto | Mexico | 26.02 | -111.37 | lton | lton | 319 | 1410 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-lori | Lorient | France | 47.75 | -3.35 | 1946 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-lorn | Lorne | Australia | -38.55 | 143.99 | 1836 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-losa | Los Angeles | United States | 33.72 | -118.27 | losa, losa2 | losa | 567 | 1045, 245 | 3280, 3513, 897 | 2374 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-losai | Los Arroyos | Cuba | 22.35 | -84.38 | 633 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-losu | Los Sueños | Costa Rica | 9.65 | -84.66 | losu | losu | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-lott | East Cape | New Zealand | -37.55 | 178.16 | lott | lott | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-lowe | Lowestoft | United Kingdom | 52.47 | 1.75 | lowe | 754 | 2027 | 2343 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-lowen | Lower Escuminac | Canada | 47.08 | -64.88 | 1349 | 3034 | 3033 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-lowh | Low Head | Australia | -41.06 | 146.79 | 2071 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-lowi | Low Island | Australia | -16.38 | 145.57 | 1957 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-lpaz | La Paz | Mexico | 24.15 | -110.3 | lpaz, lpaz2 | lpaz | 671 | 695 | 2053, 3060 | 2291 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-luan | Luanda | Angola | -8.78 | 13.23 | 236 | 1342 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-luba | Lubang | Philippines | 13.82 | 120.2 | luba | luba | 655 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-luci | Lucinda | Australia | -18.52 | 146.38 | 1630 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-lucin | Lucinda Offshore | Australia | -18.52 | 146.33 | 1658 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-lude | Luderitz | South Africa | -26.65 | 15.15 | 702 | 911 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-luga | Luganville | Vanuatu | -15.52 | 167.19 | luga | luga | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-luis | Luis Correia | Brazil | -2.87 | -41.67 | 711 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-lund | Lunde | Sweden | 62.88 | 17.88 | lund | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-lung | Lungsurannaga | Indonesia | 2.1 | 117.75 | 410 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-lusi | Lusi | China | 32.13 | 121.62 | 283 | 633 | 979 | 2891 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-lvwa | Longview | United States | 46.09 | -122.96 | lvwa | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-lymg | Lymington | United Kingdom | 50.74 | -1.51 | lymg | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-lyns | Lynaes | Greenland | 64.43 | -40.2 | 2475 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-lyok | Lyokki | Finland | 60.85 | 21.18 | 16 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-lypy | Lypyrtti | Finland | 60.6 | 21.23 | 17 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-maas | Maassluis | Netherlands | 51.92 | 4.25 | 9 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-maat | Maatsuyker Island | Australia | -43.63 | 146.37 | 898 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-maca | Macau | Portugal | 22.17 | 113.55 | 338 | 269 | 3569 | 3568 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-macac | Macabalan Port, Cagayan De Oro | Philippines | 8.5 | 124.67 | 2154 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-macae | Macaé | Brazil | -22.39 | -41.77 | 352 | 719 | 1917 | 3590 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-mach | Machlipattnam | India | 16.15 | 82.17 | 1944 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mack | Mackay | Australia | -21.1 | 149.23 | 564, 962 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-macq | Macquarie Is. | Australia | -54.5 | 158.93 | 130 | 680 | 184, 186 | 727 | 2302 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-mada | Madang | Papua New Guinea | -5.2 | 145.8 | 66 | 1254, 1618 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-madr | Madrid | Spain | 40.45 | -3.71 | 728 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-madry | Puerto Madryn | Argentina | -42.76 | -65.03 | madry | madr | 191 | 731 | 501 | 924 | 2339 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-maer | Marmara Ereglisi | Turkey | 40.97 | 27.97 | maer | 2010 | 2028 | 2175 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-magi | Magueyes Island | United States | 17.98 | -67.05 | magi, magi2 | magi | 246 | 759 | 1893 | 2381 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-maho | Mahon | Spain | 39.89 | 4.27 | lmma, maho | 2062 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-mais | Marion Island | South Africa | -46.87 | 37.87 | mais, mais2 | mais | 20 | 920 | 2016 | 1980 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-maisa | Maisaka | Japan | 34.68 | 137.62 | 356 | 1089 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-maisl | Maisi | Cuba | 20.25 | -74.15 | 1912 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-maiz | Maizurui | Japan | 35.48 | 135.4 | 1387, 1523, 663 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-maji | Majis | Oman | 24.52 | 56.61 | maji | maji | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-maju | Marina Jambu | Indonesia | -6.19 | 105.84 | maju | maju | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-maka | Makai Pier, Waimanalo | United States | 21.32 | -157.69 | maka | maka | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-makal | Makar, General Santos City | Philippines | 6.1 | 125.15 | 2153 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-make | Makemo | French Polynesia | -16.63 | -143.57 | make | make | 354 | 454 | 3417 | 3416 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-maku | Makurazak | Japan | 31.27 | 130.3 | 1142, 1235 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mala | Malakal | Palau | 7.33 | 134.45 | mala | mala | 120 | 7 | 1252, 338 | 2628 | 2627 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-male | Male | Maldives | 4.19 | 73.53 | male, male2 | male | 108 | 1743, 1744, 1753 | 2985, 3536, 729 | 1978 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-malea | Malecon | Venezuela | 11 | -71.58 | 948 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mali | Malin Head Peninsular | Ireland | 55.37 | -7.33 | malh, mali | mali | 239 | 834 | 916 | 2065 | 2435 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-malih | Mali Ston | Croatia | 42.83 | 17.7 | 894 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-malk | Malokuril'skoe | Russia | 43.87 | 146.82 | malk | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-malm | Malmo | Sweden | 55.61 | 13 | maha | 2114 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-malo | Måløy | Norway | 61.93 | 5.12 | malo | 802 | 486 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-malp | Malpelo | Colombia | 4 | -81.6 | malp, malp2 | malp | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-maly | Malye Karmakuly | Russia | 72.37 | 52.7 | 609 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-malyc | Malyi Taimyr (Malyi Taimyr Ostrov) | Russia | 78.08 | 106.82 | 620 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-malyt | Malysheva (Malysheva Ostrov) | Russia | 72.07 | 129.83 | 741 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mamb | Mambajao Camguin | Philippines | 9.25 | 124.73 | 2174 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mana | Manazuru | Japan | 35.15 | 139.14 | 2206 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-manag | Managua | Nicaragua | 12.15 | -86.25 | 732 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mane | Manele Bay | United States | 20.74 | -156.89 | mane | 429 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-manf | Manfredonia | Italy | 41.62 | 15.92 | 1262 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mang | Mangalore | India | 12.85 | 74.83 | 1423, 696 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mani | Manila | Philippines | 14.58 | 120.97 | mani | mani | 73 | 370 | 145 | 3064, 3238, 3591, 815 | 1979 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-maniz | Maniitsoq | Greenland | 65.42 | -52.9 | 1901 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mant | Manta | Ecuador | -0.95 | -80.73 | 89 | 1503 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-manta | Manta | Ecuador | -0.93 | -80.72 | mant | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-manth | Mantab | Ecuador | -0.95 | -80.43 | 1359 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mantj | Mantyluoto | Finland | 61.59 | 21.46 | 172 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-manu | Manus Island | Papua New Guinea | -2.02 | 147.27 | 1609, 1619 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-manua | Manukau Harbour (Onehunga Wharf) | New Zealand | -36.93 | 174.78 | 1948 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-manz | Manzanillo | Mexico | 19.06 | -104.3 | manz, mnza | manz | 163 | 395 | 1818, 737 | 2983, 3324, 3596, 733 | 2166, 2783 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-manzd | Manzanillo | Cuba | 20.33 | -77.15 | 1934 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mapr | Martinez-Amorco Pier | United States | 38.03 | -122.13 | maca | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mapu | Maputo | Mozambique | -26.17 | 32.7 | 190 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mapuw | Maputo | Mozambique | -25.97 | 32.57 | 986 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mara | Maracaibo | Venezuela | 10.68 | -71.58 | 1073 | 3072 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-marao | Marathon Shores | United States | 24.73 | -81.03 | 1187, 1424 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mard | Mar De Ajo | Argentina | -36.7 | -56.67 | 1542 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mare | Maré | France | -21.55 | 167.88 | mare | mare | 2239 | 3168 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-marg | Margate | United Kingdom | 51.4 | 1.4 | 1225 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-margg | Marie Gletscher | Greenland | 77.19 | -65.69 | 2466 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mari | Marin | Spain | 42.41 | -8.69 | mari | 2181 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-marik | Marii Pronchishevoi (Bukhta) | Russia | 75.53 | 113.43 | 667 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-marin | Marienleuchte | Germany | 54.5 | 11.25 | 55 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mariy | Marina Del Ray | United States | 33.83 | -118.33 | 1205 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-marj | Marjan 46/51 | Saudi Arabia | 28.45 | 49.63 | 1682 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-marm | Marmagao | India | 15.42 | 73.8 | marm | marm | 281 | 1249 | 2066 | 2437 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-mars | Marseille | France | 43.29 | 5.36 | mars | 205 | 824 | 61 | 3193, 735 | 1802 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-marsa | Marsaxlokk (formally Valletta) | Malta | 35.82 | 14.53 | 1735 | 3155 | 3146 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-marsd | Marsden Point | New Zealand | -35.83 | 174.5 | 398 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-marsh | Majuro | Marshall Islands | 7.11 | 171.37 | marsh | majb | 112 | 5 | 1217, 1228, 1838 | 2055 | 2117, 2768 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-mart | Martigues | France | 43.4 | 5.05 | 968 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-marv | Marviken | Sweden | 58.55 | 16.84 | 2104 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-masa | Masan | South Korea | 35.21 | 128.59 | 2044 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-masi | Masirah | Oman | 20.68 | 58.87 | masi, masi2 | masi | 113 | 1887 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-masiy | Masira Island | Oman | 20.22 | 58.48 | 995 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mass | Massacre Bay | United States | 52.83 | 173.2 | 303 | 550 | 491 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-mata | Matarani | Peru | -17 | -72.12 | mata | mata | 94 | 2188, 458 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-matac | Matapeake | United States | 38.96 | -76.36 | 1338 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-matav | Matavai, Tahiti | French Polynesia | -17.52 | -149.52 | 854 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-matel | Marina di Teulada | Italy | 38.93 | 8.72 | matel, TEUL | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mati | Mati, Davao Oriental | Philippines | 6.95 | 126.22 | 2156 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-matr | Marsa Matruh | Egypt | 31.36 | 27.25 | matr | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mats | Matsuyama | Japan | 33.87 | 132.7 | 1062, 880 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-maui | Haleakala | United States | 20.71 | -156.26 | 2429 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mavh | Mavholmsbadan | Sweden | 57.67 | 11.71 | mavh | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-maws | Mawson | Australia | -67.6 | 62.87 | 22 | 177 | 1814 | 738 | 2198 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-maya | Mayaguez | Puerto Rico | 18.22 | -67.16 | maya | maya | 736 | 3115, 3116 | 3114 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-maza | Mazatlan | Mexico | 23.18 | -106.42 | maza, maza2 | maza | 673 | 712 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-mazay | Mazaro Del Vallo | Italy | 37.67 | 12.57 | 171 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mbar | Mbarara | Uganda | -0.6 | 30.74 | 739 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mcdo | Mcdonald Observatory Site | United States | 30.68 | -104.01 | 741 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mcmd | McCreadys_Creek | United States | 38.3 | -76 | mcmd | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mcmu | Mcmurdo Sound | Antarctica | -74.75 | 164.5 | 1048 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mdic | Marina Di Campo | Italy | 42.74 | 10.24 | MC41 | 2140 | 3438 | 3437 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-mdvj | Mendeleevo | Russia | 56.02 | 37.21 | 2430, 742 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-meji | Mejillones | Chile | -23.1 | -70.45 | meji, meji2 | meji | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-melc | Melchior | Antarctica | -64.32 | -62.98 | 900 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-meli | Melilla | Spain | 35.29 | -2.93 | meli | 2057 | 3105 | 3104 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-mell | Mellieha Bay | Malta | 35.98 | 14.35 | malt | 1913 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-mellv | Mellum Plate | Germany | 53.77 | 8.1 | 1987 | 2534 | 2533 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-melv | Melville Bay | Australia | -12.22 | 136.7 | 1119, 1174 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-meme | Memel | Lithuania | 55.72 | 21.12 | 125 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mems | Mem | Sweden | 58.48 | 16.42 | 75 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mene | Meneng | Indonesia | -8.12 | 114.38 | 158 | 1725 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-ment | Mentesizmir | Turkey | 38.43 | 26.72 | ment | 1679 | 2030 | 2157 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-mera | Mera | Japan | 34.92 | 139.82 | mera | mera | 86 | 352 | 359 | 801 | 2313 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-mers | Mersrags | Latvia | 57.33 | 23.12 | 341 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mess | Messina | Italy | 38.2 | 15.56 | ME13 | 115, 2081 | 3441 | 3439, 3440 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-meul | Meulaboh | Indonesia | 4.32 | 96.22 | meul, meul2 | meul | 914 | 2933 | 2932 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-mhav | Milford Haven | United Kingdom | 51.71 | -5.05 | mhav | 1700, 66 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-mhpa | Marcus_Hook | Panama | 39.81 | -75.41 | mhpa | mhpa | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-miam | Miami | United States | 25.9 | -80.12 | 218 | 241, 755 | 1717 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-midx | Midway Island | United States | 28.21 | -177.36 | midx, midx2 | midw, midx | 106 | 50 | 523 | 2839 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-miku | Mikuni | Japan | 36.25 | 136.15 | 1190 | 783 | 2114 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-mill | Millport | United Kingdom | 55.75 | -4.91 | mill | 755 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-milo | Milolii, Hawaii | United States | 19.19 | -155.91 | milo | milo | 431 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-mimz | Mimizan | France | 44.21 | -1.3 | mimz, mimz2 | 3480, 3481 | 3479 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-mina | Minami Izu | Japan | 34.62 | 138.88 | 1064 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-minas | Mina Sulman | Bahrain | 26.23 | 50.6 | 182 | 1494 | 2485, 2559, 633 | 2146 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-mind | Mindelo | Cape Verde | 16.89 | -25 | mind | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mini | Minicoy | India | 8.28 | 73.05 | mini | mini | 29 | 153 | 1050 | 2068 | 2439 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-mins | Minami-tori-shima | Japan | 24.28 | 153.98 | mins | mins | 104 | 49 | 1875 | 2489, 2837 | 2836 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-miqu | Miquelon island | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | 47.1 | -56.38 | miqu | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-miri | Miri | Malaysia | 4.4 | 113.97 | 388 | 1819 | 2642 | 2641 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-mirn | Mirny | Russia | -66.55 | 93.02 | 25 | 2800 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-mise | Miseno | Italy | 40.78 | 14.08 | 1612 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-misu | Misumi | Japan | 32.62 | 130.45 | 810 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-miya | Miyake Sima | Japan | 34.07 | 139.48 | 357 | 1060 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-miyay | Miyazu | Japan | 35.53 | 135.18 | 872 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-miyk | Miyako | Japan | 39.63 | 141.97 | 1149, 463 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mkea | Mauna Kea | United States | 19.8 | -155.46 | 744 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mlga | Malaga | Spain | 36.71 | -4.42 | mal3 | 1810, 496 | 1924, 3459 | 2183, 2396 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-mlnd | Malindi | Kenya | -3 | 40.19 | 1869, 730 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mnga | Mangalia | Romania | 43.8 | 28.6 | mang | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mnkt | Manukau | New Zealand | -37.05 | 174.51 | mnkt | mnkt | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-mnts | Little Bay | Montserrat | 16.8 | -62.21 | mnts | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-moal | Mobil | United States | 30.71 | -88.04 | moal | moal | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-mobs | Melbourne | Australia | -37.83 | 144.98 | 2431 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-moca | Mocamedes | Angola | -15.2 | 12.15 | 238 | 1315 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-moga | Mogadishu | Somalia | 2.02 | 45.33 | 7 | 2793 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-moir | Mo I Rana | Norway | 66.32 | 13.62 | 675 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mokp | Mokpo | South Korea | 34.78 | 126.38 | 954 | 2920 | 2919 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-moku | Mokuoloe Island | United States | 21.44 | -157.79 | moku | moku | 61 | 823 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-mold | Molde | Norway | 62.73 | 7.17 | 1968 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-momb | Mombasa | Kenya | -4.07 | 39.65 | momb | momb | 8 | 101 | 2183, 370 | 2794, 3583 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-momm | Mommark | Denmark | 54.93 | 10.07 | 271 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mona | Mona Island | United States | 18.09 | -67.94 | mona, mona2 | mona | 267 | 2122 | 3017 | 3016 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-monb | Monbetui | Japan | 44.35 | 143.37 | 1470, 772 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-monc | Monaco | Monaco | 43.73 | 7.42 | monc, monc2 | 149, 788 | 3195 | 1807, 3198 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-mone | Moneron | Russia | 46.23 | 141.2 | 700 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-monp | Monument Peak | United States | 32.89 | -116.42 | 2432 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mont | Monterey Harbor | United States | 36.61 | -121.89 | mont, mont2 | mont | 555 | 1352 | 2697 | 2698 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-monte | Montevideo | Uruguay | -34.9 | -56.25 | 300 | 431 | 3156 | 2895 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-mony | Montauk | United States | 41.05 | -71.96 | mony, mony2 | mony | 279 | 519 | 2029 | 2386 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-mool | Mooloolaba | Australia | -26.68 | 153.13 | 1493, 1499 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mora | Moray Firth, Whiteness Head | United Kingdom | 57.6 | -4 | 1862 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mord | Mordialloc | Australia | -38.02 | 145.08 | 1412, 1432 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-morp | Morpeth | United Kingdom | 55.21 | -1.69 | 746 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-morz | Morzhovaia (Harasavei Mys) | Russia | 71.42 | 67.58 | 732 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mosj | Mosjoen | Norway | 65.85 | 13.2 | 781 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-moss | Mossel Bay | South Africa | -34.18 | 22.13 | 185 | 910 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-mosu | Mosulpo | South Korea | 33.21 | 126.25 | 1936 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-motr | Motril | Spain | 36.72 | -3.52 | motr | 1940 | 3457 | 3456 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-moul | Moulmein | Myanmar | 16.48 | 97.62 | moul | moul | 141 | 906 | 747 | 2845 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-mour | Mourilyan Harbour | Australia | -17.58 | 146.08 | 1629, 1659 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-moza | Mozambique Island | Mozambique | -15.03 | 40.73 | 1054 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mozi | Mozi | Japan | 33.95 | 130.97 | 912 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mpaw | A2 | Belgium | 51.36 | 3.12 | mpaw | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mpcw | Westhinder | Belgium | 51.39 | 2.44 | mpcw | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mpfl | Mayport | United States | 30.4 | -81.43 | mpfl | 753 | 316 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-mphw | Bol van Heist | Belgium | 51.39 | 3.2 | mphw | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mpsw | Scheur Wielingen | Belgium | 51.42 | 3.3 | mpsw | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mpva | Money_Point | United States | 36.78 | -76.3 | mpva | 399 | 3047 | 3046 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-mpww | Wandelaar | Belgium | 51.39 | 3.05 | mpww | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mqzg | Mcqueens Valley | New Zealand | -43.7 | 172.65 | 747 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mrig | Marigot | Dominica | 15.55 | -61.28 | mrig | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mrms | Marmaris | Turkey | 36.84 | 28.38 | mrms | mrms | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-mrtm | Marettimo | Italy | 37.97 | 12.08 | MRTM | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mstd | Marstrand | Sweden | 57.89 | 11.59 | mard | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mtka | Mitaka A Site | Japan | 35.68 | 139.56 | 2433 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mtrn | Matera | Italy | 40.65 | 16.7 | 2428, 737 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mtrr | Monterrey | Mexico | 25.72 | -100.31 | 3065 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mtwa | Mtwara | Tanzania | -10.27 | 40.2 | mtwa | tanz | 9 | 922 | 805 | 2567 | 2566 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-mukh | Mukho | South Korea | 37.55 | 129.12 | 1108 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mumb | Mumbles | United Kingdom | 51.57 | -3.98 | mumb | 1732 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-mumbj | Mumbai / Bombay (apollo Bandar) | India | 18.92 | 72.83 | 212, 43 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-mund | Mundra | India | 22.83 | 69.72 | 807 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-muos | Muostah ( Muostah Ostrov) | Russia | 71.55 | 130.03 | 649 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-murc | Murcia | Spain | 37.6 | -0.97 | murc2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-murm | Murmansk | Russia | 68.97 | 33.05 | 274 | 684, 687 | 2888 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-muro | Muroran | Japan | 42.35 | 140.95 | 1194 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-muroz | Murotomisaki | Japan | 33.27 | 134.16 | 1390 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-musc | Muscat | Oman | 23.63 | 58.57 | mus2, musc, musc3 | mus2, musc | 110 | 1716, 2185 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-mysp | Mys Pikshueva | Russia | 69.55 | 32.43 | 2026 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-myss | Mys Shmidta | Russia | 68.9 | -179.37 | 616 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-nabt | Nab Tower | United Kingdom | 50.67 | -0.95 | 391 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-naca | Nacala | Mozambique | -14.47 | 40.68 | 193 | 1398 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-nafl | Naples | United States | 26.13 | -81.81 | nafl | nafl | 757 | 1107 | 3045 | 3044 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-naga | Nagaevo Bay | Russia | 59.73 | 150.7 | 92 | 827 | 917 | 2729 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-nagaa | Nagappattinam | India | 10.77 | 79.85 | 1308 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-nagas | Nagasaki | Japan | 32.73 | 129.87 | naga | naga | 83 | 362 | 1100, 141 | 805 | 2105 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-nago | Nagoya | Japan | 35.08 | 136.88 | 1488, 860 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-naha | Naha | Japan | 26.22 | 127.67 | naha | naha | 81 | 355 | 1151 | 807 | 2111 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-naho | Nahodka | Russia | 42.78 | 132.86 | naho | naho | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-naib | Naiba | Russia | 70.85 | 130.75 | 1497 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-nain | Nain | Canada | 56.55 | -61.68 | nain | 224 | 833 | 1029 | 748 | 2101 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-naka | Nakano Shima | Japan | 29.83 | 129.85 | 345 | 1105 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-nakhx | Nakhodka | Russia | 42.88 | 132.9 | 551 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-nanc | Nancowry | India | 8.05 | 93.55 | nanc | nanc | 2222 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-nano | Nanoose Bay | Canada | 49.27 | -124.13 | 1825 | 749 | 2208 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-nans | Nansha | China | 9.5 | 112.5 | nans | nans | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-nanso | Nan Sha | China | 9.55 | 112.88 | 1730 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-naos | Naos | Panama | 8.92 | -79.53 | 300 | 1783, 581 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-napo | Napoli | Italy | 40.84 | 14.27 | NA23 | napo | 105, 129, 1531, 1535, 1611, 2092 | 3471 | 3468, 3469, 3470 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-napt | Port Napier | New Zealand | -39.48 | 176.92 | napt | napt | 668 | 1750 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-narv | Narvik | Norway | 68.43 | 17.43 | narv | 312 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-nass | Nassau | Bahamas | 25.08 | -77.35 | 727 | 2000 | 3068 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-naur | Nauru | Nauru | -0.52 | 166.91 | naur, nauu | nauu | 114 | 4 | 1374, 1844 | 750 | 2134, 2773 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-naus | Manaus | Brazil | 3.02 | -60.06 | 3078 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-nawi | Nawiliwili Bay, Kauai Island | United States | 21.96 | -159.36 | nawi, nawi2 | nawi | 58 | 756 | 2623, 2984 | 2622 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-naze | Nase | Japan | 28.38 | 129.5 | 359 | 1018, 1522, 887 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-nbpa | New_Bold | Panama | 40.14 | -74.15 | nbpa | nbpa | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-nbrt | New Brighton | New Zealand | -43.51 | 172.74 | nbrt | nbrt | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-ncla | New Canal Station | United States | 30.03 | -90.11 | ncla | ncla | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-ncpt | North_Cape | New Zealand | -34.41 | 173.05 | ncpt | ncpt | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-neah | Neah Bay | United States | 48.37 | -124.62 | neah | neah | 558 | 385 | 751 | 2359 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-nedr | Nedre Sodertalje | Sweden | 59.2 | 17.62 | e4bs | 31 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-nedrh | Nedre Nykoping | Sweden | 58.75 | 17.02 | 170 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-nedro | Nedre Gavle | Sweden | 60.68 | 17.17 | 99 | 734 | 2303 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-nehu | Nehuentue | Chile | -38.74 | -73.43 | nhte, nhte2, ntue, ntue2 | ntue | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-nels | Nelson | New Zealand | -41.27 | 173.27 | 77 | 787 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-nemk | Nemkova (Nemkova Ostrov) | Russia | 71.42 | 150.75 | 797 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-neri | Newport | United States | 41.5 | -71.33 | neri | 290 | 253 | 351 | 761 | 2361 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-nese | Nesebar | Bulgaria | 42.63 | 27.77 | 261 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-nesn | Nesna | Norway | 66.2 | 13.02 | 1292 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-nett | Netten | Russia | 66.97 | -171.93 | 613 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-neuv | Neuville | Canada | 46.7 | -71.57 | 192 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-neve | Nevel'sk | Russia | 46.68 | 141.86 | neve | 250 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-nevl | Nevlunghavn | Norway | 58.97 | 9.88 | 401 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-newc | Newchwang | China | 40.63 | 122.17 | 264 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-newct | Newcastle | Australia | -32.92 | 151.8 | 1335, 267, 320, 837, 849 | 3225, 3226 | 3223, 3224 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-newl | Newlyn | United Kingdom | 50.1 | -5.54 | newl, newl2, newl3 | 241 | 294 | 202 | 753 | 2184 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-newp | Newport Bay | United States | 33.6 | -117.88 | 766 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-newr | New Rochelle | United States | 40.89 | -73.78 | 856 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-neww | New Westminster | Canada | 49.2 | -122.92 | 1245 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-nezu | Nezugaseki | Japan | 38.56 | 139.55 | 752 | 776 | 2306 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-nhav | Newhaven | United Kingdom | 50.78 | 0.06 | nhav | 1548 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-nhct | New Haven | United States | 41.28 | -72.91 | nhct | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-niam | Niamey | Niger | 13.48 | 2.18 | 2570 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-nice | Nice | France | 43.7 | 7.29 | nice, nice2 | nice | 1468 | 2014, 3542 | 1813 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-nico | Nicosia-athalassa | Cyprus | 35.14 | 33.4 | 755 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-nicob | Nicobar | India | 7 | 93.83 | 41 | 2071 | 2442 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-nieu | Nieuwpoort | Belgium | 51.15 | 2.73 | nieu | 489 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-niki | Nikiski | United States | 60.69 | -151.4 | niki | niki | 1350 | 2974, 709 | 2129 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-niko | Nikolski | United States | 52.94 | -168.87 | niko | niko | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-nish | Nishinoomote | Japan | 30.74 | 130.99 | 363 | 1096 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-niue | Niue | Niue | -19.05 | -169.92 | niue | niue | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-nkfa | Nuku'Alofa | Tonga | -21.13 | -175.2 | nkfa, nkfa2 | nkf2, nkfa | 125 | 38 | 1770, 1842 | 894 | 2170 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-nklg | N'koltang | Gabon | 0.35 | 9.67 | 756 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-nksk | Nikol'skoe | Russia | 55.2 | 166.02 | nksk | nksk | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-nlct | New London | United States | 41.36 | -72.09 | nlct | 744 | 429 | 3052 | 3051 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-nlib | North Liberty Vlba Site | United States | 41.77 | -91.57 | 757 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-nnor | New Norcia | Australia | -31.05 | 116.19 | 2434 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-nnvn | North Niviarsiat Nuvatak | Greenland | 61.63 | -44.9 | 2479 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-noct | Nouakchott | Mauritania | 18.1 | -15.95 | noct | noct | 806 | 2036 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-nome | Nome | United States | 64.5 | -165.43 | nome, nome2 | nome | 74 | 595 | 1800 | 2708 | 2707 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-noos | Noosa Head | Australia | -26.37 | 153.1 | 1289 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-nord | Norderney | Germany | 53.72 | 7.15 | 1079 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-norf | Norfolk Island | Australia | -29.07 | 167.95 | kjni | 124 | 62 | 1129, 821 | 2925 | 2843 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-nortf | North Salaminos | Greece | 37.98 | 23.54 | 1604, 1938 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-nortg | North Sydney | Canada | 46.22 | -60.25 | 1299 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-nosy | Nosy-Be | Madagascar | -13.4 | 48.28 | 15 | 150 | 1712, 926 | 2799 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-noti | Noto | Italy | 36.88 | 14.99 | 758 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-noto | Noto | Japan | 37.5 | 137.16 | noto | noto | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-noua | Nouadhibou | Mauritania | 20.81 | -17.04 | noua | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-novj | Novosibirsk | Russia | 54.84 | 82.91 | 2408, 2415, 2436 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-npor | Newport | United Kingdom | 51.55 | -2.99 | npor | 1832 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-nrcc | Nrc1 Cacs-acp | Canada | 45.45 | -75.62 | 762 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-nril | Norilsk | Russia | 69.36 | 88.36 | 763 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-nshi | North Shields | United Kingdom | 55.01 | -1.44 | nshi | 533, 95 | 2427, 764 | 2186 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-nspi | North Spit | United States | 40.77 | -124.22 | nspi, nspi2 | nspi | 576 | 1639 | 2715 | 2714 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-nuku | Nuku Hiva | France | -8.91 | -140.08 | nuku | nukb, nuku | 142 | 31 | 1555, 2241 | 2267 | 2257 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-numbo | Nouméa - Numbo | France | -22.25 | 166.41 | numb, numb2, numbo | 123 | 19 | 1198, 2134, 852 | 1906, 3212, 3551, 759 | 1814, 1863 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-nyal | Ny Ã…lesund | Norway | 78.93 | 11.95 | nyal | 345 | 823 | 1421 | 4222, 4471, 766, 767 | 2139 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-nyna | Nynas Fiskehamn | Sweden | 58.9 | 17.95 | nyna | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-oaxa | Oaxaca | Mexico | 17.08 | -96.72 | 3066 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ocea | Ocean Island | Kiribati | -0.88 | 169.58 | 895 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-oche | Ocheongdo | South Korea | 36.12 | 125.98 | 2046 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ocmd | Ocean City | United States | 38.33 | -75.09 | ocmd | ocmd | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-odom | Odomari | Japan | 31.02 | 130.69 | 1097 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ofu1 | Ofu | American Samoa | -14.16 | -169.68 | ofuas | ofu1 | 409 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-ofun | Ofunato | Japan | 39 | 141.75 | ofun | ofun | 87 | 351 | 1140, 1364 | 800 | 2131, 2765 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-ogaj | Oga | Japan | 39.94 | 139.71 | 1264 | 775 | 2118 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-ogij | Ogi | Japan | 37.81 | 138.28 | 1344 | 780 | 2127 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-ohit | O'Higgins | Antarctica | -63.32 | -57.9 | ohig, ohig3 | ohig | 768, 769, 899 | 2334 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-oinc | Oregon_Inlet | United States | 35.8 | -75.55 | oinc | oinc | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-oita | Oita | Japan | 33.25 | 131.58 | 1293, 1964 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-okad | Okada | Japan | 34.79 | 139.39 | 1091 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-okha | Okha | India | 22.47 | 69.08 | 1395 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-okin | Okinawa | Japan | 26.18 | 127.82 | 1388 | 795 | 2135 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-okus | Okushiri | Japan | 42.08 | 139.49 | 1853 | 773 | 2171 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-olan | Olands Norra Udde | Sweden | 57.37 | 17.1 | olan | 69 | 2074 | 2333 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-omae | Omaezaki | Japan | 34.6 | 138.23 | omae | omae | 1141, 1263 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-omin | Ominato | Japan | 41.25 | 141.15 | 679 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-onag | Onagawa | Japan | 38.43 | 141.47 | 674 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-onah | Onahama | Japan | 36.94 | 140.89 | 635 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-onis | Onisaki | Japan | 34.9 | 136.82 | 1026 | 787 | 2099 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-onsa | Onsala | Sweden | 57.39 | 11.92 | onsa | 770 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-onsl | Onslow | Australia | -21.65 | 115.13 | 1631, 1660 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-oran | Oranjestad | Aruba | 12.52 | -70.03 | oran | oran | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-orma | Ormara | Pakistan | 25.2 | 64.68 | orma | orma | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-orta | Ortona | Italy | 42.36 | 14.41 | OR24 | 2097, 972 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-osak | Osaka | Japan | 34.66 | 135.43 | 1099 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-osan | Osan | North Korea | 37.08 | 127.02 | 2490 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-osca | Oscarsborg | Norway | 59.68 | 10.6 | osca | 33 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-osho | Oshoroi | Japan | 43.22 | 140.87 | 1027, 159 | 772 | 2100, 2743 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-oska | Oskarshamn | Sweden | 57.27 | 16.48 | oska | 2106 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-oslo | Oslo | Norway | 59.91 | 10.73 | oslo | 62 | 2613 | 2611, 2612 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-oste | Ostend | Belgium | 51.23 | 2.92 | oste, oste1 | 413 | 2988 | 2987 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-otar | Otaru | Japan | 43.22 | 141.05 | 160 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-otat | Dunedin | New Zealand | -45.81 | 170.63 | otat | otat | 669 | 136, 1643, 252 | 2508, 771, 921 | 2337, 2742, 2746 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-otro | Otranto | Italy | 40.15 | 18.5 | OT15 | otra | 2096, 990 | 3444 | 3442, 3443 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-ouag | Ouagadougou | Burkina Faso | 12.36 | 1.51 | 2561 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ouin | Ouinne | France | -21.98 | 166.68 | ouin, ouin2 | ouin | 2238 | 3169 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-ouis | Ouistreham | France | 49.28 | -0.25 | ouis, ouis2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-oulu | Oulu / Uleaborg | Finland | 65.04 | 25.42 | 79 | 2593 | 2592 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-oura | Oura | Japan | 32.98 | 130.22 | 1102 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ousd | Otago | New Zealand | -45.87 | 170.51 | 900 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ouve | Ouvea | France | -20.55 | 166.56 | ouve, ouve2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-owas | Owase | Japan | 34.08 | 136.21 | 1146 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-oxel | Oxelosund Lotsstation | Sweden | 58.66 | 17.12 | oxel | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-oyar | Oyarvide | Argentina | -35.1 | -57.13 | 1529 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-paak | Port Alexander | United States | 56.25 | -134.65 | paak, paak2 | paak | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-paci | Pacitan | Indonesia | -8.2 | 111.08 | 324 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-pada | Padang | Indonesia | -0.95 | 100.37 | pada, padn | pada, padn | 45 | 107 | 1686, 2193, 274 | 2944, 3100 | 2810 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-paga | Pagadian City | Philippines | 7.82 | 123.43 | 2152 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-pagb | Pago Bay | United States | 13.43 | 144.8 | pagb | pagb | 37 | 2130 | 1872 | 2371, 3107 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-pagi | Puerto Aguirre_CL | Chile | -45.16 | -73.53 | pagi, pagi2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-pago | Pago Pago | American Samoa | -14.28 | -170.69 | pago, pago2, pagx | pago, pagx | 144 | 56 | 539 | 631 | 2352 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-pait | Paita | Peru | -5.08 | -81.17 | paita | 678 | 1539, 1737 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-palb | Port Alberni | Canada | 49.23 | -124.81 | palb | ptal | 527 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-pale | Paleochora | Greece | 35.22 | 23.68 | pale | pale | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-palm | Palma De Mallorca | Spain | 39.56 | 2.64 | palm | 1087, 1892, 2061 | 731 | 2192, 2764, 3559 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-palmg | Palmer Station | Antarctica | -64.78 | -64.05 | 2450 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-palmk | Palm Beach | United States | 26.7 | -80.05 | 1669 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-pams | Pascagoula | United States | 30.37 | -88.52 | pams | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-pana | Pangandaran | Indonesia | -7.75 | 108.5 | pana | pana | 2962 | 2964 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-pand | Pandangaran | Indonesia | -7.75 | 108.5 | pand | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-pang | Port Angeles, Washington | United States | 48.13 | -123.44 | pang | pang | 584 | 2127 | 3032, 3037 | 3031 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-panj | Panjang, Bandar Lampung | Indonesia | -5.45 | 105.27 | 357 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-pank | Pantai Kerancut | Malaysia | 5.45 | 100.2 | ms002 | kera | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-pano | Panormos | Greece | 38.36 | 22.25 | pano | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-pant | Pantelleria | Italy | 36.83 | 11.94 | pant | pant | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-papa | Papagayo Marina | Costa Rica | 10.64 | -85.65 | papa | papa | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-pape | Pape'ete | France | -17.53 | -149.57 | pape, pape2 | pape | 140 | 15, 590 | 1260, 1397 | 2203, 2204, 2205, 3096, 809, 852 | 1820 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-papew | Pape | Latvia | 56.15 | 21.03 | 340 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-papho | Paphos | Cyprus | 34.76 | 32.41 | papho | 2159 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-papo | Paposo | Chile | -25.01 | -70.47 | papo, papo2 | papo | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-papt | Papenburg | Germany | 53.11 | 7.37 | 2535 | 2536 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-para | Paralimni | Cyprus | 35.04 | 34.04 | para | para | 2161 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-parag | Paradip | India | 20.27 | 86.7 | 1161 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-parh | Parham (Camp Blizard) | Antigua and Barbuda | 17.15 | -61.78 | parh | parh | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-pari | Pari | Indonesia | -5.85 | 106.62 | 159 | 1724 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-park | Parkers Cove | Canada | 44.8 | -65.53 | 1305 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-parkg | Park | Australia | -33 | 148.26 | 1871 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-pasa | Pasajes | Spain | 43.32 | -1.92 | 561 | 2236, 3549 | 2235, 3474 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-pata | Patache | Chile | -20.8 | -70.19 | pata, pata2 | pata | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-patr | Patricia Bay | Canada | 48.65 | -123.45 | 1152 | 892 | 2112 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-patri | Patrai | Greece | 38.42 | 21.73 | 1250, 2166 | 2580 | 2579 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-patu | Puerto Atún - Manta | Ecuador | -0.93 | -80.67 | patu | patu | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-pavi | Pavilosta | Latvia | 56.9 | 21.18 | 339 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-pbbc | Patricia_Bay | Canada | 48.42 | -123.37 | pbbc | pbbc | 543 | 166 | 621 | 2211 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-pbfl | Panama City | United States | 30.21 | -85.88 | pbfl, pcfl | pbfl, pcfl | 761 | 1641 | 1888 | 3302 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-pbil | Puerto Bilwi | Nicaragua | 14.02 | -83.38 | pbil | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-pblu | Puerto El Bluff | Nicaragua | 12 | -83.69 | pblu | pblu | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-pcas | Puerto de Castilla | Honduras | 15.92 | -85.95 | pcas | 784 | 779 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-pcha | Puerto_Chacabuco | Chile | -45.47 | -72.82 | pcha, pcha2 | pcha | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-pchi | Port Chicago | United States | 38.06 | -122.04 | pchi | pchi | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-pdas | Ponta Delgada | Portugal | 37.73 | -25.68 | pdas | pdas | 245 | 211 | 1885, 258 | 811 | 1982 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-pedn | Puerto Eden | Chile | -49.13 | -74.42 | pedn, pedn2 | pedn | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-peir | Peiraias | Greece | 37.93 | 23.62 | peir | 374 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-peit | Porto empedocle | Italy | 37.29 | 13.52 | PE09, PE21 | 2083 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-peka | Pekalongan | Indonesia | -6.87 | 109.67 | 294 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-pela | Pelabuhan Ratu | Indonesia | -7 | 106.5 | 325 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-pemba | Pemba | Mozambique | -12.97 | 40.48 | pemba | pemb | 11 | 192 | 1298, 2227 | 2957 | 2796 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-pena | Penang | Malaysia | 5.42 | 100.35 | 144 | 1595 | 2636 | 2635 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-peng | Pengkalan TLDM Lumut | Malaysia | 4.23 | 100.62 | 43 | 143 | 1594 | 2808 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-penr | Penrhyn | Cook Islands | -9 | -158.05 | penr | penr | 143 | 24 | 1450 | 2846 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-penu | Penuelas | Puerto Rico | 17.97 | -66.76 | penu | penu | 243 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-pesc | Peschanyi (Peschanyi Mys) | Russia | 79.43 | 102.48 | 1006 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-petr | Petropavlovsk | Russia | 53.02 | 158.65 | petr | petr | 93 | 824 | 2499, 813 | 2316 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-peve | Pevek | Russia | 69.7 | 170.25 | 606 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-pfla | Fort Fourchon | United States | 29.12 | -90.2 | pfla | pfla | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-phar | Pearl Harbor | United States | 21.37 | -157.96 | phar | phar | 434 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-phpa | Philadelphia | United States | 39.93 | -75.14 | phpa | phpa | 135 | 3310 | 3309 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-pich | Pichidangui | Chile | -32.14 | -71.53 | pich, pich2, pich3 | pich | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-pict | Picton Harbour | New Zealand | -41.28 | 174.03 | 1059 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-pictf | Pictou | Canada | 45.68 | -62.7 | 1121 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-piet | Pietarsaari / Jakobstad | Finland | 63.71 | 22.69 | 194 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-pill | Pillau | Russia | 54.63 | 19.9 | 123 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-pine | Piney Point | United States | 38.13 | -76.53 | 971 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-pion | Pionersky | Russia | 54.7 | 20.48 | 1719 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-pira | Piramide | Argentina | -42.58 | -64.28 | 867 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-pisa | Pisagua | Chile | -19.6 | -70.21 | pisa, pisa2 | pisa | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-pisc | Pisco | Peru | -13.42 | -76.13 | 683 | 2115, 2203 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-pisco | Pisco | Peru | -13.82 | -76.25 | pisco | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-pitx | Port Isabel | United States | 26.06 | -97.22 | pitx | pitx | 772 | 497, 919 | 3518 | 3517 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-pkem | Port Kembla | Australia | -34.47 | 150.91 | pkem | pkem | 342 | 831, 850 | 2060 | 2179 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-plas | Plastun | Russia | 44.72 | 136.25 | 479 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-plat | Mar Del Plata | Argentina | -38.05 | -57.55 | plat, plat2 | plat | 192 | 729 | 177, 1852, 819, 857 | 2051, 937 | 2369, 2758 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-plgn | Poligan Ivtan | Kyrgyzstan | 42.68 | 74.69 | 818 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-plim | Plimmiri | Greece | 35.93 | 27.86 | plim | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-plma | Palmeira | Cape Verde | 16.76 | -22.98 | palm1 | palm | 329 | 235 | 1914 | 3597, 851 | 1987 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-plmy | Palmyra Island | United States | 5.89 | -162.09 | plmy | plmy | 43 | 532 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-plnu | Palinuro | Italy | 40.03 | 15.28 | PL14 | 2082 | 3581 | 3580 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-ploc | Ploce | Croatia | 43.05 | 17.42 | 1945 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-plom | Plomari | Greece | 38.97 | 26.37 | plom | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-plons | Point Lonsdale | Australia | -38.3 | 144.62 | 1014, 301 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-plop | Puerto López | Ecuador | -1.56 | -80.82 | plop | plop | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-plpk | Pilappik | Greenland | 66.9 | -34.03 | 2468 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-plrm | Palermo | Italy | 38.12 | 13.37 | PA07 | pa07 | 107, 2093 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-plum | Plum Island | United States | 41.17 | -72.2 | 875 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-plup | Pulau Perhentian | Malaysia | 5.93 | 102.7 | ms004 | pula | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-pluz | Puerto de la Luz | Spain | 28.13 | -15.41 | lasp, pluz | lasp | 251 | 217 | 1311, 1802, 565, 590 | 941 | 2197, 2754, 2779 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-plym | Plymouth | United Kingdom | 50.37 | -4.19 | plym | 982 | 3259 | 3258 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-pmak | Port Moller | United States | 55.99 | -160.56 | pmak | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-pmel | Puerto Melinka | Chile | -43.9 | -73.75 | pmel, pmel2 | pmel | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-pmon | Puerto Montt | Chile | -41.48 | -72.97 | pmon, pmon2 | pmon | 178 | 684 | 472 | 2858 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-pmur | PtMurat | Australia | -21.82 | 114.19 | pmur | pmur | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-pnat | Puerto Natales | Switzerland | -51.73 | -72.52 | pnat, pnat2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-pnea | Pointe-a-Pitre | France | 16.23 | -61.53 | ptpt, ptpt2 | ptpt | 272 | 1784 | 2502, 3099 | 1823 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-pnfl | Pensacola | United States | 30.4 | -87.21 | pnfl, pnfl2 | pnfl | 288 | 762 | 246 | 1887 | 2379 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-pnfo | Point Fortin | Trinidad and Tobago | 10.18 | -61.42 | pnfo | pnfo | 728 | 1713 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-pntn | Pointe Noire | Republic of the Congo | -4.78 | 11.83 | pntn | ptno | 261 | 234 | 2038, 938 | 2883 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-poal | Porto Alegre | Brazil | -30.07 | -51.12 | 3081 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-poam | Ponta da Madeira | Brazil | -2.57 | -44.37 | 200 | 715 | 1736 | 3276 | 2867 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-pogt | Pogum | Germany | 53.32 | 7.26 | 2537 | 2538 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-poha | Pohang | South Korea | 36.05 | 129.38 | 1324 | 3123 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-poin | Pointe-au-pere | Canada | 48.52 | -68.47 | 138, 1597 | 3317 | 3315, 3316 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-poinh | Point Atkinson | Canada | 49.33 | -123.25 | 193 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-poinn | Point Barrow | United States | 71.33 | -156.77 | 909 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-poinq | Pointe St. Gildas | France | 47.13 | -2.25 | 1078 | 3477 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-poins | Point Tupper | Canada | 45.6 | -61.37 | 1332 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-poinw | Point St. Peter | Canada | 48.63 | -64.17 | 275 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-poinx | Point Sapin | Canada | 46.97 | -64.83 | 1138 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-pola | Pola | Croatia | 44.87 | 13.85 | 116 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-polv | Poltava | Ukraine | 49.6 | 34.54 | 819 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-poly | Polyarniy | Russia | 69.2 | 33.48 | 2027 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-pont | Pontianak | Indonesia | -0.02 | 109.3 | 328 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ponz | Ponza | Italy | 40.9 | 12.97 | PO40 | po40 | 2141 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-popo | Popova (Belyi Ostrov) | Russia | 73.33 | 70.05 | 653 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-porf | Port Orford | United States | 42.74 | -124.5 | porf | porf | 557 | 1640 | 2713 | 2712 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-porl | Portland | Australia | -38.34 | 141.61 | porl | porl | 55 | 129 | 1547, 1556 | 2061 | 2148 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-poro | Poronajsk | Russia | 49.22 | 143.09 | poro | poro | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-porp | Portpatrick | United Kingdom | 54.84 | -5.12 | porp | 1215 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-pors | Port Stanvac | Australia | -35.11 | 138.47 | pors | pors | 100 | 1506 | 2978 | 2977 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-port | Port Bloc | France | 45.57 | -1.06 | port, port2 | 1915, 459 | 1825 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-porta | Port Renfrew | Canada | 48.55 | -124.42 | 842 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-portb | Port Harcourt | Nigeria | 4.77 | 7 | 404 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-portd | Port Aransas, H. Caldwell Pier | United States | 27.83 | -97.05 | 922 | 1876, 1877, 1878 | 2373 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-portf | Port Hardy | Canada | 50.72 | -127.48 | phbc | phbc | 1071 | 3207 | 3206 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-portg | Port Jefferson | United States | 40.95 | -73.08 | 848 | 2702 | 2701 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-porth | Port Moody | Canada | 49.28 | -122.87 | 1088 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-porti | Port San Miguel, Tikao | Philippines | 12.67 | 123.58 | 200 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-portj | Port-aux-basques | Canada | 47.57 | -59.13 | 273 | 392 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-portk | Port Whangarei | New Zealand | -35.77 | 174.35 | 1035 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-portl | Port Noarlunga | Australia | -35.15 | 138.47 | 925 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-portm | Port-saint-francois | Canada | 46.27 | -72.62 | 137 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-portn | Port Adelaide (inner Harbor) | Australia | -34.83 | 138.51 | 381, 448, 450, 50 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-portp | Portneuf | Canada | 46.68 | -71.88 | 951 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-portq | Port Said | Egypt | 31.25 | 32.3 | psai | 253 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-portr | Port Mansfield | United States | 26.55 | -97.42 | 1038 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-portx | Port Arthur | Australia | -43.15 | 147.87 | 6 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-porty | Port Fairy | Australia | -38.38 | 142.25 | 1135 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-portz | Port Uson, Busuanga Island | Philippines | 12.02 | 120.2 | 187 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-posa | Porto Santo | Portugal | 33.06 | -16.31 | posa | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-posi | Pos'et | Russia | 42.65 | 130.8 | posi | posi | 626 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-posia | Posidhonia | Greece | 37.95 | 22.96 | 409 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-poti | Poti | Georgia | 42.17 | 41.68 | 41 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-poto | Puerto Potosi | Nicaragua | 13.01 | -87.5 | pots | pots | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-pots | Potsdam | Germany | 52.38 | 13.07 | 820 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-pozs | Pozzuoli Stabilimento Sofer | Italy | 40.83 | 14.12 | 1614 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-pozz | Pozzuoli Molo Caligoliano | Italy | 40.82 | 14.12 | 1532 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ppcp | Portopalo di Capo Passero | Italy | 36.67 | 15.12 | ppcp | ppcp | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-ppte | Presidente Prudente | Brazil | -22.12 | -51.41 | 3086, 3087 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-prai | Praia | Cape Verde | 14.92 | -23.5 | prai | 222 | 1626, 1865 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-pras | Praslin | Seychelles | -4.35 | 55.77 | 106 | 1723 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-prat | Capitan Prat Base | Chile | -62.48 | -59.66 | prat, prat3 | capi, pra2, prat | 189 | 730 | 1603 | 2862 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-prav | Pravdy (Pravdy Ostrov) | Russia | 76.27 | 94.77 | 615 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-prba | Puerto Barrios | Guatemala | 15.69 | -88.62 | prba | prba | 1080 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-prec | Le Prêcheur | France | 14.81 | -61.23 | prec | prec | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-preo | Preobrazheniye | Russia | 42.91 | 133.92 | preo | preo | 465 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-preor | Preobrazhenia, Ostrov | Russia | 74.67 | 112.93 | 652 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-prev | Preveza | Greece | 38.96 | 20.76 | prev | 410 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-pric | Prickly Bay | Grenada | 12.05 | -61.73 | pric | pric | 789 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-prig | Prigi | Indonesia | -8.28 | 111.73 | prgi, prig | prgi, prig | 125 | 2197 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-prigo | Prigi Raja | Indonesia | -0.25 | 103.25 | 344 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-prim | Primorsk | Russia | 60.35 | 28.62 | 237 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-prin | Prince Rupert | Canada | 54.32 | -130.32 | prin, prin2 | 155 | 540 | 167 | 2020 | 2248 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-prog | Progreso | Mexico | 21.3 | -89.65 | prog, prog2 | prog | 213 | 721 | 690 | 2954, 2995 | 2873 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-prov | Providenya | Russia | 64.5 | -173.18 | 309 | 626 | 1459, 662 | 2897 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-prri | Providence | United States | 41.81 | -71.4 | prri | 430 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-prsc | Springmaid Pier | United States | 33.66 | -78.92 | prsc | spsc | 1444, 862 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-prsj | Puerto San José | Guam | 13.92 | -90.8 | prsj | prsj | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-prte | Port Elizabeth | South Africa | -33.97 | 25.63 | prte | prte | 76 | 184 | 820 | 3508, 3509 | 2827 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-prtp | Portopalo di Capo Passero | Italy | 36.67 | 15.11 | PRTP | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-prtr | Pretoria | South Africa | -25.75 | 28.22 | 2454 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-prud | Prudhoe Bay, Alaska | United States | 70.39 | -148.51 | prud, prud2 | prud | 151 | 579 | 1857 | 2674, 2677 | 2673 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-prus | Portrush | United Kingdom | 55.21 | -6.66 | prus | 1867 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-prvc | Providenciales | Turks and Caicos Islands | 21.74 | -72.28 | prvc | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-psca | Pantelleria (Scauri) | Italy | 36.77 | 11.96 | PSCA | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-psdn | Puerto Sandino | Nicaragua | 12.2 | -86.76 | psan, psdn | psan | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-psla | Pilots Station East | United States | 28.93 | -89.41 | psla, psla2 | psla | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-pslu | Port San Luis | United States | 35.17 | -120.75 | pslu, pslu2 | pslu | 565 | 508 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-ptad | Pta. De Piedras | Venezuela | 10.95 | -64.1 | 1276 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ptaf | Port Alfred | Canada | 48.33 | -70.87 | 1392 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ptal | Port Allen | United States | 21.9 | -159.6 | pall | pall | 433 | 2129 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-ptam | Port Alma | Australia | -23.58 | 150.87 | 2072 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ptan | Puerto Angel | Mexico | 15.67 | -96.49 | ptan, ptan2 | ptan | 164 | 672 | 1015 | 2960 | 2852 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-ptar | Punta Arenas | Chile | -53.12 | -70.86 | ptar, ptar2 | ptar | 473 | 810 | 2283 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-ptau | Port Augusta | Australia | -32.55 | 137.78 | 1434, 574 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ptbc | Port-de-Bouc | France | 43.4 | 4.98 | ptbc, ptbc2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ptbl | Port Blair | India | 11.68 | 92.77 | ptbl | ptbl | 38 | 908 | 206 | 2070, 2665, 2732 | 2441 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-ptbn | Port Bonython | Australia | -33 | 137.77 | 1583 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ptca | Punta Cana | Dominican Republic | 18.5 | -68.38 | ptca | pcan | 776 | 3558 | 3557 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-ptch | Punta de Choros | Chile | -29.25 | -71.47 | ptch, ptch2 | ptch | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-ptcm | Port Camargue | France | 43.52 | 4.13 | 2235 | 3384 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-ptco | Puerto Cortes | Honduras | 15.83 | -87.95 | pcor | pcor | 780 | 557 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-ptdg | Port Douglas | Australia | -16.48 | 145.47 | 1471, 1479 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-pter | Port Erin | Isle of Man | 54.09 | -4.77 | 1793 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ptfe | Port Ferréol | France | 43.36 | 6.72 | ptfe, ptfe2 | ptfe | 2233 | 3164 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-ptga | Point Galeota | Trinidad and Tobago | 10.14 | -60.99 | gale, ptga | ptga | 2008 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-ptgi | Port Giles | Australia | -35.02 | 137.77 | 1550 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ptgr | Porto Garibaldi | Italy | 44.68 | 12.25 | 2144 | 2966 | 2965 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-pthe | Port Hedland | Australia | -20.32 | 118.57 | phcp | 51 | 169 | 189, 966 | 3588 | 2813 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-ptir | Port Irene | Philippines | 18.38 | 122.1 | 1705 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ptis | Port Isaac | United Kingdom | 50.59 | -4.83 | ptis | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ptlc | Port Lincoln | Australia | -34.72 | 135.87 | 1076, 230 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ptln | Port-La-Nouvelle | France | 43.01 | 3.04 | ptln, ptln2 | 3383 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-ptlu | Port Louis | Mauritius | -20.16 | 57.5 | ptlu | ptlu | 18 | 103 | 1673, 477 | 2350 | 2351 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-ptma | Portomaso | Malta | 35.92 | 14.49 | ptma | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ptmcd | Port Macdonnell | Australia | -38 | 140.67 | 1016, 1178, 871 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ptmd | Portsmouth, Dominica | Dominica | 15.56 | -61.47 | ptmd, ptmd2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ptme | Portland | United States | 43.66 | -70.25 | ptme | ptme | 252 | 183 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-ptmo | Port Moresby | Papua New Guinea | -9.48 | 147.13 | 64 | 1610, 439 | 2624 | 1983 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-ptmt | Portsmouth | United Kingdom | 50.8 | -1.11 | ptmt | 350 | 2011 | 2342 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-ptno | Port Nolloth | South Africa | -29.25 | 16.87 | 701 | 836 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-ptoa | Pto. Armuelles | Panama | 8.27 | -82.87 | 304 | 1571, 668 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-ptog | Porto Grande | Portugal | 16.87 | -24.98 | 216 | 1769, 536 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-pton | Porto de Natal | Brazil | -5.77 | -35.2 | 197 | 202 | 1565, 1584, 1624 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-ptor | Porto de Rio Grande | Brazil | -32.1 | -52.1 | 193 | 714 | 1528 | 2863 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-ptos | Porto de Santana | Brazil | -0.05 | -51.17 | ptos, ptos2 | 201 | 716, 717 | 1975 | 2997, 3454 | 2868, 2996 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-ptow | Port Townsend | United States | 48.1 | -122.76 | ptow | ptow | 1325 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-ptpi | Port Pirie | Australia | -33.18 | 138.01 | 1168, 216 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ptpl | Puerto Plata | Dominican Republic | 19.8 | -70.7 | ptpl | ppla | 777 | 577 | 3556 | 3555 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-ptpr | Port-au-Prince/Les Cayes | Haiti | 18.57 | -72.35 | ptpr | ptpr | 209 | 799 | 583 | 2717 | 2716 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-ptqu | Puerto Quetzal | Guatemala | 13.92 | -90.78 | 301 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ptre | Point Reyes | United States | 38 | -122.98 | ptre | ptre | 1394 | 2696 | 2695 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-ptro | Port Royal | Jamaica | 17.93 | -76.85 | ptro | ptro | 210 | 782 | 2003, 744 | 2719, 3018 | 2718 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-ptsc | Port St. Charles | Barbados | 13.26 | -59.64 | ptsc | ptsc | 888 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-ptsd | Port Sudan | Sudan | 19.63 | 37.12 | 1690 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ptsp | Port of Spain | Trinidad and Tobago | 10.65 | -61.52 | ptsp | ptsp | 203 | 248 | 415 | 3512 | 2870 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-ptts | Porto Torres | Italy | 40.84 | 8.4 | PT17 | 2084 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-pttu | Port Tuapse | Russia | 44.1 | 39.07 | 98 | 215 | 3598 | 2834 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-ptve | Port Vendres | France | 42.52 | 3.11 | ptve, ptve2 | ptve | 1469 | 2272, 2284 | 1868 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-ptwe | Port Welshpool | Australia | -38.7 | 146.46 | 1463 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ptwn | Pietown | United States | 34.3 | -108.12 | 814 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-pual | Puerto Aldea | Chile | -30.29 | -71.61 | ptal, ptal2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-puck | Puck | Poland | 54.73 | 18.42 | 147 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-puer | Puerto De Hierro | Venezuela | 10.62 | -62.08 | 782 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-puern | Puerto Bolivar | Ecuador | -3.27 | -80 | pbol | pbol | 1277 | 2083 | 2446 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-puert | Puerto Vallarta | Mexico | 20.62 | -105.25 | puer2, puert | 393 | 1360 | 1883 | 2130 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-pula | Pulau Lakei | Malaysia | 1.75 | 110.5 | 785 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-pulp | Pulau Perak | Malaysia | 5.71 | 98.92 | ms003 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-pulu | Pulupandan, Negros Occidental | Philippines | 10.52 | 122.8 | 2151 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-pumo | Puerto Morelos | Mexico | 20.87 | -86.87 | pumo, pumo2 | pum2, pumo | 860 | 3265, 3544 | 3543 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-puna | Puná | Ecuador | -2.74 | -79.91 | puna | puna | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-punt | Puntarenas | Costa Rica | 9.97 | -84.83 | punt | punt | 396 | 1287, 464 | 2661 | 2660 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-punth | Punta Diablo | Venezuela | 10.95 | -71.6 | 949 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-punto | Punta Del Este | Uruguay | -34.97 | -54.95 | 434 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-puyt | Puysegur Welcome Bay | New Zealand | -46.08 | 166.59 | puyt | puyt | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-pvic | Port Victoria | Seychelles | -4.62 | 55.47 | 1017, 1692 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-pwil | Puerto Williams | Chile | -54.93 | -67.61 | pwil, pwil2 | pwil | 287 | 1122 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-pyeo | Pyeongtaek | South Korea | 36.97 | 126.82 | 1908 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-qaar | Qaarsuut | Greenland | 70.74 | -52.69 | 2458 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-qaqo | Qaqortoq | Denmark | 60.72 | -46.04 | qaqo | 344 | 299 | 1782, 2170 | 821 | 2317 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-qiki | Qikiqtarjuaq | Canada | 67.87 | -64.12 | 1935 | 822 | 2174 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-qing | Qinglan | China | 19.57 | 110.82 | qing | qing | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-qinh | Qinhuangdao | China | 39.9 | 119.6 | 614 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-qtro | Quintero_CL | Chile | -32.78 | -71.53 | qtro, qtro2, qtro3 | qtro | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-quar | Quarry Bay | Hong Kong | 22.28 | 114.22 | quar | quar | 77 | 329 | 1674, 1693, 1891, 333 | 2089, 3214 | 2451, 2747, 2784 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-queb | Quebec (Lauzon) | Canada | 46.83 | -71.17 | 173 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-quee | Queen Charlotte City | Canada | 53.25 | -132.07 | qcbc | qcbc | 829 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-queev | Queenscliff | Australia | -38.27 | 144.66 | 1776 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-quel | Queule | Chile | -39.4 | -73.21 | quel, quel2 | quel | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-quepo | Quepos | Costa Rica | 9.4 | -84.17 | quepo | quep | 167 | 87 | 2189, 844 | 2854 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-queq | Quequen | Argentina | -38.58 | -58.7 | 223 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-quin | Qui Nhon | Vietnam | 13.78 | 109.25 | quin | quin | 75 | 381 | 1449 | 2826 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-quing | Quincy | United States | 39.97 | -120.94 | 823 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-quir | Quiriquina | Chile | -36.64 | -73.06 | quir, quir2 | quir | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-quito | Quito | Ecuador | -1.05 | -78.49 | 2491 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-qura | Qurayat | Oman | 23.26 | 58.93 | qura | qura | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-qurae | Qurayyah Pier | Saudi Arabia | 25.88 | 50.12 | 1514 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-quri | Quonset Point | United States | 41.59 | -71.41 | quri | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-raah | Raahe / Brahestad | Finland | 64.67 | 24.41 | 240 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-raba | Rabaul | Papua New Guinea | -4.2 | 152.18 | raba | raba | 65 | 10 | 1164, 1185 | 2820 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-rabb | Rabbit Island | Australia | -38.92 | 146.52 | 1623 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-rabt | Rabat, Emi | Morocco | 34 | -6.85 | 824 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-raff | Raffles Light House | Singapore | 1.17 | 103.75 | 1351 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-rafi | Rafina | Greece | 38.03 | 24 | 1695 | 3103 | 3102 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-ramo | Mitzpe Ramon | Israel | 30.6 | 34.76 | 825 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-rams | Ramsgate | United Kingdom | 51.33 | 1.42 | 992 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-rang | Rangoon | Myanmar | 16.77 | 96.17 | 210 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-rangi | Rangiroa Atoll | France | -14.95 | -147.71 | rangi | rang | 355 | 455 | 2216 | 2269 | 2259 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-raro | Rarotonga | Cook Islands | -21.2 | -159.78 | raro, raro2 | rarb, raro | 139 | 23 | 1453, 1843 | 655 | 2144, 2775 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-rast | Ras Tanura (North Pier) | Saudi Arabia | 26.65 | 50.17 | 1508 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-rata | Ratan | Sweden | 63.99 | 20.89 | rata | 88 | 2073 | 2331 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-ratm | Ratmanova | Russia | 66.85 | -169.13 | 617 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ratn | Ratnagiri | India | 17 | 73.27 | 905 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-rauc | Rau-chua | Russia | 69.5 | 166.58 | 605 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-raum | Rauma / Raumo | Finland | 61.13 | 21.43 | 376 | 2032 | 2344 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-ravn | Ravenna (Porto Corsini) | Italy | 44.49 | 12.28 | RA10 | 100, 2085 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-rbct | Raoul Island Boat Cove | New Zealand | -29.28 | -177.89 | rbct | rbct | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-rccl | Roccella Jonica | Italy | 38.33 | 16.43 | RCCL | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-rcit | Reggio Calabria | Italy | 38.12 | 15.65 | RC09 | 2142, 670 | 3150 | 3148, 3149 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-rdca | Richmond | United States | 37.93 | -122.4 | rdca | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-real | Real Quezon | Philippines | 14.67 | 121.6 | 2035 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-rech | Recherche Bay | Australia | -43.57 | 146.9 | 1742 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-reci | Recife | Brazil | -8.05 | -34.87 | 712 | 556 | 2656 | 2655 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-redg | Red_Dog | United States | 67.07 | -164.07 | redg | redg | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-redw | Redwood City | United States | 37.51 | -122.21 | redw | rwca | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-repo | Reposaari | Finland | 61.62 | 21.45 | 85 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-reso | Resolute | Canada | 74.68 | -94.88 | 863 | 2676 | 2675 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-reun | Pointe des Galets | France | -20.92 | 55.28 | reun, reun2 | reun | 17 | 164 | 1501 | 1827 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-reung | La Reunion - Observatoire Volcanologique | France | -21.21 | 55.57 | 827 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-reyk | Reykjavik | Iceland | 64.15 | -21.93 | reyk | reyk | 229 | 288 | 638 | 828 | 1984 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-rfor | Rochefort | France | 45.95 | -0.95 | 3161 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-rfrt | Raoul Island Fishing Rock | New Zealand | -29.25 | -177.9 | rfrt | rfrt | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-rhod | Rhodos | Greece | 36.44 | 28.24 | 1243, 2167 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-rich | Richard's Bay | South Africa | -28.8 | 32.08 | 188 | 1443 | 826 | 2200 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-richr | Richmond | United States | 37.57 | -77.45 | 462 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-riga | Riga Old Iron Bridge | Latvia | 56.95 | 24.12 | 355, 38 | 829 | 2319 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-rije | Rijeka | Croatia | 45.32 | 14.45 | 1906 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-riki | Rikitea | France | -23.12 | -134.97 | gamb, riki | gamb, riki | 138 | 16 | 1253 | 2015, 3418 | 1985, 3410 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-rinc | Rincon Island | United States | 34.35 | -119.44 | 1013 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ring | Ringhals | Sweden | 57.25 | 12.11 | ring | 2111 | 2951 | 2950 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-rink | Rinks Isbrae | Greenland | 71.85 | -50.99 | 2459 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-riob | Rio Branco | Brazil | -9.97 | -67.8 | 3082 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-riog | Rio Grande | Argentina | -53.8 | -67.68 | 1186 | 1925, 830 | 2730 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-rioh | Riohacha | Colombia | 11.55 | -72.92 | 714 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-rioj | Rio de Janeiro - I.Fiscal | Brazil | -22.9 | -43.17 | 195 | 280, 709 | 1032, 579 | 3505 | 2864 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-rios | Rio Santiago | Argentina | -34.85 | -57.9 | 897 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-riso | Risoyhamn | Norway | 68.97 | 15.65 | 784 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-rivi | Riviere-au-renard | Canada | 49 | -64.38 | 1213 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-rivir | Riviere-du-loup | Canada | 47.85 | -69.57 | 1284 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-robb | Robben Island | South Africa | -33.78 | 18.37 | 889 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-robe | Robe | Australia | -37.15 | 139.75 | 512 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-rock | Rockland | United States | 44.11 | -69.1 | 1279 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-rodb | Rodbyhavn | Denmark | 54.66 | 11.35 | 762 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-rodr | Rodrigues Island | Mauritius | -19.68 | 63.42 | rodr | rodr | 19 | 105 | 1672 | 2558 | 2557 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-roja | Roja | Latvia | 57.5 | 22.8 | 372 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ronn | Ronnskar | Finland | 63.07 | 20.8 | 30 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-room | Roompot Buiten | Netherlands | 51.62 | 3.68 | 1551 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-rorv | Rørvik | Norway | 64.87 | 11.25 | rorv | 234 | 803 | 1241 | 3561 | 2879 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-rosa | Rosales | Argentina | -38.93 | -62.07 | 870 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-rosc | Roscoff | France | 48.72 | -3.97 | rosc, rosc2 | rosc | 1347 | 1933 | 1865 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-rose | Roseau | Dominica | 15.31 | -61.39 | rose | rose | 786 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-rosi | Rosignol | Guyana | 6.3 | -57.52 | 2001 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ross | Rosslyn Bay | Australia | -23.16 | 150.79 | ross | ross | 330 | 1760 | 2980 | 2979 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-rosy | Rosyth | United Kingdom | 56.02 | -3.45 | 1074 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-rote | Rote | Indonesia | -10.71 | 123.06 | rote | rote | 2961 | 2963 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-roth | Rothera | United Kingdom | -67.57 | -68.13 | rothe | roth | 342 | 832 | 1931 | 2007 | 1991 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-rous | Ile Rousse | France | 42.64 | 8.94 | rous, rous2 | 3175 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-rovi | Rovinj | Croatia | 45.08 | 13.63 | 761 | 2600 | 2599 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-roya | Royan | France | 45.62 | -1.03 | 3537 | 3162 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-rpde | Reedy Point | United States | 39.56 | -75.57 | rpde | 786 | 2033 | 2387 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-rpfg | Research Platform Fino-3 | Germany | 55.2 | 7.16 | 2528 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-rptx | Rockport | United States | 28.02 | -97.05 | rptx | rptx | 769 | 538 | 3516 | 3515 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-rtas | Roatan Island Punta Gorda Harbor | Honduras | 16.35 | -86.54 | rtas | rtas | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-rudn | Rudnaya Pristan | Russia | 44.35 | 135.8 | rudn | rudn | 452 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-ruru | Rurutu | French Polynesia | -22.45 | -151.33 | 907 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-russ | Russkaya Gavan | Russia | 76.23 | 62.58 | 99 | 710, 711 | 2835 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-russc | Russkii (Russkii Ostrov) | Russia | 77.17 | 96.43 | 655 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-russy | Russaro | Finland | 59.77 | 22.95 | 28 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-rust | Rustico | Canada | 46.47 | -63.28 | 1330 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sa3t | Sonora, Puerto Penasco | Mexico | 31.31 | -113.55 | 2289 | 2290 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-saba | Sabang | Indonesia | 5.83 | 95.33 | sab2, saba | sab2, saba | 347 | 123 | 2195 | 2904 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-sach | Sachs Harbour | Canada | 71.97 | -125.25 | 1310 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sade | Sadeng | Indonesia | -8.19 | 110.8 | sade, sadp | sadp | 417 | 2943 | 2942 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-sado | Sado | Japan | 38.32 | 138.52 | sado | sado | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-safa | Safaniya Pier | Saudi Arabia | 28 | 48.77 | 1515 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-safai | Safaniyah 312/317 | Saudi Arabia | 28.4 | 48.9 | 1684 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-saga | Sao Gabriel Da Cachoeira | Brazil | -0.14 | -67.06 | 3083 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sagr | Sagres | Portugal | 37.01 | -8.93 | sagr | sagr | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-sagu | Sagunto | Spain | 39.63 | -0.21 | sagu | 2059 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-sagy | Sagyllah-ary | Russia | 73.15 | 128.88 | 1019 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-said | Saidia Marina | Morocco | 35.11 | -2.29 | said | said | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-saig | Saigo | Japan | 36.2 | 133.33 | saig | saig | 1095 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-sain | Saint-Nazaire | France | 47.26 | -2.2 | sain, sain2 | 457 | 3424 | 1846 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-sainl | Saint John, N.B. | Canada | 45.27 | -66.07 | 195 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sainw | Saint Pierre et Miquelon | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | 46.78 | -56.17 | spmi | 2246 | 3408 | 3166 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-saip | Saipan | United States | 15.23 | 145.74 | saip | saip | 118 | 28 | 1474 | 1873 | 2145 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-saka | Sakai | Japan | 35.55 | 133.24 | 811 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sala | Salalah | Oman | 16.94 | 54.01 | sala | sala | 4 | 114 | 1754 | 2791 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-salaa | Salacgriva (Salismunde) | Latvia | 57.75 | 24.37 | 343 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sald | Saldahna Bay | South Africa | -33.17 | 17.95 | 703 | 1348, 1427 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-salg | Salgrund | Finland | 62.33 | 21.2 | 228 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sali | Salina Cruz | Mexico | 16.17 | -95.2 | sali, sali2 | sali | 394 | 689 | 2287, 3546 | 2288 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-salim | Salinopolis | Brazil | -0.65 | -47.38 | 589 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-salrn | Salerno | Italy | 40.68 | 14.75 | SA16 | 2086 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-salv | Salvador | Brazil | -12.97 | -38.52 | salv, salv2, salv3 | salv | 334 | 708 | 578 | 2034, 2657, 3084 | 2345 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-sama | Santa Marta | Colombia | 11.24 | -74.22 | sama, sama2 | sam2, sama | 738 | 3071 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-samo | Samos Island - Vathi | Greece | 37.76 | 26.98 | 1941 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sams | Samsun | Turkey | 41.28 | 36.33 | sams | 989 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-sana | San Andres | Colombia | 12.57 | -81.7 | sana | sana | 737 | 2116 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-sanak | San Antonio | Argentina | -40.8 | -64.87 | 178 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sanb | Santa Barbara, California | United States | 34.41 | -119.69 | sanb | sanb | 577 | 2126 | 3323 | 3322 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-sanc | San Carlos | Mexico | 24.78 | -112.12 | 674 | 1221 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-sancc | San Cristobal | Ecuador | -0.9 | -89.62 | 927 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sancq | San Clemente Island | United States | 33 | -118.55 | 883 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sancs | San Clemente | Argentina | -36.3 | -56.77 | 903 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sand | San Diego | United States | 32.71 | -117.17 | sand | sand | 569 | 158 | 1889, 1890 | 2149 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-sanda | Sandakan | Malaysia | 5.82 | 118.07 | 389 | 1834 | 2648 | 2647 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-sandm | Sandwich Marina, Cape Cod Canal Entrance | United States | 41.77 | -70.5 | 775 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sandn | Sandnes | Norway | 58.87 | 5.75 | sandn | 2398 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-sandu | Sandnessjoen | Norway | 66.02 | 12.63 | 1137 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sanf | San Felix | Chile | -26.26 | -80.12 | sanf, sanf3 | sanf | 177 | 35 | 1751 | 2857 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-sanfe | San Felipe | Mexico | 31.17 | -114.82 | 307 | 1559 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-sanfw | San Fernando, La Union | Philippines | 16.62 | 120.3 | 548 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sanj | San Juan | United States | 18.46 | -66.12 | sanj, sanj2 | sanj | 206 | 245 | 1001 | 1900, 2662, 3406 | 2098 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-sanjo | San Jose | Guatemala | 13.92 | -90.83 | 675 | 1983, 777, 973 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-sanjs | San Jose | Philippines | 12.33 | 121.08 | 1711 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sanju | San Juan | Peru | -15.37 | -75.2 | 96 | 2187, 923 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-sanm | Santa Monica | United States | 34.01 | -118.5 | sanm | sanm | 578 | 377 | 2700 | 2699 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-sanma | San Martin | Argentina | -68.13 | -67.1 | 681 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sanmo | San Mateo | United States | 37.58 | -122.25 | 1663 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sann | Sannikova (Sannikova Proliv) | Russia | 74.67 | 138.9 | 602 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sano | San_Antonio | Chile | -33.58 | -71.62 | sano, sano2 | sano | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-sanq | San Quintin | Mexico | 30.48 | -115.98 | 308 | 1457 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-sant | Santa Cruz | Ecuador | -0.75 | -90.31 | sant | sant | 30 | 1472 | 677, 679 | 1996, 2776 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-santf | Santa Cruz del Flores | Portugal | 39.27 | -31.07 | 244 | 210, 213 | 2171, 843 | 2924 | 2880 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-santg | Santiago | Chile | -33.15 | -70.67 | 832 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sants | Santos | Brazil | -23.95 | -46.32 | 502 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-santw | Santa Isabel | Equatorial Guinea | 3.73 | 8.8 | 1961 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-saop | Porto Alegre | Sao Tome and Principe | 0.02 | 6.51 | 3473 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-saot | Sao Tome | Sao Tome and Principe | 0.35 | 6.74 | saot | 260 | 225 | 1665, 2245 | 1932 | 1864 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-sapp | Sappi | Finland | 61.48 | 21.33 | 226 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sapz | Sapzurro | Colombia | 8.66 | -77.37 | sapz, sapz2 | sapz | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-sase | Sasebo | Japan | 33.17 | 129.72 | 1147, 672 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sass | Sassnitz | Germany | 54.51 | 13.64 | sass | 397 | 833 | 2223 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-saum | Saumlaki | Indonesia | -7.98 | 131.29 | saum | saum | 420 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-sava | Savage Cove | Canada | 51.33 | -56.7 | 1280 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sbdt | S. Benedetto Del Tronto | Italy | 42.96 | 13.89 | SB36 | 2143 | 3446 | 3445 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-sbea | South Beach | United States | 44.63 | -124.04 | sbea, sbea2 | sbea | 157 | 592 | 1196 | 3524, 754 | 2362 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-sbla | Shell Beach | United States | 29.87 | -89.67 | sbla | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-scar | Scarborough | Trinidad and Tobago | 11.17 | -60.73 | scar | scar | 1979 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-scarl | Scarborough | United Kingdom | 54.28 | -0.38 | 946 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sche | Scheveningen | Netherlands | 52.1 | 4.26 | sche | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-schf | Schefferville | Canada | 54.83 | -66.83 | 834 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-scia | Sciacca | Italy | 37.5 | 13.08 | SC43 | 2047, 2224 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-scoa | St Jean De Luz (Socoa) | France | 43.4 | -1.68 | scoa, scoa2 | 469 | 835 | 1836 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-scor | Ittoqqortoormiit | Denmark | 70.48 | -21.96 | scor | 315 | 809 | 2168 | 1926 | 2341 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-scot | Scott Base | New Zealand | -77.85 | 166.77 | 134 | 663 | 2029 | 740 | 2103 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-scrz | Santa Cruz De La Sierra | Bolivia | -17.8 | -63.16 | 3089 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-scub | Santiago de Cuba | Cuba | 20.01 | -75.76 | 836 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sdom | Santo Domingo/p.San Andres | Dominican Republic | 18.42 | -69.63 | sdom | sdrd | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-sdpr | Sandown Pier | United Kingdom | 50.65 | -1.15 | sdpr | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sdpt | Sand Point, Popof Island | United States | 55.34 | -160.5 | sdpt, sdpt2 | sdpt | 100 | 574 | 1634 | 2669 | 2668 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-seav | Seavey Island | United States | 43.08 | -70.74 | 288 | 1892, 2967 | 2380 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-sebe | Sebesi Island | Indonesia | -5.94 | 105.51 | sebe | sebe | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-sebla | Seblat | Indonesia | -3.22 | 101.6 | sebla | sebl | 2937 | 2936 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-seco | Second Valley | Australia | -35.52 | 138.17 | 443 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sedi | Sedili | Malaysia | 1.93 | 104.12 | 324 | 1702 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-seji | Sejingkat | Malaysia | 1.58 | 110.42 | 1893 | 3204 | 2637 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-sela | Se-laha | Russia | 70.15 | 72.57 | 1200 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-seld | Seldovia | United States | 59.44 | -151.72 | seld | seld | 561 | 1070 | 893 | 2365 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-sele | Selezaschita | Kazakhstan | 43.18 | 77.02 | 2456 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sema | Semarang | Indonesia | -6.95 | 110.42 | sema | sema | 281 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-semb | Sembilangan | Indonesia | -7.1 | 112.7 | 279 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-seog | Seogwipo | South Korea | 33.24 | 126.56 | 1627 | 2922 | 2921 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-seon | Seongsanpo | South Korea | 33.47 | 126.93 | 1937 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sept | Sept-iles | Canada | 50.2 | -66.4 | 1322 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sete | Sète | France | 43.4 | 3.7 | sete, sete2 | sete | 958 | 1905 | 1847 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-setu | Setubal | Portugal | 38.49 | -8.93 | setu | setu | 1425 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-seva | Sevastopol | Ukraine | 44.62 | 33.53 | 42 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-seve | Severo Kurilsk | Russia | 50.68 | 156.14 | seve, seve2 | seve | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-sevl | Sevilla | Spain | 37.32 | -6.01 | sev2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sewa | Seward | United States | 60.12 | -149.43 | sewa, sewa2 | sewa | 150 | 560 | 266 | 2850 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-shah | Shahid Rajaee | Iran | 27.1 | 56.07 | 1870 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-shal | Shalaurova (Shalaurova Mys) | Russia | 73.18 | 143.23 | 603 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-shan | Shanwei | China | 22.75 | 115.35 | 641 | 1406 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-shanz | Shanghai | China | 31.4 | 121.5 | 1959 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-shao | Shanghai, Sheshan Station | China | 31.1 | 121.2 | 840 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-shbt | Sahabat | Malaysia | 5.08 | 119.08 | ms006 | laha | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-shed | Shediac Bay | Canada | 46.25 | -64.53 | 1309, 1326 | 1927 | 2125, 2770 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-shee | Sheerness | United Kingdom | 51.45 | 0.74 | shee, shee2 | 3, 334 | 3263, 841 | 2187, 2748, 3262 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-shek | Shek Pik | Hong Kong | 22.22 | 113.89 | shek | shek | 1902 | 2090, 3570 | 2452 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-shel | Shell Point, Walker Creek | United States | 30.06 | -84.29 | 1670 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-shen | Shenzhen | China | 22.47 | 113.88 | shen | shen | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-shij | Shijiusuo | China | 35.38 | 119.55 | 642 | 1404 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-shim | Shimonoseki | Japan | 33.97 | 130.95 | 1830, 783, 845 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-shime | Shimizu-minato | Japan | 35.01 | 138.52 | 808 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-shimq | Shimotsu | Japan | 34.1 | 135.15 | 1145 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-shir | Shirahama | Japan | 33.68 | 135.38 | 1150 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-shnj | Sandy Hook | United States | 40.47 | -74.01 | shnj | shnj | 366 | 1895, 1896 | 2382 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-shor | St Hellen | United States | 45.87 | -122.8 | shor | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-shorq | Shoreham | United Kingdom | 50.83 | -0.25 | 1008 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-shut | Shute Harbour | Australia | -20.28 | 148.78 | 1569, 1575 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sian | Sian Ka'an | Mexico | 19.31 | -87.45 | sian, sian2 | sian | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-siba | Sibaura | Japan | 35.63 | 139.75 | 952 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sibo | Sibolga | Indonesia | 1.73 | 98.8 | sib2, sibo | sib2, sibo | 122 | 1752, 356 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-sibon | Siboney | Cuba | 23.1 | -82.47 | 215 | 239 | 1162, 534 | 2875 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-sidi | Sidi Ifni | Morocco | 29.37 | -10.2 | 1952 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-siga | St Simons Island | United States | 31.13 | -81.4 | siga | siga | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-sign | Signy | United Kingdom | -60.7 | -45.6 | 306 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sile | Sile | Turkey | 41.18 | 29.61 | sile | 2016 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-simd | Solomon's Island | United States | 38.32 | -76.45 | simd | simd | 412 | 1951, 845 | 2390 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-simp | Simpevarp | Sweden | 57.41 | 16.68 | simp | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-simr | Simrishamn | Sweden | 55.56 | 14.36 | simr | 2107 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-sine | Sines | Portugal | 37.95 | -8.88 | 1456 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sino | Sinop | Turkey | 42.02 | 35.15 | sino | 2017 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-sire | Sirevåg | Norway | 58.51 | 5.79 | sire | 2401 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-sisa | Sisal | Mexico | 21.16 | -90.05 | sisa | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sisi | Sisimiut | Denmark | 66.93 | -53.67 | 296 | 1781 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-sitin | Simonstown | South Africa | -34.18 | 18.43 | sitin | sitn | 268 | 221 | 826 | 842 | 2201 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-sitk | Sitka | United States | 57.05 | -135.34 | sitk, sitk2 | sitk | 154 | 559 | 426 | 2683, 2684 | 2682 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-sitt | Sittwe | Myanmar | 20.15 | 92.9 | sitt | sitt | 37 | 907 | 421 | 2805 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-sjds | Puerto San Juan del Sur | Nicaragua | 11.25 | -85.88 | psjs, sjds | psds | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-sjua | San Juan de Marcona | Peru | -15.36 | -75.16 | sjuan | sjua | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-skag | Skagway | United States | 59.45 | -135.33 | skag | skag | 495 | 2679 | 2678 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-skagk | Skagsudde | Sweden | 63.19 | 19.01 | skagk | 2102 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-skan | Skanor | Sweden | 55.42 | 12.83 | skan | 2108 | 2076 | 2329 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-skop | Skopelos | Greece | 39.12 | 23.73 | 1907 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-skur | Skuru | Finland | 60.1 | 23.55 | 142 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-skwa | Skamakawa | United States | 46.27 | -123.45 | skwa | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-slds | St. Louis du Sud | Haiti | 18.23 | -73.62 | slds | slds | 406 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-slip | Slipshavn | Denmark | 55.29 | 10.83 | 98 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-slit | Slite | Sweden | 57.71 | 18.81 | slit | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-slor | San Lorenzo | Ecuador | 1.29 | -78.84 | slor | slor | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-slsb | Salisbury | Australia | -34.73 | 138.65 | 2484 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-smag | Sanchez Magallanes | Mexico | 18.3 | -93.85 | smag, smag2 | smag | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-smar | Sainte Marie | France | -20.9 | 55.55 | smar, smar2 | smar | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-smog | Smogen | Sweden | 58.35 | 11.22 | smog | 818 | 179, 97 | 2080 | 2326, 2741 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-smrn | Stromoren | Sweden | 65.55 | 22.24 | stro | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-smth | Samothraki | Greece | 40.47 | 25.47 | smth | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-smus | S. Musang Kecil | Indonesia | -3.5 | 114.5 | 358 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sobr | Sobra | Croatia | 42.79 | 17.62 | sobr | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-soca | South Caicos | United Kingdom | 21.48 | -71.53 | 296 | 720 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-soco | Socorro Is. | Mexico | 18.73 | -111.02 | soco | 162 | 90 | 1821, 931 | 1988 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-sode | Soderskar | Finland | 60.12 | 25.42 | 29 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sokc | Sokcho | South Korea | 38.21 | 128.59 | 1365 | 2916 | 2915 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-sokh | Sokhumi | Georgia | 42.98 | 41.02 | 291 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sola | Bahia Solano | Colombia | 6.23 | -77.41 | sola | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sole | Solenzara | France | 41.84 | 9.37 | sole, sole2 | 2208 | 3210 | 3177 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-soln | Solnechnaia (Solnechnaia Bukhta) | Russia | 78.2 | 103.27 | 656 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-solo | Honiara | Solomon Islands | -9.43 | 159.96 | solo | honb, honi | 66 | 9 | 1373, 1667, 1861, 885 | 2054 | 2133, 2772 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-soma | Soma | Japan | 37.83 | 140.96 | 1345 | 777 | 2128 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-sona | Port Sonara | Cameroon | 4.01 | 9.13 | sona | sona | 350 | 816 | 2037 | 2905 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-sook | Sooke | Canada | 48.37 | -123.73 | 921 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sopa | South Pass | United States | 28.98 | -89.13 | 764 | 1511 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-sopo | Sopot | Poland | 54.45 | 18.58 | 780 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sopol | Sopochnaia Karga | Russia | 71.87 | 82.7 | 917 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-soro | Sorong | Indonesia | -0.88 | 131.25 | 67 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sosu | Sosunovo | Russia | 46.53 | 138.33 | sosu | sosu | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-soud | Soudhas | Greece | 35.49 | 24.08 | 1232, 2067 | 2081 | 2443 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-souf | Soufriere | Saint Lucia | 13.85 | -61.06 | stlu3 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sout | Southampton | United Kingdom | 50.9 | -1.38 | 263 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-soutj | Southport | United States | 33.92 | -78.02 | 1431 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-soutu | South Island Plantation, Winyah Bay | United States | 33.24 | -79.2 | 1651 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sove | Sovetskaja Gavan' | Russia | 48.97 | 140.29 | sove | sove | 553 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-spak | St_Paul_island | United States | 57.13 | -170.29 | spak | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sped | Isla San Pedro | Chile | -47.72 | -74.88 | sanp, sanp3, sped | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-spen | Spence Bay | Canada | 69.5 | -93.6 | 1414 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-spenc | Spencers Island | Canada | 45.35 | -64.72 | 1543 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-spfl | St. Petersburg | United States | 27.76 | -82.63 | spfl | spfl | 759 | 520 | 3346, 3347 | 3343 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-spik | Spikarna | Sweden | 62.36 | 17.53 | spik | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-spjy | Southport_Jetty_AU | Australia | -43.43 | 146.97 | spjy | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-spli | Split - Gradska Luka | Croatia | 43.51 | 16.44 | 352, 685 | 1902 | 2297, 2605 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-sprg | Spring Bay | Australia | -42.55 | 147.93 | sprg | sprg | 56 | 335 | 1216, 1220 | 2058 | 2116 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-sptx | Sabine Pass | United States | 29.73 | -93.87 | sptx | sptx | 766 | 1835, 920 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-spva | Sewells Point, Hampton Roads | United States | 36.95 | -76.33 | spva | 299 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-srmp | Sermip Nuunataa | Greenland | 72.91 | -54.39 | 2461 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sscr | Second Severn Crossing | United Kingdom | 51.57 | -2.7 | sscr | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ssia | San Salvadore | El Salvador | 13.7 | -89.12 | 2492 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-stan | Stanley | United Kingdom | -51.75 | -57.93 | stan, stan2 | stan | 305 | 290 | 1082, 1796 | 1870 | 2162 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-stans | Stanley | Australia | -40.77 | 145.3 | 1144 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-star | Starodubskoe | Russia | 47.41 | 142.82 | star | star | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-stari | Stari Grad | Croatia | 43.18 | 16.58 | stari | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-stau | St. Augustine | United States | 29.85 | -81.27 | 262 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-stav | Stavanger | Norway | 58.97 | 5.73 | stav | 47 | 846 | 2265 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-stch | St. Charles River Basin | Canada | 46.82 | -71.2 | 1864 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-stcr | St_Croix | United States | 17.74 | -64.69 | stcr, stcr2 | stcr | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-stdpr | Salinas | Puerto Rico | 17.95 | -66.23 | stdpr | sapr | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-stdr | Santander | Spain | 43.46 | -3.79 | san2 | 1051, 1807, 485 | 646 | 2196, 2401, 2402 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-stea | Ste-anne-des-monts | Canada | 49.13 | -66.48 | 1199 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-stel | Stellendam Buiten | Netherlands | 51.83 | 4.03 | 1331 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sten | Stenhouse Bay | Australia | -35.25 | 137.77 | 492 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-stens | Stenungsund | Sweden | 58.09 | 11.82 | sten | 2112 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-ster | Sterlegova (Sterlegova Mys) | Russia | 75.42 | 88.9 | 612 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-stev | Steveston | Canada | 49.12 | -123.18 | 1255 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-stfr | St Francois | Canada | 47 | -70.82 | 999 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sthl | Saint Helena | Saint Helena | -15.92 | -5.72 | sthl, sthl2 | sthl | 264 | 292 | 1845 | 2576 | 1986 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-sthm | Stockholm | Sweden | 59.32 | 18.08 | sthm | 341 | 826 | 2131, 78 | 2084 | 2332 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-stje | St-jean-port-joli | Canada | 47.22 | -70.28 | 1223 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-stjo | St. Johns | Canada | 47.57 | -52.72 | stjo | 223 | 276 | 393 | 3434, 847 | 1989 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-stjoe | St-joseph-de-la-rive | Canada | 47.45 | -70.37 | 1244 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-stlo | St. Louis | Senegal | 15.99 | -16.51 | stlo, stlo2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-stlu | Ganter's Bay | Saint Lucia | 14.02 | -61 | stlu | stlu | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-stma | Saint-Malo | France | 48.64 | -2.03 | stma, stma2 | stma | 454 | 1936, 3181 | 1866, 3419 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-stmao | St. Marks | United States | 30.07 | -84.18 | 1136 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-stmb | Strombolicchio | Italy | 38.82 | 15.25 | ST44 | 2247 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-stmr | St Marys | United Kingdom | 49.92 | -6.32 | stmr | 1855 | 3257 | 3256 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-stmt | Saint Martin Island | France | 18.08 | -63.09 | stmt | stmt | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-stom | Stompneus Bay | South Africa | -32.72 | 17.98 | 882 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ston | Stony Point | Australia | -38.37 | 145.22 | 1033, 1041 | 3009 | 3008 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-stor | Stornoway | United Kingdom | 58.2 | -6.38 | stor, stor2 | 238 | 295 | 314 | 1908 | 2189 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-stpa | Saint-Paul Island | France | -38.71 | 77.54 | stpa | 24 | 179 | 1863 | 3093 | 1837 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-Stpe | St Peter & St Paul Rocks | Brazil | 0.92 | -29.35 | 199 | 201 | 1561 | 2866 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-stpeg | St. Peter Port (Guernsey) | Guernsey | 49.45 | -2.52 | 1988 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-stpt | Settlement Point | Bahamas | 26.68 | -78.98 | setp1 | stpt | 211 | 257 | 1646, 1928 | 2981, 674 | 2155 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-stqy | Saint-Quay-Portrieux | France | 48.65 | -2.82 | stqy, stqy2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-stro | Stromma | Finland | 60.18 | 22.88 | 128 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-stroe | Stromstad | Sweden | 58.95 | 11.18 | 140 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-suap | Suape | Brazil | -8.35 | -34.95 | 710 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-subi | Subic Zambales | Philippines | 14.82 | 120.28 | subi | subi | 382 | 2176 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-sucu | Sucuraj | Croatia | 43.13 | 17.2 | 1706 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-suez | Suez | Egypt | 29.93 | 32.57 | 1 | 268 | 2789 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-sull | Sullom Voe | United Kingdom | 60.45 | -1.3 | 1668 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sult | Sultan Shoal | Singapore | 1.23 | 103.65 | 1248 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sumo | Sumoto | Japan | 34.34 | 134.91 | 1098 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sumt | Christchurch | New Zealand | -43.57 | 172.77 | sumt | sumt | 667 | 247, 259 | 922 | 2335, 3222 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-sung | Sungsang | Indonesia | -2.33 | 104.75 | 326 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sura | Surabaya | Indonesia | -7.22 | 112.73 | sura | sura | 292 | 160 | 1599, 280 | 2893 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-suri | Surigao | Philippines | 9.78 | 125.5 | 1708 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-suro | Sur | Oman | 22.57 | 59.52 | suro | suro | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-surs | Sur Sari | Russia | 60.08 | 26.98 | 227 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-susa | Susa | Japan | 34.63 | 131.6 | 1791 | 790 | 2161 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-suth | Sutherland | South Africa | -32.38 | 20.81 | 2457, 848 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-suwn | Suwon-shi | North Korea | 37.28 | 127.05 | 2460 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-svia | Sviatoi Nos (Sviatoi Nos Mys) | Russia | 72.83 | 140.73 | 657 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-swan | Swansea | United Kingdom | 51.62 | -3.92 | 967 | 3255 | 3253, 3254 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-swin | Swinoujscie | Poland | 53.92 | 14.23 | 2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-swpr | Swanage Pier | United Kingdom | 50.61 | -1.95 | swpr | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-sydn | Sydney | Australia | -33.85 | 151.23 | 57 | 333 | 1173, 196, 197, 549, 65 | 2405, 3380, 3381, 3382 | 2403, 2404 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-syow | Syowa | Antarctica | -69.01 | 39.57 | syow | syow | 95 | 127 | 1396 | 850 | 2000 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-syro | Syros | Greece | 37.44 | 24.94 | syro | syro | 1234 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-tabl | Tablazo | Venezuela | 10.88 | -71.62 | 505 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tacl | Tacloban, Leyte | Philippines | 11.25 | 125 | 664 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-taco | Tacoma | United States | 47.27 | -122.41 | taco | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tadi | Tadibe-iaha | Russia | 70.37 | 72.57 | 767 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tado | Tadoussac | Canada | 48.13 | -69.72 | 1219 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tago | Tago | Japan | 34.81 | 138.76 | 1437 | 785 | 2141 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-taio | Tai O | Hong Kong | 22.25 | 113.85 | 1687 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-taip | Tai Po Kau, Tolo Harbour | Hong Kong | 22.44 | 114.18 | 1034 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-taji | Tajiri | Japan | 35.59 | 134.32 | 1148 | 789 | 2110 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-taka | Takamatsu | Japan | 34.35 | 134.05 | 1789, 847 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-takao | Takaroa | French Polynesia | -14.42 | -145 | 908 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tako | Takoradi | Ghana | 4.88 | -1.75 | tako, tkdi | tako, tkdi | 335 | 231 | 331 | 2037, 3514 | 2346 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-tala | Talara | Peru | -4.58 | -81.28 | tala | tala | 92 | 2186, 475 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-talc | Talcahuano | Chile | -36.7 | -73.11 | talc, talc2 | talc | 571 | 3013, 657 | 2606 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-tall | Tallinn | Estonia | 59.45 | 24.8 | 321 | 2986, 947 | 2227 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-talt | Taltal | Chile | -25.41 | -70.49 | talt, talt2, talt3 | talt | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-tama | Tamale | Ghana | 9.55 | 359.14 | 2571 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tamp | Tampico | Mexico | 23.22 | -97.85 | 1055 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tana | Tanajib Pier | Saudi Arabia | 27.78 | 48.88 | 1647 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tanak | Tanah Merah | Singapore | 1.31 | 103.99 | 2034 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tand | Tandag, Surigao Del Sur | Philippines | 9.08 | 126.2 | 2158 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tang | Tanga | Tanzania | -5.07 | 39.1 | 1024 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tangi | Tangachchimadam | India | 9.28 | 79.25 | 1258 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tangx | Tanggu | China | 39 | 117.72 | 1403 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tanj | Tanjong Changi | Singapore | 1.39 | 104 | 2033 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tanjo | Tanjong Pagar | Singapore | 1.26 | 103.85 | tanjo | tanp | 44 | 327, 337, 699 | 1183, 1534, 1746, 248, 724 | 765 | 2121, 2785, 2786, 2809 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-tann | Tan-nowa | Japan | 34.34 | 135.18 | 817 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tanp | Anping | Taiwan (Province of China) | 22.99 | 120.15 | tanp | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tant | Tan Tan | Morocco | 28.5 | -11.05 | 282 | 2890 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-tapp | Tappi | Japan | 41.24 | 140.38 | 1587 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tara | Betio | Kiribati | 1.36 | 172.93 | tara | beti, kiri | 113 | 2 | 1381, 1579, 1739, 1804 | 711 | 1972, 2774, 2781 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-taran | Port Taranaki | New Zealand | -39.05 | 174.03 | 76 | 996 | 2947 | 2946 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-tare | Tarekukure Wharf | Solomon Islands | -6.69 | 156.41 | tare | tare | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-tari | Tarifa | Spain | 36.01 | -5.6 | tari | 2054, 488 | 3422 | 3420, 3421 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-tarr | Tarragona | Spain | 41.08 | 1.21 | tarr | 2182 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-tasu | Tasucu | Turkey | 36.28 | 33.84 | tasu | tasu | 2018 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-tau1 | Tau | American Samoa | -14.24 | -169.51 | tauas | tau1 | 408 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-taut | Port of Tauranga | New Zealand | -37.64 | 176.18 | taut | taut | 73 | 1590, 978 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-tawa | Tawau | Malaysia | 4.23 | 117.88 | 385 | 1734 | 2650 | 2649 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-taza | Puerto de Tazacorte | Spain | 28.64 | -17.94 | taza | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tbot | Terborg | Germany | 53.29 | 7.4 | 2539 | 2540 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-tboz | Bozihlia | Taiwan (Province of China) | 23.62 | 120.14 | tboz | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tbwc | Twofold_Bay_AU | Australia | -37.1 | 149.93 | tbwc | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tche | Chenggong | Taiwan (Province of China) | 23.1 | 121.38 | tche | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tcim | Cimei | Taiwan (Province of China) | 23.19 | 119.42 | tcim | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tcms | Hsinchu | China | 24.8 | 120.99 | 2462, 2469 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tcsb | Sapodilla Bay | Turks and Caicos Islands | 21.74 | -72.28 | tcsb | tcsb | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-tdan | Danhai | Taiwan (Province of China) | 25.18 | 121.41 | tdan | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tdas | Danshuei | Taiwan (Province of China) | 25.18 | 121.42 | tdas | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tdaw | Dawn | Taiwan (Province of China) | 22.34 | 120.9 | tdaw | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tdcu | Tristan da Cunha | United Kingdom | -37.05 | -12.3 | tdcu | tdca | 266 | 722 | 2164 | 1990 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-tdog | Dongshih | Taiwan (Province of China) | 23.45 | 120.14 | tdog | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tdoj | Dongjidao | Taiwan (Province of China) | 23.25 | 119.67 | tdoj | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tdon | Donggang | Taiwan (Province of China) | 22.47 | 120.44 | tdon | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tdos | Dongshadao | Taiwan (Province of China) | 20.7 | 116.69 | tdos | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tega | Tegal | Indonesia | -6.85 | 109.12 | 295 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tehn | Tehran | Iran | 35.7 | 51.33 | 2464 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tejn | Tejn | Denmark | 55.25 | 14.84 | 1812 | 3579 | 3578 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-tekn | Teknaf | Bangladesh | 20.88 | 92.3 | 137 | 1580 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-tela | Tela Harbor | Honduras | 15.78 | -87.45 | tela | tela | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-telav | Tel Aviv | Israel | 32.08 | 34.77 | 1880, 2147 | 2617 | 2616 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-telc | Telchac | Mexico | 21.34 | -89.31 | telc | telc | 862 | 2178 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-telu | Telukdalam | Indonesia | 0.55 | 97.82 | telu | teda | 913 | 2935 | 2934 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-tema | Tema | Ghana | 5.62 | 0 | tema | 1049 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-temb | Tembilahan | Indonesia | -0.33 | 103.15 | 329 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tene | Tenerife, Santa Cruz | Spain | 28.48 | -16.24 | tene | 228 | 1803, 292, 303 | 2546, 3138 | 2548, 2780 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-teri | Teriberka | Russia | 69.2 | 35.12 | 2028 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-term | Termisa | Brazil | -4.82 | -37.05 | 284 | 1851 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-tern | Terney | Russia | 45.08 | 136.6 | 560 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-terp | Terpiai-tumsa | Russia | 73.55 | 118.67 | 790 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tfan | Fangliao | Taiwan (Province of China) | 22.36 | 120.59 | tfan | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tfug | Fugang | Taiwan (Province of China) | 22.79 | 121.19 | tfug | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tful | Fulong | Taiwan (Province of China) | 25.02 | 121.95 | tful | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tgud | Tangudden GBG Hamn | Sweden | 57.68 | 11.87 | tang | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-thep | Heping Port | Taiwan (Province of China) | 24.3 | 121.76 | thep | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-thes | Thessaloniki | Greece | 40.63 | 22.93 | thes | 373 | 2574, 2575 | 2573 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-thev | Thevenard | Australia | -32.15 | 133.64 | thev | thev | 308 | 128 | 1169, 386 | 649 | 2733 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-thio | Thio | New Caledonia | -21.61 | 166.24 | thio, thio2 | thio | 1538 | 3564 | 3563 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-thou | Houbihu | Taiwan (Province of China) | 21.95 | 120.75 | thou | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-thsi | Hsinchu | Taiwan (Province of China) | 24.85 | 120.92 | thsi | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-thua | Hualien | Taiwan (Province of China) | 23.98 | 121.62 | thua | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-thul | Thule (Pituffik) | Denmark | 76.54 | -68.86 | thul | 343 | 808 | 2169 | 2228, 853, 854 | 2004 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-thur | Thursday Island | Australia | -10.58 | 142.22 | 1570, 1576, 262 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tiba | Tiba | Japan | 35.57 | 140.05 | 1063 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tidb | Tidbinbilla | Australia | -35.4 | 148.98 | 855 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tiks | Tiksi (Tiksi Bukhta) | Russia | 71.67 | 128.75 | 313 | 569 | 856 | 2500 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-tilb | Tilbury | United Kingdom | 51.47 | 0.37 | 335 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tima | Timaru Harbour | New Zealand | -44.38 | 171.25 | 665 | 998 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-timm | Timmiarmiut | Greenland | 62.54 | -42.29 | 2478 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tini | Tinian | Northern Mariana Islands | 14.97 | 145.62 | 698 | 1786 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-tiom | Pulau Tioman | Malaysia | 2.8 | 104.13 | 323 | 1678 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-tjhu | Jhuwei | Taiwan (Province of China) | 25.12 | 121.24 | tjhu | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tjia | Jiangjun | Taiwan (Province of China) | 23.21 | 120.08 | tjia | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tjib | Jibei | Taiwan (Province of China) | 23.74 | 119.61 | tjib | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tjls | Tanjung Lesung | Indonesia | -6.48 | 105.66 | tjls | tanj | 416 | 2941 | 2940 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-tlan | Lanyu | Taiwan (Province of China) | 22.06 | 121.51 | tlan | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tlia | Liao Luo Wan | Taiwan (Province of China) | 24.41 | 118.43 | tlia | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tlin | Linshanbi | Taiwan (Province of China) | 25.28 | 121.51 | tlin | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tlon | Longdong | Taiwan (Province of China) | 25.1 | 121.92 | tlon | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tluk | Lukang | Taiwan (Province of China) | 24.08 | 120.42 | tluk | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tlyu | Lyudao | Taiwan (Province of China) | 22.66 | 121.47 | tlyu | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tmai | Mailiao | Taiwan (Province of China) | 23.79 | 120.16 | tmai | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tmat | Matsu | Taiwan (Province of China) | 26.16 | 119.94 | tmat | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tnan | Nansha Taiping Island | Taiwan (Province of China) | 10.37 | 114.36 | tnan | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tnbl | Tanahbala | Indonesia | -0.53 | 98.5 | tnbl | tana | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-tnpr | Teignmouth Pier | United Kingdom | 50.54 | -3.49 | tnpr | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tntg | Puerto de la Cruz | Spain | 28.42 | -16.55 | 2551 | 2552 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-toama | Toamasina | Madagascar | -18.16 | 49.43 | toam2 | toam | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-toba | Toba | Japan | 34.47 | 136.85 | 1439, 627 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tobe | Tobermory | United Kingdom | 56.62 | -6.06 | tobe | 1491 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-tobi | Tobishima | Japan | 39.19 | 139.55 | 1866 | 616 | 2172 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-toco | Tocopilla_CL | Chile | -22.09 | -70.21 | toco, toco2, toco3 | toc2, toco | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-tofi | Tofino | Canada | 49.15 | -125.91 | tfbc, tofi | tfbc | 156 | 542 | 165 | 2038, 866 | 2249 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-toku | Tokuyama | Japan | 34.03 | 131.8 | 1210, 669 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-toky | Tokyo | Japan | 35.67 | 139.77 | 1222, 1545, 673, 881 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tokyt | Tokyo, Tohyo | Japan | 35.57 | 139.83 | 1949 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tolk | Tolkmicko | Poland | 54.32 | 19.53 | 1208 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-toma | Tomakomai | Japan | 42.63 | 141.63 | 1401 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tomb | Tombouctou | Mali | 16.73 | 357 | 2572 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tong | Tongyeong | South Korea | 34.83 | 128.43 | 1446 | 3122 | 3121 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-topl | Palmas | Brazil | -10.17 | -49.33 | 3085 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-topo | Topolobampo | Mexico | 25.6 | -109.05 | 676 | 793 | 3593 | 3592 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-torr | Torre Del Greco | Italy | 40.78 | 14.37 | 1653 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tors | Torshavn | Denmark | 62.02 | -6.77 | 237 | 839 | 2560, 930 | 2243 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-tort | Tortola | British Virgin Islands | 18.42 | -64.61 | tbvi2, tort | tort | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-tosa | Tosa Shimizu | Japan | 32.78 | 132.97 | tosa | tosa | 815 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-tost | Torres_Strait_AU | Australia | -10.59 | 142.22 | trst | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-toul | Toulon | France | 43.12 | 5.91 | toul, toul2 | toul | 980 | 1852 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-toya | Toyama | Japan | 36.76 | 137.23 | toya | toya | 325 | 349 | 1389 | 802 | 2136 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-tpen | Penghu | Taiwan (Province of China) | 23.56 | 119.58 | tpen | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tpfl | Trident Pier | United States | 28.42 | -80.59 | tpfl | tpfl | 774 | 2123 | 3110, 3111 | 3109 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-tpnj | Tacony Palmyra Brg | United States | 40.01 | -75.04 | tpnj | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-trab | Trabzon | Turkey | 41 | 39.72 | trab | 1927, 800 | 859 | 2219 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-trav | Travemunde | Germany | 53.96 | 10.87 | 13 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-treg | Tregde | Norway | 58 | 7.57 | treg | 321 | 804 | 302 | 2036 | 2262 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-tren | Trenton | United States | 40.19 | -74.76 | 1654 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-treo | Trefoldighedens O | Greenland | 64.28 | -41.38 | 2476 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-trib | Tribeni | India | 22.98 | 88.4 | 1002 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-trin | Trinconmalee | Sri Lanka | 8.56 | 81.2 | trin | trna | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-trind | Trindade Island | Brazil | -20.5 | -29.3 | 265 | 204 | 1385, 1993 | 2885 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-trinr | Trinidad | United States | 41.06 | -124.15 | 1980 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-trnt | Taranto | Italy | 40.48 | 17.22 | TA18, tara1 | 103, 2095 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-trnz | Terneuzen | Netherlands | 51.34 | 3.82 | trnz | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-troi | Trois-rivieres | Canada | 46.33 | -72.55 | 126 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-trom | Tromso | Norway | 69.65 | 18.96 | trom | 680 | 861, 862 | 2224 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-tron | Trondheim | Norway | 63.44 | 10.39 | tron | 1748, 34 | 860 | 2266, 2778 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-trst | Trieste | Italy | 45.65 | 13.76 | TR22 | 340 | 829 | 154, 2099 | 2042 | 2254, 3447 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-truj | Salaverry | Peru | -8.23 | -78.98 | salav | truj | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-trze | Trzebiez | Poland | 53.67 | 14.52 | 1207 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tsaw | Tsawwassen | Canada | 49 | -123.13 | 1341 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tshi | Shihti | Taiwan (Province of China) | 23.49 | 121.51 | tshi | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tshu | Shueitou | Taiwan (Province of China) | 24.42 | 118.29 | tshu | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tsic | Sicao | Taiwan (Province of China) | 23.02 | 120.11 | tsic | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tsim | Tsim Bei Tsui | Hong Kong | 22.49 | 114.01 | 1366 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tskb | Tsukuba Rogue Site | Japan | 36.11 | 140.09 | 863 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tsua | Su-ao | Taiwan (Province of China) | 24.59 | 121.87 | tsua | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tsyu | Syunguangzuei | Taiwan (Province of China) | 21.99 | 120.71 | tsyu | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ttai | Taichung Port | Taiwan (Province of China) | 24.29 | 120.53 | ttai | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tuas | Tuas (West Jurong) | Singapore | 1.28 | 103.67 | 1894 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tuba | Tuban | Indonesia | -6.88 | 112.05 | 348 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tubua | Tubuaï | France | -23.34 | -149.48 | tubua | tubu | 356 | 456 | 2217 | 2268 | 2258 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-tuca | Grand Turk Island | Turks and Caicos Islands | 21.43 | -71.15 | tcgt, tuca | tcgt, tuca | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-tudy | Port-Tudy | France | 47.64 | -3.45 | tudy | 1247 | 3178 | 3160 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-tukt | Tuktoyaktuk | Canada | 69.42 | -132.97 | 1000 | 864 | 2097 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-tule | Tulear | Madagascar | -23.38 | 43.67 | 1058 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tuma | Nantucket Island | United States | 41.28 | -70.1 | tuma | 743 | 1111 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-tumc | Tumaco | Colombia | 1.82 | -78.73 | tumc, tumc2 | tumc | 171 | 303 | 639 | 2047 | 2394 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-turb | Turbo | Colombia | 8.07 | -76.74 | turb | turb | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-turi | Turiamo | Venezuela | 10.45 | -67.85 | 1953 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-turk | Turku / Abo | Finland | 60.43 | 22.1 | 239 | 2591 | 2590 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-turkh | Turkey Point | United States | 29.92 | -84.51 | 1714 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-turt | Turtle Head | Australia | -10.52 | 142.21 | 1749 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tuti | Tuticorin | India | 8.75 | 78.2 | 1072 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tuxp | Tuxpan | Mexico | 20.97 | -97.4 | tuxp, tuxp2 | tuxp | 918 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-tvar | Tvarminne | Finland | 59.85 | 23.25 | 238 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-twai | Waipu | Taiwan (Province of China) | 24.65 | 120.77 | twai | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-twtf | Taoyuan | China | 24.95 | 121.16 | 2472 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-twun | Wungang | Taiwan (Province of China) | 23.47 | 120.12 | twun | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-twus | Wushih | Taiwan (Province of China) | 24.87 | 121.84 | twus | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-txig | Xiaogang | Taiwan (Province of China) | 23.16 | 121.4 | txig | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-txil | Xiao Liuqiu | Taiwan (Province of China) | 22.35 | 120.38 | txil | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tyon | Yongan | Taiwan (Province of China) | 22.82 | 120.2 | tyon | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-tzha | ZhangTanLi | Taiwan (Province of China) | 25.14 | 121.8 | tzha | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-uade | Uadei | Russia | 71.52 | 136.42 | 709 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-uapo | Ua Pou | French Polynesia | -9.36 | -140.05 | UAPO | uapo | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-ubat | Ubatuba | Brazil | -23.5 | -45.12 | 282 | 733 | 2039 | 2347 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-ubin | Ubin | Singapore | 1.42 | 103.93 | 2068 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ubli | Ubli | Croatia | 42.75 | 16.83 | 1718 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-uchi | Uchiura | Japan | 35.02 | 138.89 | 407 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-udde | Uddevalla | Sweden | 58.35 | 11.89 | udde | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-uedi | Uedinenia (Uedinenia Ostrov) | Russia | 77.5 | 82.2 | 707 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ugle | Uglegorsk | Russia | 49.08 | 142.07 | ugle | ugle | 1040 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-ugol | Ugolnaja Bay | Russia | 63.03 | 179.42 | 892 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ugor | Ugorskii Shar (Ugorskii Shar Proliv) | Russia | 69.82 | 60.75 | 622 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ujun | Ujung Pandang | Indonesia | -5.1 | 119.4 | 277 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ulab | Ulaanbataar | Mongolia | 47.67 | 107.05 | 867 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ulci | Ulcinj | Montenegro | 41.92 | 19.2 | 751 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ulla | Ullapool | United Kingdom | 57.9 | -5.16 | ulla | 1112 | 3252 | 3251 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-ulle | Ulleung | South Korea | 37.49 | 130.91 | 1490 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ulsa | Ulsan | South Korea | 35.5 | 129.39 | 997 | 2914 | 2913 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-uluk | Ulukhaktok (Formally Holman) | Canada | 71.23 | -118.27 | 1930 | 698 | 2246 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-umms | Umm Said | Qatar | 24.95 | 51.58 | 1962 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-unoj | Uno | Japan | 34.49 | 133.95 | 812 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-unsa | Salta | Argentina | -24.73 | -65.41 | 868 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-upan | Upang | Indonesia | -2.75 | 104.97 | 327 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-uper | Upernavik harbour | Greenland | 72.79 | -56.15 | uper | 817 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-upmt | Cancun | Mexico | 21.18 | -86.81 | 3007 | 3006 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-upol | Apia_Upolu | Samoa | -13.83 | -171.76 | upol | apia, upol | 401 | 1840, 743 | 831 | 2168 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-urag | Uragami | Japan | 33.56 | 135.9 | 1090 | 3021 | 3020 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-urak | Urakawai | Japan | 42.17 | 142.77 | 1296, 869 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-uran | Urangan | Australia | -25.28 | 153.92 | 2073, 929 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-usce | Usce Neretve | Croatia | 43.02 | 17.45 | 1951 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ushu | Ushuaia | Argentina | -54.82 | -68.22 | ushu | ushu | 181 | 600 | 1271, 1850, 874 | 2506 | 2225, 2759 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-usti | Ustica | Italy | 38.71 | 13.18 | USTI | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ustk | Ust-Kamchatsk | Russia | 56 | 163 | ustk | ustk | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-ustka | Ust Kara | Russia | 69.25 | 64.52 | 600 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ustkw | Ustka | Poland | 54.58 | 16.87 | 182, 644 | 2602 | 2601 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-usto | Ust Olenek | Russia | 73 | 119.87 | 610 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-util | Utila Island | Honduras | 16.1 | -86.89 | util | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-utof | Uto | Finland | 59.78 | 21.37 | 27 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-uwaj | Uwajima | Japan | 33.23 | 132.55 | 1212, 461 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-vaas | Vaasa | Finland | 63.08 | 21.57 | 57 | 871 | 2322 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-vadi | Vadinar | India | 22.45 | 69.68 | 1943 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-vads | Vadso | Norway | 70.07 | 29.75 | 1257 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-vair | Vairao | France | -17.81 | -149.3 | vair | vair | 2242 | 3243 | 3171 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-vald | Valdez | United States | 61.13 | -146.36 | vald, vald2 | vald | 562 | 1353 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-vale | Valencia | Spain | 39.44 | -0.31 | vale | vale | 1813 | 872 | 2190 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-valey | Valentin | Russia | 43.15 | 134.25 | 478 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-valk | Valkarkai | Russia | 70.08 | 170.93 | 792 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-valp | Valparaiso | Chile | -33.03 | -71.63 | sho2, valp, valp2, valp3 | valp | 175 | 81 | 1553, 1648, 499 | 3101, 873 | 2156 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-vanc | Vancouver | Canada | 49.28 | -123.12 | vhbc | vhbc | 175 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-vani | Vanimo | Papua New Guinea | -2.68 | 141.3 | 64 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-vanid | Vanino | Russia | 49.08 | 140.23 | 720 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-vank | Vankarem | Russia | 67.83 | -175.83 | 607 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-vanu | Port Vila | Vanuatu | -17.76 | 168.31 | vanu | porv, vanu | 348 | 46 | 1464, 1841 | 3369, 874 | 2169 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-varb | Varberg | Sweden | 57.11 | 12.24 | varb | 73 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-vard | Vardø | Norway | 70.33 | 31.1 | vard | 323 | 805 | 46, 524 | 3565, 875 | 2264 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-varn | Varna | Bulgaria | 43.18 | 27.92 | 318 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-vati | Vatia, Viti Levu | Fiji | -17.4 | 177.76 | vati | vati | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-vawa | Vancouver | United States | 45.63 | -122.7 | vawa | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-vela | Vela Luka | Croatia | 42.96 | 16.72 | vela | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-veni | Venice | Italy | 45.42 | 12.43 | VE19 | 168, 2100, 218, 39, 87 | 2271, 3154, 876 | 2221, 2273, 2737, 2739 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-vent | Ventspils | Latvia | 57.4 | 21.55 | 40 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-vera | Veracruz | Mexico | 19.19 | -96.12 | vera, vera2 | vera | 212 | 250 | 702 | 2955 | 2872 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-verav | Veraval | India | 20.9 | 70.37 | verav | 31 | 770 | 2803 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-vern | Vernadsky - Faraday | Antarctica | -65.25 | -64.27 | ver1, vern | vern | 188 | 700 | 913 | 2659 | 2658 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-vesl | Vesleskarvet | Antarctica | -71.67 | -2.84 | 877 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-vian | Viana | Portugal | 41.68 | -8.83 | 1482, 1606 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-vibc | Victoria Harbor | Canada | 48.42 | -123.37 | vibc | vibc | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-vict | Victor Harbour | Australia | -35.56 | 138.64 | 1069, 1077 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-vieq | Vieques | United States | 18.09 | -65.47 | vieq, vieq2 | vieq, viqu | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-vies | Vieste | Italy | 41.89 | 16.18 | VI12 | 2087 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-vifo | Vieux Fort | Saint Lucia | 13.72 | -60.95 | stlu4 | stl4 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-vigo | Vigo | Spain | 42.24 | -8.73 | vig2 | 208 | 1898, 483 | 1928 | 2194, 2398 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-vike | Viker | Norway | 59.04 | 10.95 | vike | 1759 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-vikew | Viken | Sweden | 56.14 | 12.58 | vikew | 2110 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-vila | Vilareal | Portugal | 37.18 | -7.42 | 1458 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-vilg | Villagarcia | Spain | 42.6 | -8.77 | vil2 | 1897 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-vill | Villa Sanjurjo | Morocco | 35.25 | -3.92 | 506 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-villg | Villafranca | Spain | 40.44 | -3.95 | 878 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-vils | Vilsandi | Estonia | 58.38 | 21.82 | 322 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ving | Vinga2 | Sweden | 57.63 | 11.61 | vin2 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-vira | Virac, Catanduanes | Philippines | 13.58 | 124.23 | 2150 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-virg | Virginia Beach | United States | 36.85 | -75.97 | 945 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-virk | Virginia Keys | United States | 25.73 | -80.16 | 332 | 1858, 363 | 3035, 3219, 627 | 1981, 2749 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-visb | Visby | Sweden | 57.64 | 18.28 | visb | 2105 | 3566, 879 | 2323 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-visc | Vis-Ceska Vila | Croatia | 43.07 | 16.2 | 1574, 1954 | 2604 | 2603 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-vise | Vise (Vise Ostrov) | Russia | 79.5 | 76.98 | 704 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-vish | Vishakhapatnam | India | 17.68 | 83.28 | vish | vish | 35 | 157 | 414 | 2085 | 2447 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-viti | Suva_Viti_Levu | Fiji | -18.13 | 178.42 | viti | suva, viti | 122 | 18 | 1327, 976 | 849 | 2216 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-vivo | Vivonne Bay | Australia | -36 | 137.18 | 1519 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-vkfl | Vaca Key | United States | 24.72 | -81.11 | vkfl | akfl, vkfl | 1701 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-vlad | Vladivostok | Russia | 43.13 | 131.92 | vlad | vlad | 290 | 2630 | 2629 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-vlis | Vlissingen | Netherlands | 51.44 | 3.6 | vlis | 20 | 2240 | 2239 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-vlrn | Vlakte v/d Raan | Netherlands | 51.5 | 3.24 | vlrn | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-vndp | Vandenberg | United States | 34.56 | -120.62 | vsfb | 545 | 2480 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-vodo | Vodopadnaya | Russia | 51.73 | 157.99 | vodo | vodo | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-volo | Volos | Greece | 39.38 | 22.93 | 424 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-vran | Vrangelia (Vrangelia Ostrov) | Russia | 70.98 | -178.48 | 608 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-vuna | Vung Ang | Vietnam | 18.08 | 106.28 | 651 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-vung | Vung Tau | Vietnam | 10.34 | 107.07 | vung | vtau | 383 | 1495 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-vvik | Vastervik | Sweden | 57.75 | 16.68 | vvik | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-vybo | Vyborg | Russia | 60.7 | 28.73 | 83 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-wagl | Waglan Island | Hong Kong | 22.18 | 114.3 | 1698 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-waia | Waianae | United States | 21.45 | -158.2 | waian | waia | 425 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-waik | Waikelo | Indonesia | -9.39 | 119.22 | waik | waik | 346 | 418 | 2931 | 2903 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-wait | Waitangi | New Zealand | -43.95 | -176.56 | wait | wait | 128 | 79 | 1920 | 1992, 652 | 1973 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-waji | Wajima | Japan | 37.41 | 136.9 | 132 | 782 | 2308 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-waka | Wakkanai | Japan | 45.42 | 141.68 | waka | waka | 324 | 360 | 1103 | 796 | 2106 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-wakah | Wakayama | Japan | 34.22 | 135.15 | 816 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-wake | Wake Island | United States | 19.29 | 166.62 | wake, wake2 | wake, wakx | 105 | 51 | 595 | 2838 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-wall | Mata-Utu (Wallis island) | France | -13.17 | -176.1 | wall | wall | 383 | 3472 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-walt | Walton On The Naze | United Kingdom | 51.85 | 1.27 | 1224, 666 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-walvi | Walvis Bay | Namibia | -22.95 | 14.5 | walvi | walv | 314 | 220 | 914 | 2899 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-wand | Wando | South Korea | 34.32 | 126.76 | 1568 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-wang | Wanganui | New Zealand | -39.95 | 174.98 | 75 | 1621 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-warn | Warnemünde | Germany | 54.17 | 12.1 | warn | 11, 53 | 880 | 2222 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-wava | Wachapreague | United States | 37.6 | -75.6 | wava | wava | 2040 | 2388 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-wbhb | West Bay Harbour | United Kingdom | 50.71 | -2.76 | wbhb | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-wbla | West Bank | United States | 29.78 | -90.42 | wbla | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-wbnc | Wright_Beach | United States | 34.21 | -77.8 | wbnc | wbnc | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-wedg | Wedge Island Mooring | Australia | -35.17 | 136.57 | 1563 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-weet | Weener | Germany | 53.16 | 7.37 | 2541 | 2542 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-weip | Weipa | Australia | -12.67 | 141.87 | 1157, 1167 | 3232 | 3231 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-well | Wells | United States | 43.32 | -70.56 | well | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-west | Westport Harbour | New Zealand | -41.73 | 171.6 | 74 | 1004 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-westa | West St. Modeste | Canada | 51.6 | -56.7 | 1278 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-westb | West Channel Pile | Australia | -38.19 | 144.76 | 1778 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-westq | West-terschelling | Netherlands | 53.36 | 5.22 | ters | 236 | 2035 | 2234 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-westz | West Tuas | Singapore | 1.34 | 103.63 | 1896 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-wewa | Wewak | Papua New Guinea | -3.57 | 143.63 | 63 | 1304, 1620 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-weym | Weymouth | United Kingdom | 50.61 | -2.45 | weym | 1773, 251 | 3261 | 3260 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-whan | Whangarei Harbour (Marsden Point) | New Zealand | -35.76 | 174.35 | 1065 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-whit | Whitby | United Kingdom | 54.49 | -0.61 | whit | 1505 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-whitg | Whit Cacs-acp | Canada | 60.75 | -135.22 | 882 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-whya | Whyalla | Australia | -33.02 | 137.57 | 1367, 1377, 493 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-wick | Wick | United Kingdom | 58.44 | -3.09 | wick | 1109 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-wido | Wido | South Korea | 35.62 | 126.3 | 1628 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-wilb | Willapa Bay, Toke Point | United States | 46.71 | -123.96 | wilb | wilb | 564 | 1354 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-wilh | Wilhelmshaven | Germany | 53.53 | 8.12 | 623 | 2543 | 2544 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-will | Williamstown | Australia | -37.87 | 144.92 | 1170, 93 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-willg | Williams Lake | Canada | 52.24 | -122.17 | 883 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-willm | Willemstad | Curacao | 12.1 | -68.94 | 778 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-willx | Willis Island | Australia | -16.3 | 149.97 | 1978 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-winc | Wilmington | United States | 34.23 | -77.95 | winc | winc | 750 | 396 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-wind | Windhoek | Namibia | -22.57 | 17.09 | 2481 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-wint | Winter Harbour | Canada | 50.51 | -128.03 | whbc, wint | 1799 | 697 | 2164 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-wism | Wismar | Germany | 53.9 | 11.46 | 54, 8 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-wkal | Weeks_Bay | United States | 30.42 | -87.83 | wkal | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-wlad | Wladyslawowo | Poland | 54.8 | 18.42 | 645 | 2041 | 2348 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-wlgt | Wellington Harbour | New Zealand | -41.28 | 174.78 | wlgt | wlgt | 101 | 71 | 221, 500 | 3239, 3286, 898, 923 | 2338, 2752 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-wlms | Bay Waveland Yacht Club | United States | 30.33 | -89.33 | wlms, wlms2 | wlms | 1715, 1884, 2215 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-wlro | Wallaroo | Australia | -33.93 | 137.62 | 1420, 1429 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-wons | Won San | North Korea | 39.17 | 127.45 | 307 | 1007, 371 | 2896 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-wood | Woods Hole | United States | 41.52 | -70.67 | wood, wood2 | woma | 742 | 367 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-work | Workington | United Kingdom | 54.65 | -3.57 | work | 1794 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-wpva | Windmill_Point | United States | 37.62 | -76.29 | wpva | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-wpwa | Westport | United States | 46.91 | -124.11 | wpwa, wpwa2 | wpwa | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-wsdc | Washington | United States | 38.87 | -77.02 | wsdc | wsdc | 360 | 2474, 3284, 3285, 3307, 3531, 870 | 2214 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-wslr | Whistler | Canada | 50.13 | -122.92 | 3340 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-wsrt | Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope | Netherlands | 52.91 | 6.6 | 884 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-wstf | Westford | United States | 42.61 | -71.49 | 881 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-wtzr | Wettzell / Germany | Germany | 49.14 | 12.88 | 885 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-wuda | Khawr Wudam | Oman | 23.82 | 57.52 | wuda | wuda | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-wuhn | Wuhan | China | 30.53 | 114.36 | 886 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-wynd | Wyndham | Australia | -15.45 | 128.1 | 165 | 1116, 1172 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-xiam | Xiamen | China | 24.45 | 118.07 | 247 | 376 | 727 | 2087 | 2449 | [details] | [edit] | ||
SSC-xish | Xi Sha | China | 16.83 | 112.33 | xish | xish | 1745 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-xmas | Christmas Island | Kiribati | 1.98 | -157.47 | xmas | xmas | 146 | 11 | 1371, 801 | 2848 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-yabu | Yabucoa Harbor | United States | 18.06 | -65.83 | yabu, yobu | yabu | 734 | 2212 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-yaiz | Yaizu | Japan | 34.87 | 138.33 | 1438 | 786 | 2142 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-yakt | Seismic Station Yakutsk | Russia | 62.03 | 129.68 | 887 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-yaku | Yakutat | United States | 59.55 | -139.74 | yaku, yaku2 | yaku | 570 | 445 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-yalo | Yalova | Turkey | 40.66 | 29.28 | yalo | 2019 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-yamb | Yamba | Australia | -29.43 | 153.36 | 310 | 3228 | 3227 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-yang | Yang-tsi-kiang | China | 30.82 | 122.63 | 1960 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-yant | Yantai | China | 37.53 | 121.38 | 731 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-yapi | Yap Island | Micronesia | 9.51 | 138.12 | yapi | yapi | 119 | 8 | 1251, 678 | 2842 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-yarg | Yaragadee | Australia | -29.05 | 115.35 | 2493, 2494, 2501, 2554 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-yarm | Yarmouth | Canada | 43.83 | -66.13 | 1158 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-yava | Yavaros | Mexico | 26.7 | -109.52 | 677 | 1290 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-yebe | Yebes | Spain | 40.52 | -3.09 | 2482 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-yell | Yell Cacs-acp | Canada | 62.48 | -114.48 | 889 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-yeon | Yeonggwang | South Korea | 35.43 | 126.42 | 1924 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-yeos | Yeosu | South Korea | 34.75 | 127.77 | 1155 | 2918 | 2917 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-yibl | Yibal | Oman | 22.19 | 56.11 | 2495 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-yksp | Ykspihlaja | Finland | 63.83 | 23.03 | 86 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-yoko | Yokosuka | Japan | 35.29 | 139.65 | 722 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-yokot | Yokohama | Japan | 35.47 | 139.65 | 1400, 2204 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-yosi | Yosioka | Japan | 41.45 | 140.25 | 1596 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-yssk | Yuzhno-sakhalinsk | Russia | 47.03 | 142.72 | 1929 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-ysta | Ystad2 | Sweden | 55.42 | 13.83 | ysta | 72 | [details] | [edit] | |||||
SSC-ytva | Yorktown | United States | 37.23 | -76.48 | ytva | 597 | 2968, 680 | 2357 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-yuzh | Yuzhno Kurilsk | Russia | 44.02 | 145.87 | yuzh | 90 | 546 | 2831 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-zada | Zadar | Croatia | 44.12 | 15.24 | 1577, 1859 | 2598 | 2597, 2777 | [details] | [edit] | ||||
SSC-zamb | Zamboanga, Mindanao | Philippines | 6.9 | 122.07 | 2175, 243 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-zambg | Lusaka | Zambia | -15.43 | 28.31 | 2496 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-zanz | Zanzibar | Tanzania | -6.15 | 39.18 | zanz | zanz | 297 | 151 | 1600 | 2615 | 2614 | [details] | [edit] |
SSC-zapa | Zapara Island | Venezuela | 10.97 | -71.57 | 337 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-zapao | Zaparita | Venezuela | 11.02 | -71.65 | 441 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-zeba | Zeballos | Canada | 49.98 | -126.85 | 1828 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-zeeb | Zeebrugge | Belgium | 51.35 | 3.2 | zldw | 470 | 2990 | 2989 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-zeml | Zemlia Bunge | Russia | 74.88 | 142.12 | 658 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-zhap | Zhapo | China | 21.58 | 111.83 | zhap | zhap | 78 | 635 | 933 | 2828 | [details] | [edit] | |
SSC-zhel | Zhelania (Zhelania Mys) | Russia | 76.95 | 68.55 | 647 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-zhoh | Zhohova (Zhohova Ostrov) | Russia | 76.15 | 152.83 | 937 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-zier | Zierikzee | Netherlands | 51.63 | 3.92 | 35 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-zihu | Zihuatanejo | Mexico | 17.64 | -101.56 | zihu, zihu2 | zihu | 687 | 2177 | [details] | [edit] | |||
SSC-zimm | Zimmerwald L T 88 | Switzerland | 46.88 | 7.47 | 890 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-zirj | Zirje | Croatia | 43.67 | 15.67 | 1578, 1756 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-zkth | Zakynthos | Greece | 37.78 | 20.91 | zkth | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-zulu | Zuluf 104/109 | Saudi Arabia | 28.4 | 49.27 | 1683 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-zwdw | Zeebrugge Wielingendok | Belgium | 51.36 | 3.18 | zwdw | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-zwen | Zwenigorod | Russia | 55.7 | 36.76 | 891 | [details] | [edit] | ||||||
SSC-zygi | Zygi | Cyprus | 34.73 | 33.34 | zygi, zygi1 | zygi | 2162 | [details] | [edit] |